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Rfid tags in texas school boycotted due to religious beliefs

Damn right "it wasn't good enough". Why the hell should children be expected to wear pretend RFID badges? How on earth can you quote such an obviously insane proposition, and think it unreasonable to reject?

"Picking on the hardest case does not bring the others into line if the others are still allowed not to wear the tag." well, this is somewhat simplistic, but the point is you don't want mass rebellion. You want to introduce your new somewhat difficult-to-palate thing slyly, like the supposed boiling frog that doesn't notice the water temperature creeping up. So to start with, you just get heavy with the anti-campaigners, those who dissent strongly. You don't force 100% compliance. Control those guys, then with that achieved, you can later turn the screw on the softies. This is how you do it.

I note that you dont seem interested in my main point on this thread, which is that batshit 'religious' objections are not a helpful way to highlight and fight the broader issue.

As for compliance, being sly when getting people to accept stuff, thats one of the main reasons I mentioned mobile phones. Although education does have an indoctrination aspect to it, when it comes to tracking technology I really dont think that normalising it at school is the main way they can get people to sleepwalk into new orwellian nightmares. Rather, this is achieved as a by-product of technological progress in general, and by giving people positive reasons to welcome the technology. The combination of GPS & internet in phones is a great example of this, people really like the upsides of this technology. Its a concern, just as a raft of other privacy issues are today, but I dont think its one that will be successfully addressed by people being hysterical about it.

However there are a number of ways in which the most totalitarian possibilities of technology can be thwarted. For a start people do love to subvert things, and under a number of scenarios it is very easy to imagine people thwarting the powers that be and their tech of the day, if they have good reason to. But to address this properly you need to look at the specific political context in which problems could arise. Absolute freedom of every sort has always been a myth, and abstract concepts rarely get the blood boiling on their own, examples of grotesque application of such stuff that captures the public imagination and makes then think 'this could happen to me' are required. Sorry to dissapoint you but the paranoid CT'ers arent enough on their own to effect this kind of change, any advantage you think they may have by being prepared to accept and exaggerate the worst case scenarios are negated by their obvious disconnect from demonstrable reality and the impotence that comes with it. There is no need to kill, imprison or discredit such people because they are more than capable of discrediting themselves. Once in a blue moon they may latch onto something that does have a greater resonance with people beyond the paranoid core, but hold your breath for that and you are just wasting your time, and more reasonable, coherent and balanced people are likely to steal the thunder anyway, ensuring the CTers are as irrelevant to change as ever.

To give an example, I dont believe there is any point in parping on about implanted technology at this point, and not just because the tech isn't ready yet. There are a range of new psychological barriers that present themselves when dealing with implanted technology, and we have no idea how well people will take to such ideas. There is a fair chance people will reject it, it crosses a line and may lead to a similar backlash that only the CT'ers get worked up about at this point. Hell we dont even yet know whether certain wearable forms of computing such as google glasses are going to win people over, so whats the point jumping ahead. People like to have the choice to leave something behind, and that choice is lost with implanted stuff, although if it ever happened I'm sure those with a need to subvert the tech would find a way.

Do you have a smartphone?

In which case they're misnamed, as RFID has only ever been passive. That's the whole idea - no independent power source needed. What the article is talking about is an active broadcast device.

And guess what? Any kid with some aluminium or copper foil, or a battery, some copper wire and a magnet can still kill it.
I said - expect the technology to improve, and possibly it exists already. Which of course meant - as quite possibly to overcome the obstacles you talk about. You are so obsessed with disagreeing with whatever I say that you contradict yourself. What you really are trying to say is: the technology has reached a ceiling which is already in the public domain. I say - utter bullcrap.

I say "don't put words in my mouth, there's a good boy".
I also say "I disagree with you because you spew uninformed crap around, not because I'm obsessed with disagreeing with you". People like you, with your gullibility, and your frankly-scary willingness to believe any old shit, are dangerous/
I further say "I haven't claimed that technology has reached a ceiling. I said that we've reached the limits as far as the abilities of current materials are concerned, that there are two choices: A larger shielded device, or a smaller unshielded device".

There, that's straightforward enough even for you.

Already you have been shown to make false assumptions about the nature of this RFID.

Yes, because you know better now an article which misapplies the name has told you better. :facepalm:
In which case they're misnamed, as RFID has only ever been passive. That's the whole idea - no independent power source needed. What the article is talking about is an active broadcast device.

Thats just not true, passive RFID is much better known to the public because its so much cheaper so has been used in retail a lot, but active RFID technology has been around a long time.
By the by, a question for CTers: right, this one that's about to enslave us is some sort of tag malarky. Before that it was vaccines... barcodes.... dunno, chain letters, lumphammers. What happened, did those technologies achieve the goals of the NWO? Did they succeed - or did we fight the threat off?
You can still buy tin foil in shops. /thread

^^Edited for spelling. :facepalm: :D
Thats just not true, passive RFID is much better known to the public because its so much cheaper so has been used in retail a lot, but active RFID technology has been around a long time.

My mistake. I was told (a long time ago when I worked in a bookshop), and the little square labels were being pioneered over here that RFID was passive-only, that the whole idea was to dispose of the bulk a transmitting tag would require.

E2A: Apologies too, to Jazzz, on this point.
By the by, a question for CTers: right, this one that's about to enslave us is some sort of tag malarky. Before that it was vaccines... barcodes.... dunno, chain letters, lumphammers. What happened, did those technologies achieve the goals of the NWO? Did they succeed - or did we fight the threat off?
Im not a CTer, Im just intrested in the TRUTH. But Ill answer your question anyway! :)

I dont know anything about chain letters and lumphammers (whats a lumphammer?) but barcodes were the 1st step in the JOURNEY to embedded chips. "Jazzz" has already posted some stuff about how its an incrimental process and hes right. Getting people used too barcodes was 1 of the first steps. Getting everone to carry smartphones was one of the more resent ones. The RFID chips are part of the same thing. The ultimat goal is to be able to control everyone by influensing there brainwaves - whitch CAN be done with EXISTING TECHNOLOGIES!

dont know what you mean about vaccines. There just injections to stop people getting measels and stuff. If the NWO were doing anything with vaccines itd be 2 STOP people having them!
Wow a proper tin foil hatter. Thats not the truth, its a paranoid delusion. People can be influenced, but not on the level you suggest. For example television influences people via its content, not the radio waves.
Jazzz this is your chance to show us where you draw the line, what do you think about the control of brainwaves stuff pink lobe just mentioned?
Currently on the market there are 3 types of RFID tags, Active ( range about 100 meters), semi-passive and passive (max distance about 10 meters). Some are read write but most are read only. There is the capability for RFID tags to use the mobile phone network.

But RFID is old hat and can not currently be used to track people all over the place as some here seem to be claiming, it is far to easy to interfere with and can also be passed person to person so there is no way to remotely know who has position of the tag.
Whilst this may be a comedy dup account, I think it's gone on long enough eh?
wtf? how on earth do you assume that it's a double account? And I see no "comedy". This is not 'moderation'. I can't believe how you let a poster like ViolentPanda abuse incessantly, to the point where it's accepted behaviour, but pinklobe gets summarily banned for absolutely no reason at all.

Please unban.
wtf? how on earth do you assume that it's a double account? And I see no "comedy". Please reinstate, this is an abuse of moderation.
I know exactly which member registered it and has been using it.

Oh but hey if you want they can go back to taking the piss out out of you really obviously with it. Wait, no they can't.
San Antonio's Northside Independent School District (NISD) as featured in the OP. :rolleyes:
s/he (didn't read article) does NOT have to attend NISD, it's a choice made re: the education and proof of it s/he wants, so it's not imposed it's a condition of getting what s/he wants out of it.
now begone.
as soon as we have wikipedia wired into our brains pub quizzes are going to be dead
could have done with one 2 weeks ago (but won tonight :) )
s/he (didn't read article) does NOT have to attend NISD, it's a choice made re: the education and proof of it s/he wants, so it's not imposed it's a condition of getting what s/he wants out of it.
now begone.

Oh right, children don't have to go to school. That's really not the solution here is it? begone yourself!
I note that you dont seem interested in my main point on this thread, which is that batshit 'religious' objections are not a helpful way to highlight and fight the broader issue.
Well no, I think you are quite mistaken. I think the objector you are referring to (who clearly is doing a great deal to put a spanner in the works) is utterly serious in the claim that wearing the tag would be contrary to her christianity. That is the only aspect to be judged.

Similarly, it doesn't do any harm for the legalisation of cannabis movement to point out that the herb has religious significance for Rastafari, though you might also suggest that it is 'batshit' to claim that god asks Rastafari to get stoned on weed.
Forget the religious reasons, I'd refuse to wear it because fuck off.
Why? I assume when you were at school you replyed when they annotated the attendance register. It's just an automated way of doing the same thing, I was under the assumption that teachers were supposed to be there to teach, preferably without having to waste 10-15 min of filling in paperwork.

How many folk, like me, go to work where they need to carry a passcard to access the building? Guess what, you are using a RFID to do EXACTLY the same thing as the school wanted this kid to do. Even better, if the building security relied on these it would have made killings like the Connecticut shooting more difficult (not impossible, locks don't survice high velocity bullet impacts very well... but it would have delayed him)
Yes, a constant radio tracking device is EXACTLY the same thing as signing a register. Or using a passcard to get in. AND IT STOPS YOU GETTING SHOT OMG YOU WANT CHILDREN TO BE SHOT.

Fucking hell.
RFIDs are not a 'constant radio tracking device'. They are short ranged and only work when scanned, they generally don't have their own power source. Kindly don't take the piss when I simply mention a potential bonus, your capitalised comment is a strawman, I never suggested that if you were against RFIDs being used in this way that you 'want children to be shot'. The main thrust of the arguement against RFID use is that they are used for constantly tracking movement in some Orwellian big brother scenario, my point is that they aren't designed to do that.
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