Jeffries asks 'At what point do we as a society go 'But they were good'... but like... what I'm trying to say is... "just how talented do you have to be to fuck a kid"?'
I posted the clip above on the David Bowie RIP thread. Unsurprisingly it got an instant reaction from those who worship Bowie's undoubted musical talent, ability, legacy or indeed genius.
I'm not gonna stink up the RIP thread with a bunfight about Bowie's sexual history and the wider question of pop/rock stars and underage girls - but the dicussion needs to be had.
It is common knowledge that David Bowie - just like Iggy Pop, Jimmy Page and many more contemporaries... and like Elvis, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis et al before them... had sex with lots of underage girls back in his 70's heyday. Bill Wyman was still at it with 13 year-olds at the age of 50 FFS. It was very common back then. Came with the territory so to speak,
What was commonplace (and generally sniggered at) back then would nowadays get you the jail straight away, but only after you had been suitably, publicly, scorned.
Some celebs - because we love them for their artistic genius - get a bye-ball. Others, such as celebrity DJs and TV presenters, don't. Whether aa Artiste is perceived as a bit of a drug-feuled hornball or a 'dirty fuckin nonce' seems to be dependent on how cool or how influential you are
1. Some will people will argue that this is 'too soon' after his passing to be discussed. I would argue that the same courtesy would not be extended to others - such DJs and other, less artistically accomplished, celebs or indeed people who it is coll to not like.
2. Some people will cry 'where's your proof'? whilst ignoring the widely available anecdotal evidence from contemporaries. Many of these same people require no such level of proof to wade in and pontificate about those they don't like (Cliff anybody? Jim Davidson?)
3. Posters who ventured that 'things were different back then' have basically been called apologists for noncery on here. I wonder would any of those who wailed the loudest turn up on either of the Bowie RIP threads with a somewhat more nuanced view?