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R.I.P Comrade George Blake. The last remaining Cold War double agent (that we know of.)


EXPLODED TIM! (Help me!!!)
It seems somehow appropriate that the death of John LeCarre should so quickly be followed by the last of those who made his reputation. Betrayal spurred by idealism topped of by capture, a classic prison break and a heroes welcome in the USSR, what more does a good spy yarn need?

George Blake: Soviet Cold War spy and former MI6 officer dies in Russia

Blake speaks (in Russian)

And in English

The latter includes a fairly recent interview and one he gave after being released from captivity in North Korea after the Korean War.
I read 'A Spy Among Friends' recently, all about philby mainly but everyone else appears in the telling. It tells how Blake was given the sentence whereas philbys was offered far better ways out of his situation because philby was one of the Establishment proper whereas blake was not. Even after all he'd sold out they still wanted to handle Kim like 'one of us'.
Tell that to the families of the hundreds of people he got killed.

He was supposedly given a year in Gaol for everyone who was executed as a result of his actions. However, it seems that that figure was, itself a bit of propaganda. The BBC documentary below claims that a trawl of the Stasi archive suggests that there was one probable execution and lots of long and unpleasant prison sentences.

Anyway, these agents were traitors too. Do you think the leniency of their sentences was an unforgivable example of the Stasi going soft?
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Well. That's Priti shitty, if true (and yeah I know that's probably bindun)
In his heart of hearts Spymaster would prefer to see traitors hung drawn and quartered rather than a namby-pamby hanging. Slow methodical disembowelment is the only language that sort understand.

I only found out last week that castration was an integral part of hang-drawn-quartered punishments, happened just before the disembowelling, supposedly symbolic to demonstrate that you will not breed any more, or something.

edit: was cock and balls sliced off, not just the nads.
He was naive to think many of the spies he gave to the Soviet Union wouldn't be executed.

As I understand it, many were.
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