A cheap source of teeth for aquarium gravel
No album with this on it can be a turd...
Meh. It's tolerable I suppose.
No album with this on it can be a turd...
Manipulative sound? If you mean deliberately constructed so as to have a particular effect upon the emotional state of the listener, isn't that what music is for?
And people who claim to listen to music 'ironically' understand neither music nor irony IMO.
I think the listener should be left with a bit of space to make up their own minds what to make of the song. Radiohead are emotionally dictatorial. Even something emotionally powerful like Billy Holliday's Strange Fruit gets you there with subtlety and finesse. Radiohead's emotional devices are obvious, blunt, direct and frankly just irritating. Same problem with Coldplay and James Blunt.
They are a very similar band to Coldplay. They're a more sophisticated band but the appeal is basically the same. I actually quite like the way Coldplay took this music and made stripped it of it's pretenses and made it pure pop. Compare!.
Did they name themselves after that Talking Heads song?
yellow is a fantastic song. can't abide the later stuff though. so gooey
Possibly the worst song on the album.
Too ploddy as well. All the subtlety and detail from their first album has long since been discarded in favour of big, obvious bombast. That song Viva La Vida, there's nothing to it but jerky keyboard chords and an obvious vocal line. Effective I suppose, but there's nothing there that's actually interesting. If that song comes on the radio I won't be upset, but nor will I be sad when it's finished.
Effective I suppose,
Coldplay are horrible. They (and also the likes of Travis) were inspired by Bends era Radiohead and made something uber boring from it. Radiohead have got more interesting as they've gone on and absorbed electronic influences. (I hardly ever listen to The Bends these days.)
Another beaut...
this isn't really true, is it? radiohead always get album of the year here (in years when they have an album out), and are widely popular. iirc dubversion had a (very vocal) aversion to american beauty, but beyond him it isn't unusually disliked.
Actually I think urban turns the usual definition of iconoclasm on its head. Really bucking the trend here is saying you like something that's widely liked - Radiohead for example, or American Beauty. The 'sheeple' are the ones trampling each other in the stampede to show how disdainful they are of such things.
this isn't really true, is it? radiohead always get album of the year here (in years when they have an album out), and are widely popular. iirc dubversion had a (very vocal) aversion to american beauty, but beyond him it isn't unusually disliked.
tbh the only predictable thing about people's tastes on here is that someone will always pop up on threads like this whining that we're all inverse snobs. like you just did.
I haven't paid them any attention for about 15 years, so I'm trying to do a quick catch up on them. The above was a bit saccharin for me but it's well crafted