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The Fuck Parade Strikes Back! - Reclaim Camden, Reclaim the Beats Sat July 11th 7pm

And from that you concluded that they're definitely fans? :D
no, i conclude from that that they went to see the gig. i don't suppose they paid to go to the overpriced bar in the basement, while the absence of police in attendance at the underworld, the lack of people being ejected from the venue and the conspicuous lack of reports of violence go some way to support my view.
You haven't produced any evidence. You're speculating on their motivations based on claiming you observed them in a queue. Its hardly conclusive proof of anything.
i don't think you have anything at all to substantiate your 'uncontroversial' point. and i didn't say that my observation was conclusive proof - please don't put words in my mouth.
perhaps. But a cursory look around Sobota's background shows he has come in for a lot of hostility and racist abuse because he has a black partner and a mixed race son. (It's mostly in polish so maybe a polish speaking comrade can put some flesh on the bones of that).

Maybe neo-nazis would spend £18 to see someone who is the cultural embodiment of multi-racial diversity, i don't know. Maybe they just like the noise he makes.

You're forgetting white supremacists are illogical cunts.
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