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Polish Migrants Get Organised.

It would be ironic if what was calculated as a way of providing cheaper labour ended up revitalising the trade union movement.
It is good news that Polish workers are getting organised but it does seem like the unions have largely given up on the 'white working class'. In fact going by posters on here and meetings i have attended there does seem to be an inverse racism by many of the left particualrly that of the far left. Its also clear that we are now witnessing an historical period which will have massive repercussions for many and when Brown gets in, this 'evangelist for globalisation' will really push the boat out for a more competitive economy meaning even bigger upheavals in the U.K, what will be the unreconstructed lefts response?
treelover said:
It is good news that Polish workers are getting organised but it does seem like the unions have largely given up on the 'white working class'.
Really? I'd reckon that the vast majority of members and reps were from the white working-class. You're an obsessive, man.

Talking of which ....

treelover said:
In fact going by posters on here and meetings i have attended there does seem to be an inverse racism by many of the left particualrly that of the far left.
There are not rolly-eyeball smilies in the world sufficient.
No I think its largely because of the propaganda which a large percentage of the indigenous white working class read and regurgitate. And they take what fuckwits like Littlejohn and Gaunt spout as gospel. I am white and working class (albeit Scottish) and I frequently tell people not to blame the Poles but to blame the bosses. But will you hear Gaunt or littlejohn saying that? I don't think so.
Dave Mullen said:
No I think its largely because of the propaganda which a large percentage of the indigenous white working class read and regurgitate. And they take what fuckwits like Littlejohn and Gaunt spout as gospel. I am white and working class (albeit Scottish) and I frequently tell people not to blame the Poles but to blame the bosses. But will you hear Gaunt or littlejohn saying that? I don't think so.

Yeah Dave but there not Scottish.
treelover said:
It is good news that Polish workers are getting organised but it does seem like the unions have largely given up on the 'white working class'. In fact going by posters on here and meetings i have attended there does seem to be an inverse racism by many of the left particualrly that of the far left. Its also clear that we are now witnessing an historical period which will have massive repercussions for many and when Brown gets in, this 'evangelist for globalisation' will really push the boat out for a more competitive economy meaning even bigger upheavals in the U.K, what will be the unreconstructed lefts response?

have the white working class equally abandoned the unions, (cos there mostly crap, much weakened and self-interested),

i think the unions are useful in these cases for international info and contacts hence the above
treelover said:
It is good news that Polish workers are getting organised but it does seem like the unions have largely given up on the 'white working class'.

Since when were Polish workers not part of the "white working class"?

Oh and a related question - what the hell are you on about? :confused:
DapperDonDamaja said:
I just love the fact that now I can tell overcharging crap arrogant English plumbers to get fucked.

the general level of understanding on urban 75 has really been coming on in leaps and bounds in the last year...

first someone points out the simple fact that migrant workers are getting organised in the british trade union movement - a very useful move and one that will cut across the divisions created to keep us fighting one another over the crumbs falling from the employers tables. Its nothing new in british labour history - new migrants have always arrived, been used or/and been integrated into the organised working class.

This example is a useful, practical counter-weight to the endless threads on how we should all be joining in the chorus of 'brit jobs for brit workers' and playing the little englander like moronic king canutes doing the dirty work of the employers on thier behalf (often with the 'i'm not a bigot' proviso that 'one of my workmates is black and s/he is even more determined to stop jhonny foriegner taking our jobs then I am'... well blow me down with this wonderful revelation - yawn)

within a couple of posts we have the 'foriegners taking our jobs' crap and not much further the oh so original 'greedy british worker' crap (so what about the greedy british bosses????) and slipped in there somewhere the 'well they ain't white working class are they?' crap (well, actually they are, but anyway...) and the inevitable (on a site dominated by cynical do-nothing wankers) 'the left is all inverted racism and its ideas are out modded (well could we hear something from you about what the possible alternative answers may be? - rather than your constant excuses, diguised as 'critic', for being part of the problem...)

None of us needs any help in keeping ourselves under-thumb if these voices of 'reason' represent the pinnicle of 'independent thinking' in this country . It seems that many of the internet warriors (luckily they usually do nothing practical to defend thier fellow white or any other working class people and communities) here can do a good enough job of keeping themselves down without any help from the bnp lies, boss politicians lies, media lies, employers lies or cheap labour being bought in from elsewhere to confuse them.

you servile wankers
my view is that it's a good thing BUT it's kind of depressing that so many people in temp jobs etc haven't done this yet, although that system of exploiting peoples lack of knowedg of their rights and the unions lack of power has been very normal for the past 5 years at least
dennisr said:
the general level of understanding on urban 75 has really been coming on in leaps and bounds in the last year...

first someone points out the simple fact that migrant workers are getting organised in the british trade union movement - a very useful move and one that will cut across the divisions created to keep us fighting one another over the crumbs falling from the employers tables. Its nothing new in british labour history - new migrants have always arrived, been used or/and been integrated into the organised working class.

This example is a useful, practical counter-weight to the endless threads on how we should all be joining in the chorus of 'brit jobs for brit workers' and playing the little englander like moronic king canutes doing the dirty work of the employers on thier behalf (often with the 'i'm not a bigot' proviso that 'one of my workmates is black and s/he is even more determined to stop jhonny foriegner taking our jobs then I am'... well blow me down with this wonderful revelation - yawn)

within a couple of posts we have the 'foriegners taking our jobs' crap and not much further the oh so original 'greedy british worker' crap (so what about the greedy british bosses????) and slipped in there somewhere the 'well they ain't white working class are they?' crap (well, actually they are, but anyway...) and the inevitable (on a site dominated by cynical do-nothing wankers) 'the left is all inverted racism and its ideas are out modded (well could we hear something from you about what the possible alternative answers may be? - rather than your constant excuses, diguised as 'critic', for being part of the problem...)

None of us needs any help in keeping ourselves under-thumb if these voices of 'reason' represent the pinnicle of 'independent thinking' in this country . It seems that many of the internet warriors (luckily they usually do nothing practical to defend thier fellow white or any other working class people and communities) here can do a good enough job of keeping themselves down without any help from the bnp lies, boss politicians lies, media lies, employers lies or cheap labour being bought in from elsewhere to confuse them.

you servile wankers

Absolutely excellent post. I salute you.
actually brendan barber gs of the tuc went over to poland as press stunt to try and recruit the poles coming over

if you work in construction you know the problems about recruiting but needs to be something done
dennisr said:
the general level of understanding on urban 75 has really been coming on in leaps and bounds in the last year...

first someone points out the simple fact that migrant workers are getting organised in the british trade union movement - a very useful move and one that will cut across the divisions created to keep us fighting one another over the crumbs falling from the employers tables. Its nothing new in british labour history - new migrants have always arrived, been used or/and been integrated into the organised working class.

This example is a useful, practical counter-weight to the endless threads on how we should all be joining in the chorus of 'brit jobs for brit workers' and playing the little englander like moronic king canutes doing the dirty work of the employers on thier behalf (often with the 'i'm not a bigot' proviso that 'one of my workmates is black and s/he is even more determined to stop jhonny foriegner taking our jobs then I am'... well blow me down with this wonderful revelation - yawn)

within a couple of posts we have the 'foriegners taking our jobs' crap and not much further the oh so original 'greedy british worker' crap (so what about the greedy british bosses????) and slipped in there somewhere the 'well they ain't white working class are they?' crap (well, actually they are, but anyway...) and the inevitable (on a site dominated by cynical do-nothing wankers) 'the left is all inverted racism and its ideas are out modded (well could we hear something from you about what the possible alternative answers may be? - rather than your constant excuses, diguised as 'critic', for being part of the problem...)

None of us needs any help in keeping ourselves under-thumb if these voices of 'reason' represent the pinnicle of 'independent thinking' in this country . It seems that many of the internet warriors (luckily they usually do nothing practical to defend thier fellow white or any other working class people and communities) here can do a good enough job of keeping themselves down without any help from the bnp lies, boss politicians lies, media lies, employers lies or cheap labour being bought in from elsewhere to confuse them.

you servile wankers

dennis thats a very sad post..When challenged some people want to stick their head in the sand and try to pretend that everyone who disagrees with them is some closet little englander...Its nonsense you know it is.
dennisr said:
what about the greedy british bosses

What about them? They haven't got me over a barrel charging me £100 for 5 minutes' work.

Anyway - bit of a derail. I'm all in favour of this new union.
mashedmaryland said:
actually brendan barber gs of the tuc went over to poland as press stunt to try and recruit the poles coming over

if you work in construction you know the problems about recruiting but needs to be something done

I remember a thread on this exact subejct a few months ago and I suggested exactly that - that EU trade unionists set up shop in Eastern Europe same as the employment agencies that arrange for jobs Western Europe etc, altho it needs to be more than a press stunt.
Its excellent news that these workers are orgainisng - and it might do something to bring them into organisational contact with the 'white working class'. Thats all positive and sometimes there is a little englander element in some posts on this kind of topic (a small number, but definitely a few).

At the same time it isn't 'racist' to point to the model of globalisation that is bringing these workers here - a neo-liberal bosses model - bosses who certainly see this as a way of getting cheap, non-unionised, desperate workers. This is exactly the kind of notion that underpins EU expansion and why the blair government hasn't been that worried about the rise of 'economic migrants'. However like so many of these debates on u75 we fall into either/or mode. Ends up being 'you've got to stand with the migrants or youv'e got to stand with the working class'. :(

Would of thought that this topic should start with some recognition of the circumstances in which EU migrants are being encouraged to come here - but that such recognition shouldn't reduce the amount we are willing to stand in solidarity with those migrants. Attack neoliberalism and attack the bosses, pure and simple.
DapperDonDamaja said:
What about them? They haven't got me over a barrel charging me £100 for 5 minutes' work.

But they have Dapper - everytime you pay for something you are putting in your cut for thier 'wages'
- i wish I had the figures to hand to show the average wage rises compared to the, yet again, huge rises they have given themselves. And for that matter thier 'representatives' - MPs look likely to give themselves another huge pat on the back, PFi boards etc etc etc etc. You mate are paying for the lot of them along with the rest of us. Frankly, your plumber dosen't begin to compare

Anyway - glad you support the need for unionisation
4thwrite said:
Its excellent news that these workers are orgainisng ... At the same time it isn't 'racist' to point to the model of globalisation that is bringing these workers here - a neo-liberal bosses model - bosses who certainly see this as a way of getting cheap, non-unionised, desperate workers. This is exactly the kind of notion that underpins EU expansion and why the blair government hasn't been that worried about the rise of 'economic migrants'. However like so many of these debates on u75 we fall into either/or mode. Ends up being 'you've got to stand with the migrants or youv'e got to stand with the working class'. :(

its a shame people don't start recognising that these migrants ARE PART OF the self same working class and that that working class is what can challenge the neo-liberal agenda. The unionisation of east euro workers is a good start.

Baldwin's bleating about a 'challenge' is simply the 'challenge' of establishment ideas - its an alternative to those ideas we need. And not just to ideas - people need to get off thier knees rather than bleating on about the 'foriegners'
dennisr said:
Baldwin's bleating about a 'challenge' is simply the 'challenge' of establishment ideas - its an alternative to those ideas we need. And not just to ideas - people need to get off thier knees rather than bleating on about the 'foriegners'

dennis that is pathetic...Establishment ideas eh.....Bleating on about foreigners.....

Its rubbish dennis...My arguements are against the establishment and free market policies on migration..Pointing out the international consequences of those policies. How it makes the world a more unequal place...Read the Guardian today....The stuff about how immigration is helping economic growth in the UK.... Do you think the establishment are against that dennis?
with some exceptions it is the unreconstructed left who frame all politics these days in terms of 'race' instead of class.

ts a shame people don't start recognising that these migrants ARE PART OF the self same working class and that that working class is what can challenge the neo-liberal agenda. The unionisation of east euro workers is a good start.
yeah, the Digby Jones model, how strange to see Trots cheerleading him

At the same time it isn't 'racist' to point to the model of globalisation that is bringing these workers here - a neo-liberal bosses model - bosses who certainly see this as a way of getting cheap, non-unionised, desperate workers. This is exactly the kind of notion that underpins EU expansion and why the blair government hasn't been that worried about the rise of 'economic migrants'. However like so many of these debates on u75 we fall into either/or mode. Ends up being 'you've got to stand with the migrants or youv'e got to stand with the working class'.
its definitely an interesting development and i will look at it properly but
guardian said:
As Woody Guthrie used to remind Americans in song, migrant workers are often the most exploited and the lowest paid, and the only
wtf? Woody Guthrie said that did he? Not centuries of socialists and labour organisers then? :D ha ha
Dilletante aristo who jumped on the redistribution of wealth tip cos he himself lost all his cash in taxes to the state while he was busy killing Muslims in the middle east.

As opposed to cosying up to Muslims in the East End the way REAL socialists behave these days...yuk yuk yuk...
I'm still not clear what these champions of the white non polish working class would do exactly. Stop all immigration? Stop all working class immigration? Stop all unskilled working class immigration? How is this in any way sustainable.
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