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I've been busy getting a new job and enjoying the Devon summer :smug: but this has somehow managed to appear despite all that, it's a song about conspiracism, really needed to be done.

don't give me that

with a one and a two and a three and a...

the earth is flat, the sun's a lie
there's nothing in the so-called 'sky'
and if you fly, you do not fly
they beam projections into your eyes.
there's vampires drinking children's blood
it's like a paedo social club
the drinking water's full of drugs
they're tracking me with little bugs

and they're stopping me from getting pissed
and they're editing my shopping list
and there's microchips inside my chips
and bielefeld does not exist!
you can burn the books but not the words
join a scene, don't join a herd
put feelings first and meanings third
hear it from the nerds, tell it to the birds...

now it was all an inside job, see -
cover-ups be like a hobby
cover ups for fun and profit,
doesn't matter how, just drop it
join the faithful, postmodern church,
wake up, sheeple - do some research!
come and find out how it all works!
got my own facts for when the truth hurts...

and they're stopping me from getting pissed
and they're editing my shopping list
and there's microchips inside my chips
and bielefeld does not exist!
you can burn the books but not the words
join a scene, don't join a herd
put feelings first and meanings third
hear it from the nerds, tell it to the birds...

I used to think I had it sussed but
chasing shadows is just not enough,
I need ideas I can trust 'cause
there's a whole fucking system
and it works in the open...
things are broken!
it's hard to hope and
just casting a vote is way past a joke
I want to feel inspired to make a better world,
but all the conspiracies don't give me that.

don't give me that.
don't give me that.
don't give me that!
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