OK, another thing - partly discussed: clearly medicine has advanced hugely by the end of our current century (enough to invent a slightly sexist 'universal' surgical pod not configured for both genders, anyway). They might even have invented such kickass anaesthetics that a person could stay conscious, logical and able to stand up again after an involuntary alien caesarean.
But what I don't get is, given all that medical sophistication, why they'd still have to zip you up with an impressive zipper of shiny metal staples, which, MOREOVER, don't seem to rip your lower abs apart while you then go running, rolling, romping, leaping and abseiling about the remains of your spacecraft. I could believe Noomi Rapace capable of anything (especially if on good enough drugs) but unless human muscle tissue could be regenerated or transplanted within minutes in the future, there's still no way she could do all this Action Woman stuff without her liver falling out round her ankles.