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Regional anti-cuts organising

Lambeth Save our Services

Next Action meetings
6pm Thursday 16 September 2010
6pm Thursday 7 October 2010
Vida Walsh Centre, opposite Windrush Square

The millionaire government is taking an axe to much needed public services and attempting to take away our welfare state.

They are cutting:

• At least 25% from councils which provide vital services like housing, libraries, parks, day centres and much more
• Benefits for the poor, parents and the elderly
• School building programmes and services for children

We are a broad based campaign bringing together community groups, trade unions, pensioners and Lambeth residents to fight have every job cut and every service cut.
don't think many people would argue with that

but the last time tories really took the piss it ended in the streets and it is very likely to again

bunch of kids want to have a pop at the filth and try to force their way to the conference good fucking luck to them, it'll set the tone nicely
don't think many people would argue with that

but the last time tories really took the piss it ended in the streets and it is very likely to again

bunch of kids want to have a pop at the filth and try to force their way to the conference good fucking luck to them, it'll set the tone nicely

The Tories took the piss repeatedly in the 80s and early 90s , it ended up in them taking on one union at a time no national action by the TUC or labour. They also took on the one Council that decided to try and fight. They also took on the CND/Peacemovement. If you are referring to the Poll tax riot that was one day out of hundreds and hundreds in which local people campaigned against the poll tax their in local communities .The riot very often makes people forget all that hard unglamourous work which was tyhe real backbone of resistance and equally some juvenile token gesture in which a 'bunch of kids want to have a pop at the filth and try to force their way to the conference' will probaly have the same effect .
The poll tax riots did cause some concern to the powers that be, they do require a certain amount of stability and security in order to carry out their business as usual.

But I would suspect that grannies going to jail rather than pay the poll tax was a larger factor in seeing that tax successfully resisted.
To all those who live and work in LB Haringey: The next meeting of the The Haringey Alliance for Public Services will be on 22nd Septembeer, 7.30, at North London Community House, Moorefield Rd, nr BRuce grove, Tottenham, N17
The Tories took the piss repeatedly in the 80s and early 90s , it ended up in them taking on one union at a time no national action by the TUC or labour. They also took on the one Council that decided to try and fight. They also took on the CND/Peacemovement. If you are referring to the Poll tax riot that was one day out of hundreds and hundreds in which local people campaigned against the poll tax their in local communities .The riot very often makes people forget all that hard unglamourous work which was tyhe real backbone of resistance and equally some juvenile token gesture in which a 'bunch of kids want to have a pop at the filth and try to force their way to the conference' will probaly have the same effect .

yeah yeah, hardwork, backbone, grassroots all good

but I'm inclined to say lets drop this ned flanders worthy bullshit and support people in fighting the cunts any which way they want to, it's all good and we're all on the same side
yeah yeah, hardwork, backbone, grassroots all good

but I'm inclined to say lets drop this ned flanders worthy bullshit and support people in fighting the cunts any which way they want to, it's all good and we're all on the same side

Except you aren't fighting the cuts you are playing at it . No thanks.
I'm going to the RTW demo.

I also
attend my local residents association meetings
am helping with Bracknell and Reading save our services campaigns
organising the young members section of my union
am the union rep for my union in my workplace
am going to the local green party meeting tonight quite a good local branch and councillor to get support for anti cuts organising
working with other trade unionists to restart Reading Trades Council on Saturday
have helped organise a local demonstration against cuts at the local hospital

Tell me, 39th step, am I 'playing' at opposing the cuts, or putting in enough 'hard work' for you?
Lambeth Save our Services

Next Action meetings
6pm Thursday 16 September 2010
6pm Thursday 7 October 2010
Vida Walsh Centre, opposite Windrush Square

The millionaire government is taking an axe to much needed public services and attempting to take away our welfare state.

They are cutting:

• At least 25% from councils which provide vital services like housing, libraries, parks, day centres and much more
• Benefits for the poor, parents and the elderly
• School building programmes and services for children

We are a broad based campaign bringing together community groups, trade unions, pensioners and Lambeth residents to fight have every job cut and every service cut.

Arrived at 17:50 at Vida W centre; waited forty minutes. Nobody could find the key. Everyone piled across the road to the Unison office; lack of wheelchair access forced me to go home.

Keep me posted as to what happened; and, when the next Lambeth SOS meeting is taking place, please.
I'm going to the RTW demo.

I also
attend my local residents association meetings
am helping with Bracknell and Reading save our services campaigns
organising the young members section of my union
am the union rep for my union in my workplace
am going to the local green party meeting tonight quite a good local branch and councillor to get support for anti cuts organising
working with other trade unionists to restart Reading Trades Council on Saturday
have helped organise a local demonstration against cuts at the local hospital

Tell me, 39th step, am I 'playing' at opposing the cuts, or putting in enough 'hard work' for you?

you're obviously a class traitor and when the glorious day comes etc
tbh, i have some sympathy with 39steps view though, i mean demo outside the tory conference does strike me a bit of gesture politics/typical swappie stunt
theres a good chance i'll go though having said all that mind you ;)
I'm going to the RTW demo.

I also
attend my local residents association meetings
am helping with Bracknell and Reading save our services campaigns
organising the young members section of my union
am the union rep for my union in my workplace
am going to the local green party meeting tonight quite a good local branch and councillor to get support for anti cuts organising
working with other trade unionists to restart Reading Trades Council on Saturday
have helped organise a local demonstration against cuts at the local hospital

Tell me, 39th step, am I 'playing' at opposing the cuts, or putting in enough 'hard work' for you?

If you think that smokedout's position that a few kids kicking off with the police at the Tory party conference is a way to fight the cuts and to successfully defend public services then you are not just playing but seriously deluded. His position is that any 'action' is valid however useless, tokenistic and gesture based , my position is that I want to stop the cuts and therefore advocate the most successful tactics to do that. From what you are saying you do you don't appear agree with his position, what you are trying to do is justify the RTW demo.

The key to a successful national campaign is the how well organised local campaigns are ,in other words the strength from below.The level of local rank and file organisation in my view is what will be crucial. Otherwise we will simply be back into a few token national demos and lobbies with no effective action locally.A couple of succesful victories in stopping some local cuts will be far more important than a day out at the Tories conference.

In the 80s I went on loads of demos at Tory Party conferences and had a good day out but that is essentially what they were. An opportunity to meet others form across he country and share ideas and build links but hat isn't a substiitute for building locally and taking effective local action. You can't do that as you appear to be aware without that local hard slog. Substituting that for a few stunts and the theatrics of 'kicking off' with the police is shorcut to defeat.
If you think that smokedout's position that a few kids kicking off with the police at the Tory party conference is a way to fight the cuts and to successfully defend public services then you are not just playing but seriously deluded. His position is that any 'action' is valid however useless, tokenistic and gesture based , my position is that I want to stop the cuts and therefore advocate the most successful tactics to do that.

no, my position is that even if an action isn't tactically 'pure' and likely to be all that effective we should support those taking it rather than moralising from the sidelines, because next time they might do something better rather than feel alienated and give up

In the 80s I went on loads of demos at Tory Party conferences and had a good day out but that is essentially what they were. An opportunity to meet others form across he country and share ideas and build links but hat isn't a substiitute for building locally and taking effective local action.

precisely, they have value even if only as a morale boost

Substituting that for a few stunts and the theatrics of 'kicking off' with the police is shorcut to defeat.

where on earth did I say it was an either or thing?
alleged street stall in Cardiff on Sat 25 - 9am-4 St John's Square (outside market)
demo at Senedd on Weds 20 Oct

joint WTUC mobilisation meeting at temple of peace, Cathays Park on the cuts with Martin Mansfield, Hether Wakefield and a PCS speaker apparently, Weds 29 Sept 11am - 3.30 with lunch

no links yet sorry!
If you think that smokedout's position that a few kids kicking off with the police at the Tory party conference is a way to fight the cuts and to successfully defend public services then you are not just playing but seriously deluded. His position is that any 'action' is valid however useless, tokenistic and gesture based , my position is that I want to stop the cuts and therefore advocate the most successful tactics to do that. From what you are saying you do you don't appear agree with his position, what you are trying to do is justify the RTW demo.

The key to a successful national campaign is the how well organised local campaigns are ,in other words the strength from below.The level of local rank and file organisation in my view is what will be crucial. Otherwise we will simply be back into a few token national demos and lobbies with no effective action locally.A couple of succesful victories in stopping some local cuts will be far more important than a day out at the Tories conference.

In the 80s I went on loads of demos at Tory Party conferences and had a good day out but that is essentially what they were. An opportunity to meet others form across he country and share ideas and build links but hat isn't a substiitute for building locally and taking effective local action. You can't do that as you appear to be aware without that local hard slog. Substituting that for a few stunts and the theatrics of 'kicking off' with the police is shorcut to defeat.

i heartly concur comrade. Are we looking at stockport to lead by example?

The tone of your argument seems to be:
- tell people they're doing it wrong
- tell them how they should be doing it
- blame them for your failure to build an effective campaign

Let the kids have their day out in Brum, surely that isn't going to get in the way of others building locally and taking effective local action?
If what's important is a couple of succesful victories in stopping some local cuts, why not just get on with it, instead of telling the Brum kids how ineffective their activities are?

I would have thought the biggest obstacle to any effective campaign is leftist parties charging in and diverting people towards their particular agenda?
don't think many people would argue with that

but the last time tories really took the piss it ended in the streets and it is very likely to again

bunch of kids want to have a pop at the filth and try to force their way to the conference good fucking luck to them, it'll set the tone nicely
it may also damage chances of building broad-based resistance
Let's be honest, if you want to gain support for your ideas then rioting, albeit sometimes understandable, isn't the right way to go about it.
i heartly concur comrade. Are we looking at stockport to lead by example?

The tone of your argument seems to be:
- tell people they're doing it wrong
- tell them how they should be doing it
- blame them for your failure to build an effective campaign

Let the kids have their day out in Brum, surely that isn't going to get in the way of others building locally and taking effective local action?
If what's important is a couple of succesful victories in stopping some local cuts, why not just get on with it, instead of telling the Brum kids how ineffective their activities are?

I would have thought the biggest obstacle to any effective campaign is leftist parties charging in and diverting people towards their particular agenda?

Reminds me of a script from The Young Ones
The key to a successful national campaign is the how well organised local campaigns are ,in other words the strength from below.The level of local rank and file organisation in my view is what will be crucial. Otherwise we will simply be back into a few token national demos and lobbies with no effective action locally.A couple of succesful victories in stopping some local cuts will be far more important than a day out at the Tories conference.

In the 80s I went on loads of demos at Tory Party conferences and had a good day out but that is essentially what they were. An opportunity to meet others form across he country and share ideas and build links but hat isn't a substiitute for building locally and taking effective local action.

Has anybody argued that it is?

I don't understand this polarisation of national and local, as if you can have one without the other. Surely these things feed into eachother?
Arrived at 17:50 at Vida W centre; waited forty minutes. Nobody could find the key. Everyone piled across the road to the Unison office; lack of wheelchair access forced me to go home.

Keep me posted as to what happened; and, when the next Lambeth SOS meeting is taking place, please.

The people who run the hall didn't turn up to open it up. Urrrrrgh!!!

Apparently the meeting went well (over 30 people to a planning meeting is pretty good). There were various actions agreed and will find out what they are and feed back and give the date of the next meeting. The SWP were up to their usual sectarianism apparently but SOS is already big enough to mean it shouldn't make much of a difference.
Let's be honest, if you want to gain support for your ideas then rioting, albeit sometimes understandable, isn't the right way to go about it.

well the website is pretty explicit in tone, so you either go or don't go on that understanding. It doesn't really give any political background about the nature of their ideas, and demo isn't even about fighting the tory cuts (it's about fighting the tories).

Point is how does a day out in brum by a bunch of kids who want, in the words of The39thStep "a good day out... An opportunity to meet others form across he country and share ideas and build links" is somehow getting in the way of local grassroots anti-cuts groups?
well the website is pretty explicit in tone, so you either go or don't go on that understanding. It doesn't really give any political background about the nature of their ideas, and demo isn't even about fighting the tory cuts (it's about fighting the tories).

Point is how does a day out in brum by a bunch of kids who want, in the words of The39thStep "a good day out... An opportunity to meet others form across he country and share ideas and build links" is somehow getting in the way of local grassroots anti-cuts groups?

If a movement becomes associated with what normal people will perceive as thuggery, then obviously this will have an impact.
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