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this was 100% best gig I ever played. the whole set was made up on spot but it somehow made songs.... helped by the front person being a total genius savant able to freestyle words endlessly (like juice wrld but in an experimental indie rock and roll context)
woah we actually made up the best song ever on the top "off the dome" as they say in rap.. it is all about the organ adding the chords to the repeated guitar bit and of course the singer jumping on top of it perfectly
Some might say that working class isn't really an identity.
Some might say it's a relationship with wealth and society.
Some might say it's a role you take in an economic system.
Some might say it's not a playlist, a dress code or an accent...

I sell my time, I earn a wage, no profit share at my pay grade.
I always did it, I always will, I always need to pay the bills.
Investors say Invest in shares! - be nice to have enough to spare.
I'd like to be the CEO, I asked if I could but they said no, so

Where's my bonus for a job well done?
I only get paid for the time I'm on,
I only get paid for the job I do,
You work for yourself and I work for you.
It's not my rota, not my hours,
Responsible but got no power,
I do the work but not for me.
What does Means of Production mean?

It's not my shop, it's not my floor,
It's not my name above the door,
It's not my clients, not my list,
It's not my place, not my business,
It's not my bucket, not my van
It's not my crop, it's not my land.
I do the work but not for me,
What does Means of Production mean?

In honour of the Urban75 politics boards... :D :thumbs:

Some Might Say
I hate posting straight after myself but it has been a couple of weeks and I'm not posting everything because who tf needs that, right..

Excuses aside.

I made this song because my 11-year-old is absolutely bang into music, is learning to play the piano and is writing his own music (excellent) and he asked, how do you write words for music, what can I write about? We've been talking about it, but in the end I thought an actual song might be the best answer.

Still, it is the same answer. Anything!

So fwiw this is going to be the opening song on the album I'm putting together.

Yeah, me again!

This is freshly mixed and possibly needs something, but just now I can't see what so I'm putting it on pause because I want to share it...

It feels as if it came together mostly by accident, but seems to work anyway :D

over seas

It probably needs a video tbh
we got asked to play another art show of the back of that last one... still kind of improvised but we reused the song we made up last time as they were pro dancers/gymnasts so need a bit more to go on than "just whatever we come up with that second", the dance and the music go together surprisingly well considering we were hidden behind a plastic sheet and couldn't see anything they were doing... wait for the climax when the sheets blow up and the band is revealed! was all v clever, the set particularly. ATOMIC SUPLEX was in attendance.

something a bit different to do in a Friday night anyway
Yes it was nice. My videos appear to be too large to upload (I was a bit to the side so the blowing sheets and lighting looked far more impressive) so I will have to import them in Davinci and reduce the size or something. It was very nice indeed. Not as ramshackle as Rutabowa had billed it.
Any fellow music makers got any good tips on how to mix good kick sounds? Although dance music and techno isn't really my thing (I say that because those styles seem to want very specific kick sounds), I do love old drum machines like the 808 and the samples I have sound a bit flimsy unfortunately.
Any fellow music makers got any good tips on how to mix good kick sounds? Although dance music and techno isn't really my thing (I say that because those styles seem to want very specific kick sounds), I do love old drum machines like the 808 and the samples I have sound a bit flimsy unfortunately.
There are shit tons of good 808 samples for free. Check reverb.com for starters.

Also, side chain compression will help your kick cut through and not get lost against the bass.

An eq cut around 200hz can do wonders to clear mud.

Broad strokes that will need refining but might be a start 👍
Any fellow music makers got any good tips on how to mix good kick sounds? Although dance music and techno isn't really my thing (I say that because those styles seem to want very specific kick sounds), I do love old drum machines like the 808 and the samples I have sound a bit flimsy unfortunately.
Compression is key - compress your kick individually, then if it sucks out too much bottom end place an EQ after the compressor and add in a little boost, try somewhere around 60-80Hz

Then route your whole drum mix to a bus, and compress that too

As Danski said, you can try sidechaining other parts (often the bass) to the kick so their level is pulled down when the kick hits, I normally only do this if I can’t get a good kick/bass sound through EQ/compression alone, as sidechaining does create a kinda pumping effect, which you may or may not want

Sidechaining seems more beneficial when the kick is simple four square so that you get that pumping effect. Sometimes i like to program rolls and fills which would mess that up.

THere are lots of samples available, but the 808 seems to be a pretty flimsy sound to begin with. I've never used the real thing.
lol Current ‘bass’ music is based almost entirely around the 808 kick.

You need the right set up to hear it properly.
The 808 is the least flimsy drum machine probably of all time 😂, it’s kick drum is one of the deepest and bassiest ever created, hence as danski says it’s the backbone of most modern Bass music despite being 40 years old. Try finding some 808 kick samples with longer decay, perhaps

And sidechaining something to your kick does not affect the kick sound in any way, the sound compressed is the instrument you have sidechained to the kick, e.g. bass. The bass is turned down when the kick hits, allowing your kick to be heard better, but you are not actually processing the kick in any way, just using it as a trigger signal for the bass compression.

TLDR - sidechaining works just fine whether working with 4/4 kick or not
I once spent approximately a whole night making kick sounds, slowing down blips and mixing this and that and eq'ing and compressing etc. I'll never get those hours back (but the booms were really good)

Did the same a few years later, spent an evening mixing a perfect boing.

I recommend recording yourself hitting a nice thick cardboard box with a courgette. filter it to within an inch of its life, you can even make two or three versions by varying the eq, then use those. Mix in a little timestretched blip if you like the peowm vibe :thumbs:

The 808's kick is fucking fantastic btw, I've never owned one but have used sampled versions many times. Having it mixed together with something a bit more middy (but way down in the mix) can create superb kick noises. The cushion of the 808 with more of an edge. Like a boulder, or maybe a breeze block.

I'm not reading back over that because it'll make me feel mad.
The 808 is the least flimsy drum machine probably of all time 😂, it’s kick drum is one of the deepest and bassiest ever created, hence as danski says it’s the backbone of most modern Bass music despite being 40 years old. Try finding some 808 kick samples with longer decay, perhaps

And sidechaining something to your kick does not affect the kick sound in any way, the sound compressed is the instrument you have sidechained to the kick, e.g. bass. The bass is turned down when the kick hits, allowing your kick to be heard better, but you are not actually processing the kick in any way, just using it as a trigger signal for the bass compression.

TLDR - sidechaining works just fine whether working with 4/4 kick or not
I#'m not saying it is the most flimsy, I'm saying the samples I've found are.

Roland does a vst version of its drum machines, but you'd need to sub to its cloud service.

I'd be curious to see what they are like
This makes use of arturia's cs80 as well as its rb 303 emulation and some of those lovely drum samples from above. Please enjoy. (It's inspired by the space gods mythology of Jack Kirby and Stan Lee, but mainly Jack Kirby).

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