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Police told to empty crisps into plastic bags to avoid advertising rival brands at Olympics


Awesome stuff:
Officers who will be patrolling the Games' rowing events at Eton, Berks., were amazed when told by senior officers told them they must not be seen with snacks such as Walker's crisps or Ginsters pasties.

Thames Valley Police insisted that before going to the Olympic events officers, including Royal Protection guards, must empty their snacks into a clear polythene bag.
The top-level instruction, based on guidelines from the Games' London organisers, was designed to protect advertising by the official sponsors including Coca Cola, Cadbury's and McDonalds.

With the games being televised around the world, organising bigwigs have moved to stop any free advertising for firms which haven't forked out millions in sponsorship money.
But then they backed down...
A Thames Valley Police spokesman said in a statement: "We are expected to comply with LOCOG requirements and therefore are not expected to enter the venue with any goods that do not reflect sponsors.
"This position will be briefed to all officers and staff, although operational effectiveness and any response to an incident will always be our priority."
However, after LOCOG was made aware of the strict interpretation of their rules by Thames Valley Police chiefs and the discord of officers, they spoke to the police and issued clarification.
"The revised guidance amounts to a major climbdown by our top brass who have realised they were taking the 'no branding or advertising' rules a tad too literally," said one police officer involved in the Dorney Rowing Lake events.
"It is a victory for commonsense - but if we hadn't kicked up a fuss, they would have had us decanting our crisps and pop into unmarked containers."
Why are they eating when they are supposed to be on duty anyway? I don't want to be searched by someone chomping on a pasty, whether it is in a clear plastic bag or not. Don't they have breaks?
I'm sorely tempted to turn up to the Olympic Stadium with a blue Pepsi t-shirt and eat my chips out of a Burger King bag. What a bunch of cocks they're being about all this protected branding. The brand police have been out in force removing flower displays in shops which feature Olympic Rings or anything that has any reference to the games. How exactly is anyone expected to participate in the celebration if a local business can't even mention anything with reference to the Olympics.

Then there's the list of 'banned' words. For real.. these words are actually BANNED from use during the games and protected by the law:

"gold", "silver" and "bronze", "summer", "sponsors" and "London" "2012" "medals"

That's right.... "London" is a banned word! Welcome to your games! :facepalm:

I think that I'll get a list of these brand sponsors, and then completely exclude them from my sphere of influence - and get my contacts / friends to do the same -----
----thus totally negating the expected results of the sponsorhip blatent advertising......
I'm sorely tempted to turn up to the Olympic Stadium with a blue Pepsi t-shirt and eat my chips out of a Burger King bag. What a bunch of cocks they're being about all this protected branding. The brand police have been out in force removing flower displays in shops which feature Olympic Rings or anything that has any reference to the games. How exactly is anyone expected to participate in the celebration if a local business can't even mention anything with reference to the Olympics.

Then there's the list of 'banned' words. For real.. these words are actually BANNED from use during the games and protected by the law:

"gold", "silver" and "bronze", "summer", "sponsors" and "London" "2012" "medals"

That's right.... "London" is a banned word! Welcome to your games! :facepalm:


Obviously one of the "best things" about the games is that it is supposed to bring wider economic benefits for the whole country. I can think of no better way to facilitate this than a blanket ban on all advertising with even vague connotations toward anything athletic, except to a select few high value sponsors. Brilliant move. It's exactly how the ancient greeks used to do it as well, no doubt.
I'm sorely tempted to turn up to the Olympic Stadium with a blue Pepsi t-shirt and eat my chips out of a Burger King bag. What a bunch of cocks they're being about all this protected branding. The brand police have been out in force removing flower displays in shops which feature Olympic Rings or anything that has any reference to the games. How exactly is anyone expected to participate in the celebration if a local business can't even mention anything with reference to the Olympics.

Then there's the list of 'banned' words. For real.. these words are actually BANNED from use during the games and protected by the law:

"gold", "silver" and "bronze", "summer", "sponsors" and "London" "2012" "medals"

That's right.... "London" is a banned word! Welcome to your games! :facepalm:

I was wondering why we had to have our summer in May
Big Brother is fookin watchin ya... so doing something daft by eating Walker's crisps, drinking a bottle of Pepi and wearing Nike trainers will get you surrounded by fuzz. Great move, watch dogs, great move. Yanno, in some sense, the whole banning of buzzwords and logos is riot starting, if ya think about it. All because it's so bloody stupid... what they're thinking of and making people do.
Big Brother is fookin watchin ya... so doing something daft by eating Walker's crisps, drinking a bottle of Pepi and wearing Nike trainers will get you surrounded by fuzz. Great move, watch dogs, great move. Yanno, in some sense, the whole banning of buzzwords and logos is riot starting, if ya think about it. All because it's so bloody stupid... what they're thinking of and making people do.

They're not going to do that to the general public though
Just found this

Big Brother is fookin watchin ya... so doing something daft by eating Walker's crisps, drinking a bottle of Pepi and wearing Nike trainers will get you surrounded by fuzz. Great move, watch dogs, great move. Yanno, in some sense, the whole banning of buzzwords and logos is riot starting, if ya think about it. All because it's so bloody stupid... what they're thinking of and making people do.

o------k then
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