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Reclaim the Streets -1996 M41


New Member
Hello gang I'm new here - I have used the search function but got a couple of burning questions that haven't been answered anywhere I've looked. Sorry if this is rehashing stuff that's already been posted. Wanting to do a radio show on RTS, and specifically the 1996 one cos the story I see everywhere about people planting trees is fucking nuts and I love it. The piece I'm doing is kind of leaning more into soundsystem culture and the relationship between protest and party. My curiosity comes from working with soundsystems and being loosely involved in some anarchist actions here in Liverpool - I run a show on Melodic Distraction which is so far just tunes but wanting to get into party/protest history - I've got a pal who's speaking to me about the history of the tune Propaganda and the Brains Kan parties in Norfolk, but want to cover a bunch of different stuff. So I was wondering if anyone knows:

The first tune that got dropped on the day of the M41 RTS? (from the footage I've seen it was an acid techno tune and I'm shite with that, more of a hardcore kid myself)
And what soundsystems might've been involved, what gear they were using - was it suicide bits or anyone's actual pride and joy?

mods feel free to move me/delete me/ask me for more info

Cheers/sorry in advance xx
This chap is worth talking to, he documented all of it.

I was there but don't remember much useful. I have a vague idea that London Acid City may have been the first track that was played but then again that may just have been put over a youtube video and my memory is playing tricks on me.
Welcome to the boards our kid. There are quite a few RTS threads but it takes a bit of digging around the search function and I'm just off to work but here's a few I found. One had some film footage on but I can't recall which one.

Welcome to urban anyways.
The first tune that got dropped on the day of the M41 RTS? (from the footage I've seen it was an acid techno tune and I'm shite with that, more of a hardcore kid myself)
And what soundsystems might've been involved, what gear they were using - was it suicide bits or anyone's actual pride and joy?
Fairly sure it was "London Acid City", but my memory is not great and it was a very exciting moment.
By bad luck or good I ended up being one of the first set of non-RTS people to reach the edge of the motorway from the redirection point.

I was told to leg it towards some lorries because the cops were about to arrest the soundsystem people, so about 20 of us ended up running full pelt down an empty motorway - dodging through a line of cops.

When we got to the lorries we looked over our shoulders and saw a huge sea of people coming behind us.

That's when the first tune started, doof doof doof. Fucking incredible.
I've got shitloads of photos that I need to rescan at a high resolution. It was easily one of the best protests I've ever been on.
And what soundsystems might've been involved, what gear they were using - was it suicide bits or anyone's actual pride and joy?
found this "Some McSpotlight volunteers from Bristol accidentally took the credit for one of the sound systems by displaying a banner with our url across the front of the lorry in which it was contained. Apologies to the fine folk who actually provided the tunes :)) "

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