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Group E final games: Slovakia-Spain and Sweden-Poland 23 June

Tell me about it I've been a good 7 minutes behind sometimes :)

Prize for Slovakia for the longest continuous foul followed by an overarm throw :thumbs:

then best foul of two players simultaneously, this game keeps giving
9, 6, 3, 0 is loads better. :mad:
naah, that's an average of 4.5 points each |(mean, as mode and median are totally meaningless on both cases), which obviously no one could have. An average of four but no one having four is much neater.
I think we can all agree that the joint thread didn't really live up to expectations. Good to have the split match thread format back for this evening's matches.
Gotta be better than the debacle on Monday

Where there were more posts about the thread rivalry than the football.
Gotta be better than the debacle on Monday

Where there were more posts about the thread rivalry than the football.
Fortunately, this will be the first and last instance of such foolishness.
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