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Songs where you have to endure the shit bit to get to the good bit.

The Stone Roses' "I Am The Resurrection"? The opening sung part isn't total shite, but it really only gets good when Squire, Mani and Reni start jamming.
What annoys me more than anything, and it's present in lots of music I like, are those long drawn out endings. Especially the ones that are twice as loud as the actual song and just turn the song into a garbled mess at the end, or they finish with some annoying high pitch sound or other.
Fucking love songs that collapse into chaos or have long drawn out endings. Tbf also like EDM tracks that only change imperceptibly over 16 minutes.
Fucking love songs that collapse into chaos or have long drawn out endings. Tbf also like EDM tracks that only change imperceptibly over 16 minutes.

I like a lot of Trance music. Not loads but stuff like Solar Stone but the monotonous electronic drum beats do my head in. They start and end the same and feel as mechanic as they are.

Not that the first bit of this is bad, but it's the batshit insane ending that really makes it.

But then even that loses some of its power without the abrupt jump into the lush, string-drenched Philly soul song that follows it on the album.
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