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Red Dead Redemption 2

This is the best game I have ever played.

Just stunning, the story, the characters, the graphics.

View attachment 245537

Inspired by this I thought i'd give it another go. I enjoyed it previously but as an impatient FPS gamer spent way too much time riding a horse without the tyre burning, speed thrills of GTA.

Getting back into it. Just got involved with Rhodes, the Greys and Braithwaites.

Any tips or tricks are welcome as it all feels a bit slow to me at the moment.

I really want to love it and it is beautiful (Mlle. Fire says it freaks her out as it looks so real), but the interminable horse riding is getting me down.
Cheers Dandred. I’m on PS4 so will have a look at what I need to press for that.

Just did a bank and now have some money. :cool:
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ffs - bought this in the steam sale - but it needs waaaaayyy more memory than my pc can provide. So will have to shell out on extra harddrive before indulging.. grrr
Fianlly finished this. Wow, going to be hard to find something quite this enjoyable and engaging.

I only started it a couple of weeks back, just getting into it.

I can't helping thinking the thing with the sheep rustling will end badly
I decided to buy this on steam, it was on sale so why not. Been having som eissues and had to get a steam refund.

I bought GTAV years ago, haven't actually played it in eight years, bought RDR2 yesterday on steam, installed the tried to set up my RS account, it told me the email account associated with my account, which was an email I have never used. Created a new account, and now it's saying I can't start the games as my new rockstar account isn't the one connected to steam.
It seem someone took over my rockstar account, the ending letters of the email address where .ru
I contacted rockstar and no help offered, so now i can't play either GTAV or RDR2.

Anyone else had any similar issue, Rockstar customer service seems to be non existent.
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Thinking about playing this again so I checked out whether anyone was streaming it on Twitch - turns out there is now a very lively role-play community in Red Dead Online, with dozens of specially modded servers with players putting on dodgy wild west accents in proximity chat, player housing, and complex rules about how you have to behave to avoid punishment by the role-playing lawmen. :eek:
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