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Rfid tags in texas school boycotted due to religious beliefs

I bet the people who moan about RFID tags all carry mobile phones and have facebook, twatter and all that other bullshit.
Yeah, but you're forgetting how the Black Helicopter® legions of the New World Order are equipped with weapons that fire miniaturised rfid tags into people, which those people will mistake for a bee sting or other insect bite, when actually it's the mark of the Beast©.

Really, 'rax, I thought you knew this stuff, what with working in the health services!
I probably did once. But ever since I started spotting chemtrails over the area I've noticed portions of my memory are absent. :(
No, the school district didn't say they were compulsory (they have no powers of compulsion, not even for attendance), they claimed (unconstitutionally) that you couldn't attend school without wearing one, which are the grounds on which they're being taken to court, you eye-rolling gimp.
oh wake up you fool. If they can do it with a school then the next step is all students. Thank god there are some students willing to stand up against it. Curiously you seem to be in favour of them standing up for their rights while pooh-poohing their concerns.
oh wake up you fool. If they can do it with a school then the next step is all students. Thank god there are some students willing to stand up against it. Curiously you seem to be in favour of them standing up for their rights while pooh-poohing their concerns.
These tags do not tell anyone where the person is, they tell where the tag is, so if a student gives their ID card to someone else what happens?
oh wake up you fool.

Could you be more clichéd than taking the position of the open-eyed visionary attempting to warn the fools and sheeple? :facepalm:

If they can do it with a school then the next step is all students.

The fact is that they can't legally do it. Even having done it in a single school district doesn't introduce a legal precedent for it to be done elsewhere.

Thank god there are some students willing to stand up against it. Curiously you seem to be in favour of them standing up for their rights while pooh-poohing their concerns.[/quote]

I'm happy to stand up for your legal rights, while pooh-poohing your concerns. Nothing curious about it - I approve of elected bodies not exceeding their mandate, and being reined in if they try. I don't approve of people shrieking "yea and verily 'tis the mark of the Beast!" about a piece of technology when they could have said "excuse me, this passive tracking tag contravenes my rights to free movement, how about I sue your arse?".
oh wake up you fool. If they can do it with a school then the next step is all students. Thank god there are some students willing to stand up against it. Curiously you seem to be in favour of them standing up for their rights while pooh-poohing their concerns.
Theres no use trying to convince sheeple Jazzz. Either there part of it, or they have been conditiond to accept it without question. Theyll never be part of the solution, not matter how much EVIDENCE you put right in front of there FACES.
I don't approve of people shrieking "yea and verily 'tis the mark of the Beast!" about a piece of technology when they could have said "excuse me, this passive tracking tag contravenes my rights to free movement, how about I sue your arse?".

We already knew that the schools are possessed by the devil. This is...."Aha! Proof!"
Theres no use trying to convince sheeple Jazzz. Either there part of it, or they have been conditiond to accept it without question. Theyll never be part of the solution, not matter how much EVIDENCE you put right in front of there FACES.
The "EVIDENCE" is that the tag is recorded not the person :)
Theres no use trying to convince sheeple Jazzz. Either there part of it, or they have been conditiond to accept it without question. Theyll never be part of the solution, not matter how much EVIDENCE you put right in front of there FACES.

Go fuck a sheep(le), you nutbar.
The "EVIDENCE" is that the tag is recorded not the person :)
Why would they need too right down the name of the person, when they can track them via satelight WHENEVER THEY WANT? They can see who it is WHENEVER THEY WANT!

We already knew that the schools are possessed by the devil. This is...."Aha! Proof!"

It's all a bit "Goody Johnson communes with the Devil every thursday evening via the medium of farting", without taking into account that thursday's dinner contains onions, and that they make the Goodwife flatulent. :)
Why would they need too right down the name of the person, when they can track them via satelight WHENEVER THEY WANT? They can see who it is WHENEVER THEY WANT!

They can track the RFID chip, how do they know who has that chip at the time?

If you give your ID to a friend what happens then?

They can track the RFID chip, how do they know who has that chip at the time?

If you give your ID to a friend what happens then?
You can't track an RFID tag by satellite, Brainiac. :facepalm:
They can see all of us whenever they want! Satelight camras track us all the time - why do you think there are more than 3000 of them? They can tell whos got the RFID chip just by LOOKING at them!

How do you explain the way squirrels behave these days otherwise?
Theres no use trying to convince sheeple Jazzz. Either there part of it, or they have been conditiond to accept it without question. Theyll never be part of the solution, not matter how much EVIDENCE you put right in front of there FACES.
Ha ha! Which poster is this then? Naughty.
The other week Jazzz posted some study saying that AD's don't work. I read the study and it didn't say anything like that. In fact it said quite explicitly that ADs are very beneficial :D

He is not just a conspiracy theorist he's a muppet with the potential to cause people great harm. Imagine if he was a father? Feed his bairn bleach.
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