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Poland v Slovakia, 14 June, 5pm, ITV

bit unfair blaming it on the goalkeeper I thought - deflected off defender and bounced back onto him from the post.
"Tactical foul, I call this one, it's not cynical, it's needed"

Instinctively that felt wrong, and that "tactical fouls" and "cynical fouls" are the same thing, but now I'm thinking about it, are they?
They seem to be going down very easily, bit of a push and they suddenly fall over 5 yards later :rolleyes:
Ugh, I get so frustrated with that; players get the ball in what you might call the "Frank Lampard/Paul Scholes zone", just outside the box, and instinctively feel the have to have a shot from there, despite the fact they clearly don't have the ability of a Lampard or a Scholes.

This may be more than a little influenced by how many times it happens in the park-level games I've played in.
hehe commentator surprised goal wasn't credited to Svk player "why not?" errm because it bounced in back off the goalkeeper most probably.
If the Czechs and Slovaks had stuck together they could have pissed this tinpot tournament.
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