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Mayday - Reclaim the Beats

They are well placed if Ned's Atomic Dustbin ever have a revival .

Say what you like about crusties but who else would d-lock their neck to a mobile gabber sound system during public disorder?

As it goes our squat that everyone landed back to (great night btw), is up in court tomorrow at 11.... John Lewis bought the building last year with approved plans for 10 luxury apartments with NO social/affordable housing that is a requirement for all 'new developments'.....
As it goes our squat that everyone landed back to (great night btw), is up in court tomorrow at 11.... John Lewis bought the building last year with approved plans for 10 luxury apartments with NO social/affordable housing that is a requirement for all 'new developments'.....

Sadly mate, I believe there's an "out" for developers to do with size - if the development is (IIRC) 14 homes or less, no social or affordable requirement is levied. :(
I must have overlooked this thread.

London Mayday Report.
A major criticism is that more could have been done to explain to all and sundry with either literature or banners what the full purpose of the march was, but sufficient people showed an interest and conversations were had.
^^true - partly as people were busy making it happen (and not getting surrounded by police), but giving out leaflets or something wouldve been good
There is a genuine worry that Mayday is sort of getting irrelevant. Its been a few years since I went on the march and it was limp and uninspiring aside from the efforts to do DA.

This is in total contrast to places like Milan.
There is a genuine worry that Mayday is sort of getting irrelevant. Its been a few years since I went on the march and it was limp and uninspiring aside from the efforts to do DA.

This is in total contrast to places like Milan.


No hear me out, the ever increasing gentrification of London means the type of people willing to make a stand are living further and further out and apart making it harder to organise or get to the centre to really unleash some chaos. There is also a lack of any real activist movements in the UK in general. The 2011 riots were an interesting study in the effects of this, you had a few hotspots and a lot of angry young folk running around but a lot of it seemed very unorganised and more for the sake of causing shit than actually drawing attention to an issue.

No hear me out, the ever increasing gentrification of London means the type of people willing to make a stand are living further and further out and apart making it harder to organise or get to the centre to really unleash some chaos. There is also a lack of any real activist movements in the UK in general. The 2011 riots were an interesting study in the effects of this, you had a few hotspots and a lot of angry young folk running around but a lot of it seemed very unorganised and more for the sake of causing shit than actually drawing attention to an issue.
is that it?
That's not it. Unions and trots seem to be in decline. And when you take away that you're left with lefty students and stalinists of the overseas and domestic variety.

There is a vacuum screaming out to be filled.

ETA. If, and this is a big if here, anarchists can look outwards, up the ante, we can make the whole thing interesting again.
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