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Red Dead Redemption 2

Still on early stages of the game but wondering what are some good ways to level up dead eye. At the moment I'm taking the odd pot shot at birds. Can't seem to hit two on the same dead eye, but wonder if I need to level it up before I can do that.

Also totally failed to tame a wild horse after a several attempts, so got fustrated and shot it. See my reputation went down for that. I wonder why you can't eat horse meat?
I played a bit last night. It does look gorgeous. I got a bit annoyed with it, just opened up the first town bit and I nudged somebody with my horse and then he started a fight, so I knocked him out and then somebody else reported me to the cops cos I looted the body and then they were chasing me and I was like, this is GTA but with horses.

Anyway. I think I'm playing it wrong. I think I should just forget about missions and instead go riding, hunting and picking flowers - which is basically why I bought it. And just see the story as a way of opening up new flower supplies. I want to be a weird mountain man who doesn't speak to anybody else for years and just rides around the countryside. So that is what I am going to do from now on I think.
I played a bit last night. It does look gorgeous. I got a bit annoyed with it, just opened up the first town bit and I nudged somebody with my horse and then he started a fight, so I knocked him out and then somebody else reported me to the cops cos I looted the body and then they were chasing me and I was like, this is GTA but with horses.

Anyway. I think I'm playing it wrong. I think I should just forget about missions and instead go riding, hunting and picking flowers - which is basically why I bought it. And just see the story as a way of opening up new flower supplies. I want to be a weird mountain man who doesn't speak to anybody else for years and just rides around the countryside. So that is what I am going to do from now on I think.
I payed the game all through once and now play the online multiplayer. The map is a wonder to explore when you first get it and there's plenty to do without playing the story. The story is quite good though and will probably drag you in.
jebus the prologue is long

don't help that i'm wondering around visiting places in new austin but still

Well was

*shakes fist at xbox live *

Well tends on how much you get into collecting horse

but a few extra items and the war horse at the start are very handy

I really like the war horse and had it thru the entire game

so completed RD2 epilogue

that was 14 months of on and off entertainment for 40 bucks

btw Rockstar make some fucking single player DLC :D

With Sadie Adler or Dutch FFS

if you are unwilling to do Zombies

so completed RD2 epilogue

that was 14 months of on and off entertainment for 40 bucks

btw Rockstar make some fucking single player DLC :D

With Sadie Adler or Dutch FFS

if you are unwilling to do Zombies


That's a coincidence, I've just started a new game this afternoon due to this splendid isolation. Finished it the first time in July last year, it's even better the 2nd time around.
I've bought this and I'm through to the lowlands but I'm struggling to get into it so far. What should I be prioritising? e.g. story, building the camp upgrades, collecting something?
I've bought this and I'm through to the lowlands but I'm struggling to get into it so far. What should I be prioritising? e.g. story, building the camp upgrades, collecting something?

I say wander about for a bit you get dragged into the story line as it progresses

saying that maybe only if you want to drop around 400 hours into the game

:D :facepalm:
I keep wandering about a bit then realise I've spent two hours looking at sunsets and weather.

That's the beauty of this game. I love riding to the next mission then being sidetracked by some random event like a safe robbery or someone getting kidnapped.

The bounty hunting missions are ace too, head to the Sheriff's office in whichever town you're in and pick up the posters off the wall.
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