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Well, I posted these late and then ran away for a day expecting when I plucked up the courage to come back and see what people thought, to find more sympathy than approval, I was not expecting such positive feedback.

Love all three of them. Destiny reminds me of Kraftwerk. Saw them in concert in 70s.
Star Citizen is my favourite. But yes, really love all three.
I am really glad you liked that one, I was thinking of writing one for each planet, Pyro should be fun, dark, brooding, and hellish comes to mind. :D

I've, paid good money for music in the past that's nothing like a good as those tracks.

Especially "The Road Ahead".
That, given my meagre means my friend, means a lot, thank you.

What synths/softsynths are you using? This sounds very well mixed
Well, as mentioned my budget is spit and tinfoil as like most in the bottom 20 to 30% I'm still waiting on hard work to make me a millionaire. Until then It's a reason 10 licence for my DAW, I also have Caustic3 on tablet/mobile which for £6 every musician should have as it's a riot once you get the hang of it.

I can't afford hardware synths, but I've been using VST's since 1999 in college and from there in my cakewalk days to today, I have tried thousands. I'd say 80% of them are junk, but I've whittled it down to diamonds in the rough. Here are some of the core group I have, I use too many to recall. I also use sampling to make a new instrument or hit.

Synth\instrument VST:
Full Bucket Music (google them) they have a wide range of exceptional VST's modelled on some very expensive kit, amazingly they give it all away for free. I owe them many beers.
Daichi Synth VST
Newfangled Audio - Pendulate
Ample Sound - Bass guitar, classical guitar, Handpans (upturned wok music) <-- the most real sounding VST bass and classic you can find
Sample Science - French violin. Off the bat it sounds like junk but it's malleable.

Myriad types of reverb, my favourite is Valhalla VST for BIG sounds.
Polyverse - wider VST, ever find you mix a track perfectly but there is this one instrument in a particular place that is falling to the back and you want it more upfront, this does that. It also helps as VST's can sound incredibly narrow off the bat.

BBC Symphonic VST free (you have to apply, but as far as I know, anyone can) < - great horns, the rest, debatable.

Akai mini MPK2
Electric guitar on occasion
A zoom effects peddle that is older than Jesus.
Anchor Sound core Q35 noise-cancelling headphones

DarkStars Good stuff, thank you :)
Thank you for taking the time.

My thanks to all. Here is something cheerful for the eyeballs:


Night all. ☺️
Well, I posted these late and then ran away for a day expecting when I plucked up the courage to come back and see what people thought, to find more sympathy than approval, I was not expecting such positive feedback.

I am really glad you liked that one, I was thinking of writing one for each planet, Pyro should be fun, dark, brooding, and hellish comes to mind. :D

That, given my meagre means my friend, means a lot, thank you.

Well, as mentioned my budget is spit and tinfoil as like most in the bottom 20 to 30% I'm still waiting on hard work to make me a millionaire. Until then It's a reason 10 licence for my DAW, I also have Caustic3 on tablet/mobile which for £6 every musician should have as it's a riot once you get the hang of it.

I can't afford hardware synths, but I've been using VST's since 1999 in college and from there in my cakewalk days to today, I have tried thousands. I'd say 80% of them are junk, but I've whittled it down to diamonds in the rough. Here are some of the core group I have, I use too many to recall. I also use sampling to make a new instrument or hit.

Synth\instrument VST:
Full Bucket Music (google them) they have a wide range of exceptional VST's modelled on some very expensive kit, amazingly they give it all away for free. I owe them many beers.
Daichi Synth VST
Newfangled Audio - Pendulate
Ample Sound - Bass guitar, classical guitar, Handpans (upturned wok music) <-- the most real sounding VST bass and classic you can find
Sample Science - French violin. Off the bat it sounds like junk but it's malleable.

Myriad types of reverb, my favourite is Valhalla VST for BIG sounds.
Polyverse - wider VST, ever find you mix a track perfectly but there is this one instrument in a particular place that is falling to the back and you want it more upfront, this does that. It also helps as VST's can sound incredibly narrow off the bat.

BBC Symphonic VST free (you have to apply, but as far as I know, anyone can) < - great horns, the rest, debatable.

Akai mini MPK2
Electric guitar on occasion
A zoom effects peddle that is older than Jesus.
Anchor Sound core Q35 noise-cancelling headphones

Thank you for taking the time.

My thanks to all. Here is something cheerful for the eyeballs:


Night all. ☺️

You might also like to try Vital, which is free (you can pay more for more wavetables). It's a fully realised wavetable/fm synth
You might also like to try Vital, which is free (you can pay more for more wavetables). It's a fully realised wavetable/fm synth
I will certainly look into that, not heard of it, many thanks.

That's very Philip Glass.
That brought a lump to my throat. Thank you indeed friend. If I ever gain a tenth of the skill of the likes of him after a lifetime trying I'd be happy at that, I actually have a track called Glass Bear, it's a tribute to Phillip Glass and Bear McCreary. I'll share it when able ;o)
Blimey, it's all rather good stuff on here. I started dabbling in tunes 17 years ago (still the proud champion of the 2006 urban winter music competition! :cool:). Anyway, I started buggering about with it again and made this rather silly and slightly late topical tune, complete with amateur video production. Enjoy... err maybe...

The singer songer project is up and running again. Got myself some excellent musicians to play on me tunes and first gig is next week - first full rehearsal and not sounding too shabby!

need to tweak the mix a bit but I did this. Not trying to do anything groundbreaking, just love the song and synth sound, so tried to keep it close. I can't sing but have to force myself, so what the hell.

Met a guy online whose musical thinking is similar to mine. He's remixed some of my guitar improvisations and turned them into something pretty mind melting. This is my favourite.

Do check out his bandcamp

I've posted the original here if you care.

This is good as well

Never in a million years expected to be part of something like this. It's like a dream come true.
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