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Rave reports!


Well-Known Member
I'm always interested in what people are up too and what's going on across the country and beyond.

What have people lined up so far? I'm not booking anything yet.

I saw skeptical and Charlie P are playing playing at that night in June kalidarkone. Looks a good line up.

What do people think clubs will be like when they re-open?
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I'm always interested in what people are up too and what's going on across the country and beyond.

What have people lined up so far? I'm not booking anything yet.

I saw skeptical and Charlie P are playing playing at that night in June kalidarkone. Looks good line up.

What do people think clubs will be like when they re-open?
Much though I miss it, I'm still a little edgy about getting back into sweaty clubs quite yet and everything I'm seeing is either speculative - some mates were trying to persuade me to come over to Motion for Bukem six months away, or sit down stuff, like this tomorrow, which i'd normally be all over, but stuck at a table in the Swan's garden, frankly has no appeal.

i bought tickets for corsica studios in october but i also paid that insurance extra to be able to reimburse if it doesnt happen/dont want to go/not well enough to go
Much though I miss it, I'm still a little edgy about getting back into sweaty clubs quite yet and everything I'm seeing is either speculative - some mates were trying to persuade me to come over to Motion for Bukem six months away, or sit down stuff, like this tomorrow, which i'd normally be all over, but stuck at a table in the Swan's garden, frankly has no appeal.

Definitely agree I really can't be fucked with anything sit down. My raving partners out of action at the moment so no massive rush.
Also booked to dj at this
outdoor thing in september, near basingstole - under 1,000 tickets - i reckon that should be fine from a health point of view (ish) and go ahead
its expensive for what it is, but it'll be good

line up as it stands
That's just up the road from me. I'm dithering about going - it's so close to home it'd be daft not to, but it's not really my scene.

Years ago the site hosted Blissfields for a few years - I never went but my daughter did. Same place that Twisted Village was going to be 2 or 3 years ago - they went bust and it didn't happen. Editor's "other band" were booked to play. A few urbs were planning to go.
Definitely agree I really can't be fucked with anything sit down. My raving partners out of action at the moment so no massive rush.
yeah i did read that i think elsewhere on the boards ...hope your partner gets better soon.
im in a long covid boat and frankly who knows what will happen. ive bought those one set of tickets and thats enough for me, bought it just as i expect things will sell out and its nice to have something in the diary
i'd just be happy to be healthy by then
yeah i did read that i think elsewhere on the boards ...hope your partner gets better soon.
im in a long covid boat and frankly who knows what will happen. ive bought those one set of tickets and thats enough for me, bought it just as i expect things will sell out and its nice to have something in the diary
i'd just be happy to be healthy by then

Yeah have mentioned bit a few times. Basically post viral fatigue so similar to yourself! Fingers crossed we can be back out for the Autumn, but as you say we would take just general health by then too.

Not in a club, but Squarepusher in Oct in Notts. Ravey enough for me.

Do like Square pusher.

Not quite as Ravey but I might try to head over to Berlin for Atonal next year.
Much though I miss it, I'm still a little edgy about getting back into sweaty clubs quite yet and everything I'm seeing is either speculative - some mates were trying to persuade me to come over to Motion for Bukem six months away, or sit down stuff, like this tomorrow, which i'd normally be all over, but stuck at a table in the Swan's garden, frankly has no appeal.

I think we have tickets for Bukem in Trinity in November
A few outdoor psytrance raves coming up. Maybe not bothered though as enjoying job and responsibilities entailed. But maybe bothered actually at least once.
I think we have tickets for Bukem in Trinity in November
Oh, that makes it a touch more interesting. I don't like the idea of Motion (allthough I've never been), but the Trinity I quite like. I'm always a last minute sort of person anyhow so I'll try and pick up a ticket in a day or two before if I'm feeling it.

eta... just checked out my friends link again and it looks like Bukem and Roni Size in Motion..... I'll see closer to the date.

What's Motion like? I've allways had the impression it was a bit big, with on top security and not as down and dirty as other venues?
Motion is crap. I have had some good nights there tbf but the beer is shit and the floor is sticky!
Motion is crap. I have had some good nights there tbf but the beer is shit and the floor is sticky!
If I'm out out, I don't bother drinking generally, so that don't concern me. Sticky floors... It's got to beat pools of piss in some venues I can think of
If I'm out out, I don't bother drinking generally, so that don't concern me. Sticky floors... It's got to beat pools of piss in some venues I can think of

My issues are that it's normally oversold, the sound isn't great, the security getting in is shite and jus generally it's not great.

The few times they did smaller things in the second warehouse though I much preferred. Can't remember what they were calling it.

Back in the day I thought it was great when they still has the Ramps.
I would do a festival but not a night. I need to be able to sniff the arse of whatever I'm doing and a rave is more like someone's hole plonked on your face.
I went once ages ago and it wasn't great. Hope it's improved a little bit. I think they've had a new rig put in since then.
For me the issue with motion and lakota are the mass amount of under 25's. However motion is massive enough to accommodate 3K people and people travel for it.

Last time I was there I went on my own (I hadn't been for at least 15 years and it was very different back then.) I couldn't believe how big it was and how many people were there. I just asked the bouncers where the old people were.....
I always end up talking to security....
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