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Rfid tags in texas school boycotted due to religious beliefs

Its not just squirrels, its any animal or bird thats sensitive to radio freqencies. Its easiest to observe the effects on squirrels though, becos they live in urban areas and arent so scared of humans.

Nope, not noticed the squirrels. What are they doing?
Nope, not noticed the squirrels. What are they doing?
Increasingly eratic behavior. If your not doing anything this weekend, go and watch some in your local park. Youll be shocked. Im suprised the RSPCA arent doing something as there very obviously in a lot of distress.
Increasingly eratic behavior. If your not doing anything this weekend, go and watch some in your local park. Youll be shocked. Im suprised the RSPCA arent doing something as there very obviously in a lot of distress.

I see them quite regularly in the woods as they are my dog's favourite pursuit. Not noticed any erratic behaviour - what sort of things though?
such as what? CCTV?
I asked you two questions, will you answer them? Answering a question with a question isn't the way to hold a conversation :)

Let me rephrase them:
Do "they" implant RFID chips into people and do you believe that RFID is the best way to track people
I see them quite regularly in the woods as they are my dog's favourite pursuit. Not noticed any erratic behaviour - what sort of things though?
Lots. Most recent example - I saw 1 yesterday in the garden spinning round and round as if trying to escape from something invisibel.
Lots. Most recent example - I saw 1 yesterday in the garden spinning round and round as if trying to escape from something invisibel.

My dog does that!

The only squirrels I see are travelling in straight lines at speed trying to escape from the dog.
Lots. Most recent example - I saw 1 yesterday in the garden spinning round and round as if trying to escape from something invisibel.
When I was a kid I had a rabbit and he did that just before he died, that's a true story.
Tell me more please?
what effect do you think constant global satelight monitoring has on animals and birds that are sensitive to radio freqencies? Why do you think people have observed more and more eratic behaviour from animals like squirrels since Y2K?

1) Very little that can be statistically shown, although there's plenty of anecdote.

2) Because they're watching for it?
They don't. Hey here's an idea - why not implant the rfid into the skin? Then that would put a stop to that problem.

First you'd need to manufacture a whole world's worth of reasons, justifications and excuses as to why "chipping" people compulsorily would be "the right thing", then you'd need to legislate it, legislate penalties for removal and/or masking (amazingly simple to do with RFID tags, potential library book thieves!) and construct the infrastructure to put the tags into the public worldwide, as well as the infrastructure to monitor everyone, remove deaders from the database, and enter new arrivals onto the database.
Why year Y2K though? Did their chips not reset properly?

If only it were technical, I wouldn't mind, but it's more nutbaggery. Y2K is something you don't want to search CT sites about. There are many more than 2K CTs about the significance of Y2K, and most of them are totally Upminster! :eek:
Its not just squirrels, its any animal or bird thats sensitive to radio freqencies. Its easiest to observe the effects on squirrels though, becos they live in urban areas and arent so scared of humans.

All animals are sensitive to certain frequencies of radio waves. Unfortunately for your premise, most satellites that aren't used for TV or other commercial broadcasting use signals that don't use those wavelengths that affect animals because they're not narrow enough.
such as what? CCTV?

Such as using an active tracking device that broadcasts a signal, as opposed to one that needs to pass a reading device (and to pass it within certain speed and distance parameters). The whole thing with RFID is that it's passive, not active. It's like a barcode: it's there, but it does nothing until a scanner of the right sort scans it for the information imprinted on it - for a barcode, that's item type and price, for an RFID tag, it's "this tag relates to XXXX XXXXX" to which the scanner attaches the computer equivalent of "who has just passed Harrods, Knightsbridge".
Such as using an active tracking device that broadcasts a signal, as opposed to one that needs to pass a reading device (and to pass it within certain speed and distance parameters). The whole thing with RFID is that it's passive, not active. It's like a barcode: it's there, but it does nothing until a scanner of the right sort scans it for the information imprinted on it - for a barcode, that's item type and price, for an RFID tag, it's "this tag relates to XXXX XXXXX" to which the scanner attaches the computer equivalent of "who has just passed Harrods, Knightsbridge".
Don't tell him that until he tells us if he thinks its the best way :mad:
First you'd need to manufacture a whole world's worth of reasons, justifications and excuses as to why "chipping" people compulsorily would be "the right thing", then you'd need to legislate it, legislate penalties for removal and/or masking (amazingly simple to do with RFID tags, potential library book thieves!) and construct the infrastructure to put the tags into the public worldwide, as well as the infrastructure to monitor everyone, remove deaders from the database, and enter new arrivals onto the database.

So, there are two key ways in which you might gain the consent to do something regarded as unpalatable.

The first, is the Hegelian Dialectic (renamed by Icke as Problem-Reaction-Solution). This involves covertly creating a problem, then offering your unpalatable thing as the solution to the problem you created in the first place. See - Al Qaeda, which remains CIA creation.

The second is the stepping-stone approach. It's too much to start microchipping everyone - we aren't going to take it. So you start off bit by bit. Biometrics in passports. National ID register (nearly flew). RFID tags for students. Students particularly good because they will grow up thinking it's normal, so you get the new generation. Criminals. Children. People likely to need medical attention. Then once you have large sections of society already using things, so much easier to make it universal.

Regarding the RFID chips in the case being passive, don't think for an instant that that means future chips are being limited to being passive. What they are looking for is to successfully introduce tagging to the school - using active chips will cost more, might potentially be less reliable, and perhaps more likely to give students the jitters.

This is all happening.
Do you have a mobile phone? Clearly superior bugging & tracking technology at this point in time.

Not as much fun to wibble hysterically about though.

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