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Recommend me a winter coat

I've got lots of warm coats that are too warm - happy to send you one if you like.

They all work with other clothes - presuming you have no sense of self respect. :thumbs:
Preferably it will:

Be black or navy at a push
Have a lining
Be under 100 quid
Be long
Work with jeans and trainers
Be hoodless
Be wool either wholly or partially
Be unusual

Most of that is duffel coat. But hoodless? Why? Hoods rock.
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Most of that is duffel coat. But hoodless? Why? Hoods rock.

I'm from Canada - the land of ice and snow - so a hood is essential.

Only downside to a hood is that you usually don't put it up until it snows. If you delay putting it up, when you do, it is full of snow :eek:

Recently I got me one with a faux-fur type of lining around the edges of the hood. It is wonderful because it stops the wind from attacking your face.
Preferably it will:

Be black or navy at a push
Have a lining
Be under 100 quid
Be long
Work with jeans and trainers
Be hoodless
Be wool either wholly or partially
Be unusual


This fails on the “wool” front, but is a damn good coat and way better than the price would imply:

Have you got a good second hand or charity shop near you? I've got a nice overcoat that fits most of those specifications I got for about £20 in a second hand shop, so that'd be my recommendation.
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