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Rapid Response Media Alert: Targeting Iran – The BBC Propaganda Begins

On yesterday's BBC1 lunchtime news, diplomatic correspondent James Robbins declared that US relations with Iran were "looking very murky because of the nuclear threat". (BBC1, 13:00 News, January 20, 2005)

Robbins meant, of course, the +alleged+ nuclear threat from Iran.

On the BBC's 18:00 news, Robbins again spoke of Iran "where the President is confronting the nuclear threat". (BBC1, 18:00 News, January 25, 2005)

Is this balanced, objective reporting by the BBC?

Even as the staggering catastrophe that has befallen Iraq continues to be played out, the BBC and other media are yet again preparing the public mind for war. If the public can be convinced that this latest 'threat' is real, then politicians can again unleash their bombers with impunity.

How many more innocent people have to die before journalists wake up to their moral responsibility to protect human life, to treat Third World nations as something more than Western playthings, to challenge warmongering propaganda, and to develop their powers of independent, rational thought?

Now the public are well aware of the fact that the BBC and the other organs of state propaganda failed to present credible information when it came to Iraq's WMD capability, that the Prime Minister lied and that this has led to murder and mayhem in the Middle East with not just a loss of life, which is completely beyond the comprehension of most decent people, but that depleted uranium has been used which affects Iraqis just as much as it does USUK soldiers out there.

If you want more of the same carry on cheer-leading for war but if you care about the future - you really need to consider carefully what attacking Iran will mean.

People warned that attacking Iraq would lead to a quagmire - what have we got Quagmire. The US doesnt even know how it can extract itself from this nightmare of its own making. Think carefully before you give your support to yet more killing of innocent men, women and children.

Don't expect the BBC to give you the truth, you know they failed once already! Duelfer's report on the fact that there were no WMD in Iraq didn't even make it to the front pages of the UK's broadsheets!

Now the BBC, whose credibility is already in question, begins once more to build a case for war with Iran based on imaginary nuclear weapons but we know for a fact that Israel developed nuclear weapons and is estimated to have over 200. These are not imaginary weapons. They are real, existent weapons.

Are we attacking Israel and why not?
editor said:
Here you go:
You and Invisible Planet dance so well together ... I do love men in tights!
Raisin D'etre said:
Think carefully before you give your support to yet more killing of innocent men, women and children.
Exactly who here is "giving their support to yet more killing of innocent men, women and children" or is this just more of your weird, off topic ramblings?

Or maybe you discovered the information on an obscure Dallas website?
lovely rocks, ed ;) thanks. i needed that.

Raisin D'etre said:
Now the BBC, whose credibility is already in question, begins once more to build a case for war with Iran based on imaginary nuclear weapons but we know for a fact that Israel developed nuclear weapons and is estimated to have over 200. These are not imaginary weapons. They are real, existent weapons.

Are we attacking Israel and why not?

Can you give proof of this alleged BBC 'case for war with Iran' build-up please ?

Can you cite from the BBC, with quotes, evidence as to where 'news reporting' ends and 'the constructs of opinon-manipulating propaganda' begin ?
invisibleplanet said:
evidence as to where 'news reporting' ends and 'the constructs of opinon-manipulating propaganda' begin ?

I remember on September 11th watching the non-stop rolling news from America and I noticed the EXACT point at which there was a shift from a "OMG, this is fucking awful" to opinion manipulating at which point I turned off and went to the pub.
nino_savatte said:
The war is in your head. The war has been invented to preserve and consolidate the position of the dominant hegemony (I know you don't either understand or believe such things).

You can't have a war on a word or an idea.

No, the war isn't in my head. If it is, why are Iraqi kids being orphaned, and US soldiers coming home in body bags?

The US already had a position of dominant hegemony.

Read rentonite's post: 'before the war on terror is over all the "I hate America" arab countries will have new governments.'
nino_savatte said:
Wrong and what you are doing here is perpetuating, nay, continuing to breathe life into a corpse - long after it died: there is no link between Afghanistan and 9/11; if you believe that, then you believe that OBL and Saddam Hussein were blood brothers.

OBL was in Afghanistan at the time of 911. Remember how the taliban refused to give him up?
ViolentPanda said:
There was pretty much no difference (except the promotion of revolutionary Islam) between the regimes of the Shah (himself the descendant of a "puppet" ruler installed by the US & UK) and that of the Ayatollah. .

Raisin D'etre said:
Ed - more and more people are turning their tvs off and switching on to the internet - the internet is becoming the source for news and views because corporate tv and media is nothing more than an IV drip of propaganda and pap.

Occasionally you will get the odd critical programme on terrestrial like The Power of Nightmares but most of it is censored, many stories dont even make it on to telly unless there put there to debunk "conspiracy theories" but an indepth look at what really happened in Abu Ghraib? Or the fact that the US funded jihadists? We'll be waiting years for that information on the networks.

Research on the US public has found that the worst informed people are the ones who rely wholely on corporate TV for their information ... in other words they have been brainwashed. Most people believed that Arab terrorists led by Osama were behind 911, most believed that Iraq had WMD, most believe that the only way to fight terrorism is to kill Arabs in large enough numbers. Most will not agree that the target of 911 and the psywar are themselves and the liberty and freedom that they think they're exporting to Iraq.

The media used the "Big Lie" technique to repeatedly hammer home the psywar message and suppressed all counter-evidence, by refusing to report anything that pointed to evidence of the WMD conspiracy. Another technique that was used to maximise the terror of 911 and which is a standard brainwashing technique was to repeatedly show in the hours following the attack on the WTC images of planes smashing into the Twin Towers, from every conceivable angle followed by shots of the two towers collapsing over and over again. Terrified, we were then bombarded with suggestions of who could have been behind the attack. Images of mugshots of Arabs began to appear, and even at one point, Palestinians were seen cheering in the streets, the suggestion being that they supported the attacks. This film was later found to have been shot long before the WTC attacks. But the enemy was imprinted on peoples minds and now everyone had a clearly defined enemy they could turn their hate on. Fear... anger .... hate ...

An inordinate amount of time was dedicated to Osama but switch on your tv today and you're lucky if you hear his name once. Now that he has done his job, i.e. head bogey-man of the war on terror, he is personna non-gratis until, that is, Bush needs him to scare the US public again.

Another example would be the Lancet Report which was completely ignored by all major media.

Well said.

Having now read the thread in more detail, I will edit well said to interesting
editor said:
You'll find no disagreement from me about the poor quality of US TV news, but to suggest that the BBC is some sort of helpless stooge of the government and happy to go along with some globe-spanning 'conspiracy' is simply wrong.

If that was the case how do you explain the Power of Nightmare - perhaps one of the most damning and well researched pieces on the 'War on Terror'? And how about the Hutton Report? The govt didn't seem to be too cosy with the BBC then.

And what's this 'everyone turning off their TV's' nonsense? What are you basing it on? Terrestial channels are down, but that's simply because there's far more choice and channels available. The BBC news channel , for example, is enjoying huge increases as people change their viewing habits.
Have you any stats supporting your claim that people are watching less TV? That's simply not true. So why say such rubbish?

It took me about 60 seconds to find these other BBC articles referencing the Lancet report - and the BBC links directly to The Lancet on every page.

Should we count dead Iraqi civilians?
Iraq deaths claim 'to be studied'
Child death rate doubles in Iraq
And another 3 seconds searching:
100,000 Iraqi civilians dead, says study (Guardian)

I'm a little baffled why you couldn't undertake this basic research before making your emphatic claim, but I trust you'll now be happy to take back your wildly inaccurate assertion?

Also well said, i promise i will contribute more to this thread soon.

Also edited from well said to the bbc is a good information source which I use on a regular basis but its televised news and that of other stations also at times i believe sensationalises (is that a word?) the story being reported.

I prefer to source the bbc online where I find it more sober. Although saying that I have no option but to source it online due to my location
Johnny Canuck2 said:
You'll recall that after the fall of the Baathists, there was widespread looting, including the looting of antiquities from Baghdad museums.

The US army says they were worried about looting at Babylon, so they put a base around it. As it turns out, there has been some damage and destruction, but my bet is it's a lot less than there would have been if the looting mob had been allowed to descend there unmolested.

No, they built a base inside it. They didnt need to drive tanks over everything to protect it. Fucking apologist.
The Iraq isn't a particuarly good example of the BBC's propaganda role. As their are plenty of people in the elite who disagree with the war. You're best of doing what Chomsky suggests and finding two near equivalents and looking a the reporting of them.
Moreover it is worth pointing out that on the day "the Power of Nightmares" was first shown BBC news carried a piece about dirty bombs despite the fact that TPON showed that such a thing didn't exist.
Rentonite said:
why are you suprised?
Afganistan on one side, Iraq on the other, a classic pincer movement.
IMHO we have needed to bring freedom to Iran since the hostage crisis.

Iran was such a progressive muslim country and then they fell in to a dark pit and have endured suffering ever since.
The ayotolla Komeni was worse than hitler in his draconian fundementalist Islamic dictatorship.
Millions have now been born and grow up only knowing such degredation.
freedom is comeing for them.
Its been part of the plan all a long

You dont see that?

Please tell me this is not the first time you have thought about this.........
Damn dont be so nieve.
Before the war on Terror is over all the "We hate America" Arab countrys will have new governments.

Iran had been the biggest purveyer of terrorist ever.
They make the explosives the tools train people,
It is Iran that controlls the bekka valley
It is Iran that supports Syria
Where do you think OBL is? IRAN!

Camon ! you gotta be kidding me that you havent thought of this.......

Well let hope for the best

Great, a history lesson from Rentonite LOL just what we all need.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
OBL was in Afghanistan at the time of 911. Remember how the taliban refused to give him up?
they said they COULDN'T get him out - the terrain was too inhospitable, and his men too well-armed. Instead, thdey sent himm a formal request to 'leave their land', as sanctified and approved by formal Islamic procedure, and the customs of Afghanistan. VERY different from 'refusing to give him up', which was your precise phrase.
Johnny, do try and get your facts right.
editor said:
Me too. So what contributions are you currently making and does it offset the cost of having your living/food/beer expenses provided for by other people's contributions?
is there any point in responding to you if you PLAINLY don't read my posts?
Johnny Canuck2 said:
No, the war isn't in my head. If it is, why are Iraqi kids being orphaned, and US soldiers coming home in body bags?

The US already had a position of dominant hegemony.

Read rentonite's post: 'before the war on terror is over all the "I hate America" arab countries will have new governments.'

Why on earth would I want to read Rentonite's post? It's full of the usual drivel.

The 'war' has been constructed and remains largely one of Baudrillard's simulations. I don't expect you to understand this.

You can't have a war on a word or an idea.
Read this very carefully

Johnny Canuck2 said:
OBL was in Afghanistan at the time of 911. Remember how the taliban refused to give him up?

1. OBL is not the leader of a worldwide network of terror.
2. Al Qaeda is largely a creation of western (US/UK) politicians and the media.

I don't suppose you've ever heard of or seen, The Power of Nightmares, though somehow I doubt you would agree with the programme.
Frankly I dont know why anybody bothers to give a credible reply to Rentonite. If this was a mathematics forum and we were discussing, say, quadratic equations, Rentonite's equivalent contribution to the discussion would be,

"2+2=5!!, 2+2=5!!"

You wouldn't reply to that, so why bother replying to his baseless version of history which he probably read from a packet of Frosties?
Pickman's model said:
is there any point in responding to you if you PLAINLY don't read my posts?
I read your posts alright, but you seem unable to answer my simple questions about them: like why why you butted in with a clueless answer to a question asked to someone else!

And I'm still waiting for bigfish to tell me where he got his quote from!

I do hope you're not going to make a habit of ignorantly answering questions asked to others because it's rather a waste of time.
Barking_Mad said:
Frankly I dont know why anybody bothers to give a credible reply to Rentonite. If this was a mathematics forum and we were discussing, say, quadratic equations, Rentonite's equivalent contribution to the discussion would be,

"2+2=5!!, 2+2=5!!"

You wouldn't reply to that, so why bother replying to his baseless version of history which he probably read from a packet of Frosties?

JC seems to think that Rentonite has something credible to say, which says rather a lot about JC's grasp of reality.:D
Another example of the plastic journalism we get fed, as Robert Fisk quite accutely pointed out last week........

BAGHDAD, 17 January 2005 - "Hotel journalism" is the only word for it. More and more, Western reporters in Baghdad are reporting from their hotels rather than the streets of Iraq's towns and cities. Some are accompanied everywhere by hired and heavily armed Western mercenaries. A few live in local offices from which their editors refuse them permission to leave. Most use Iraqi "stringers" - part-time correspondents who risk their lives to conduct interviews for American or British journalists - and none can contemplate a journey outside the capital without days of preparation unless they "embed" themselves with American or British forces.

Rarely, if ever, has a war been covered by reporters in so distant and restricted a way. New York Times correspondents live in Baghdad behind a massive stockade with four watchtowers, protected by locally hired, rifle-toting security men, complete with "NYT" T-shirts. Journalists with America's NBC television chain are holed up in a hotel with an iron grill over their door, forbidden by their security advisers to visit the swimming pool or the restaurant, "let alone the rest of Baghdad", lest they are attacked. Several Western journalists simply do not leave their rooms while on station in Baghdad.


During the 2003 Anglo-American invasion, editors often insisted on prefacing journalists' dispatches from Saddam's Iraq by talking abut the restrictions under which they were operating. But today - when our movements are much more circumscribed - no such "health warning" accompanies their reports. In many cases, viewers and readers are left with the impression that the journalist is free to travel around Iraq to check out the stories which he or she confidently files each day. Not so.

http://www.aljazeerah.info/Opinion ...ism Dictates Coverage of Iraq Robert Fisk.htm

So, why dont the BBC preface their reports by saying that they are under severe restrictions? Nothing to do with ruining their credibility eh?
Barking_Mad said:
So, why dont the BBC preface their reports by saying that they are under severe restrictions? Nothing to do with ruining their credibility eh?
So you'd like reporters to preface their reports with an introduction about their hotel arrangements and/or walk around and face near-certain death or kidnap instead?

I've seen more than enough footage shot by the BBC in dangerous conditions so the notion that they rarely leave their hotels room or are cocooned from any danger is plain rubbish. Have you forgotten that they lost Terry Lloyd - one of their most respected journalists - in Iraq?

What do you expect these journalists to do? Isn't this long list of killed reporters long enough for you?
That'll be ITN News, actually.

Currently ITV only own 40 percent of ITN, and when their contract expires they'll either buy up the remaining 60 percent, or cancel the contract.

BBC news carried a piece about dirty bombs despite the fact that TPON showed that such a thing didn't exist.

Dirty bombs don't exist?

What crap is this?

Can you account for all the missing plutonium from the former USSR?

Can you say that it is not feasable for a load of it to be stuck in a regular fertiliser bomb?

You cannot say dirty bombs don't exist mate. Who are TPON?
Editor - any chance of renaming the title of this thread to remove the reference to the BBC?

It's clearly Bigfish on one of his deluded conspiranoid missions, and might affect the credibility of this site, never mind inviting potential legal action.

Your site, your call.

There are vaild criticisms to be made of the BBC, but folk can't have it both ways.

During the Hutton-Kelly affair loads were holding up the BBC as downtrodden free spirited broadcasters giving a corrupt government a hard time on its flagship shows (Newsnight, Today). Yet now, apparently, the BBC is a hateful government stooge beginning to beat the jungle drums in advance of a strike on Iran's alleged nuclear facilities.

This conveniently overlooks the fact that Jack Straw's informal trip to the US for a blessing from Sister Condy has, at the heart of its agenda, the British government's opposition to any military action against Iran. How exactly does the detailed reporting of this event this morning represent pro-military action 'propaganda' from the BBC? On Radio 4 for weeks there has been much discussion and debate of the EU's dialogue with Iran, and the failure so far of the US's best efforts to fuck it up and discredit it. Similarly, there has been much coverage of US disquiet at the EU's lifting of the embargo on arms sales to China. Again, hardly pro US, pro US military propaganda.

Coverage at present from Iraq is brutally inadequate. I'm sure there are atrocities and injustics happening there on a daily basis that deserve to be reported, which never will be. Most journos out there are engaged in 'hotel journalism'- they never leave their hotels in the Green Zone, because they are terrified of being kidnapped or killed, or both.

No one can blame them- unless of course, those pointing the accusing finger are willing to go out in Fallujah with a notebook and digital camera in their place. 24 hour news cultures require a certain level of stability in which to function- hence no rolling news despatches from Chechnya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kandahar, Zimbabwe, etc, the places from where accurate and honest reporting is needed most.

None of this is to say that the BBC is flawless/spotless/blameless. There are many historical and contemporary instances of the BBC unquestioningly adopting a governemnt line. The case I heard most about was John Birt, as Director General, colluding with the first Blair government to squash the idea of an independent Scottish Six o'Clock news, because the government were worried about the possibility of Scottish independence, and Birt was only too happy to do their bidding. This is the same Birt subsequently ennobled by Blair, who's now Chief Logisitcal Fishbone Diagram Designer at no. 10 or some such.

However to reject out of hand virtually everything the BBC puts out is as cock eyed as slavishly believing all their reports as the objective, impartial truth. It's also interesting that this argument provides an eery parallel to that believing that the reading of an objectionable tabloid article or headline, automatically makes the people who read it racists and fascists. The thing missing here is the ability of folk to be skeptical about what they read and hear from the mainstream media. I don't need my hand held, and husbanded in the 'approved' left wing direction, whilst taking a look at the day's news, thanks. We live in an uge of unprecedented disillusion with the media and political institutions. A poll last year showed journalists to be even lower ranked in the public esteem than politicians. The coats the individual reader/listener/viewer with a more than adequate coating of skeptical teflon before turning on the news of an evening.

At the heart of this is the (I believe) naive view that there can be such a thing as perfect, flawless, selfless news organisations. Sadly, I think that's impossible in the 21st century, if ever it was possible at any stage in the past. :(

Oh, and the author of this spittle flecked, pop eyed outburst:

bigfish said:
what I know about the BBC is that it is pretty much polluted, nowadays, by self-infatuated, jelly-spined prima donna's and right wing Islamatoads (like yourself), peddling spudcheese propaganda to the unsuspecting and gullible (just like the Church) and that its 6 o'clock and 10 o'clock sermons are a travesty of the human intellect and spirit.

is to be pitied greatly, as he clearly is a stranger to reason.
steeplejack said:
However to reject out of hand virtually everything the BBC puts out is as cock eyed as slavishly believing all their reports as the objective, impartial truth. At the heart of this is the (I believe) naive view that there should be such a thing as perfect, flawless, selfless news organisations. Sadly, I think that's impossible in the 21st century.
Good post.
steeplejack said:
Oh, and the author this spittle flecked, pop eyed outburst:
is to be pitied greatly, as he clearly is a stranger to reason.
I fear you are correct in your analysis.

I doubt if he's ever had any direct contact with the BBC past what he's read on Conspiraloons'r'Us.
I have and know he's talking utter bollocks.
pk said:
Dirty bombs don't exist?

What crap is this?

Can you account for all the missing plutonium from the former USSR?

Can you say that it is not feasable for a load of it to be stuck in a regular fertiliser bomb?

You cannot say dirty bombs don't exist mate. Who are TPON?
It's not crap at all.
Trial experiments done by both the US and Iraq show that dirty bombs don't work.
EDIT Or rather the effects of such bombs are utterly hyped up by hte media and government.
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