The queen was frail for the past few years. However, she had self-confidence to indomitably enthusiastic to take part in royal engagements even though subject to medical advice to attend meetings in person or online. On few occasions doctors stopped the queen attending events on the grounds of her poor health where as she felt otherwise. She had a mobility problem and used a walking stick that restricted her movements. Apart from that, she was busy engaging in her royal duties mostly at her residence up to the day of her death, which is dignifying and gratifying for a woman 96 years of age. Her last appointment was the change of the prime minister of the United Kingdom just two days earlier. The doctors in their judgement of her health cancelled a virtual meeting with the privy councillors and senior ministers scheduled for the day her health deteriorated. It is a blessing to pass away being a working mother, grandmother, and great grandmother at 96 rather than being infirm.
Deepest sympathies and sincere condolences to the royal family of the United Kingdom at this time of sorrow. May you Rest in Peace Your Majesty. You are a legend.