Always somebody else's fault eh?
this is only 75% of the abuse from the carr thread.
This really is a wanker's opinion.
(blagsta, post 281 on the carr thread)
No more free drugs for meth lab.
(blagsta again, 282 carr thread)
Jesus meth. Who'd have guessed you were Tory scum
(killer b, 285 carr thread)
You're not really understanding any of the issues, are you? Maybe you understand "anti-social freeloading parasite
(danny la rouge, 295 carr thread)
Sounds like youre taking from your partner to be honest but hey carry on doing whatever the fuck you cant help
(fuchs66, 310, carr thread)
No-one is saying you vote Tory, they're saying that your attitudes are Tory, you berk.
(violant panda, 315, carr
Oh fuck off to your normal whiney thread
(butchers, 444)
Just fuck off. Not interested
. (butchers 448)
and usually dont enjoy taking advantage of each other! If, as you say, you've offered to leave then you obviously
know you are taking the piss. Then if, as you say, you love your partner the obvious step would be to go. But you
dont because you are too comfortable with the situation as it is
. (fuchs66, 464)
Realise it's a topic you know, but fuck all to do with this thread and your shit posts on it
(jimw, 487)
fag break
someone completely dependant on the state backing up a tax dodging multi millionaire. you're a fucking idiot mate
(dickmerit, 494)
. (dickmerit again on mental illness, 498)
how's the career at nasa coming along, professor?
(mental health dig, diskomerit again, 521)
get fucked. you're the one saying how clever and popular you are and now you're crying like a baby
. (diskomerit
again, simply due to my pointing out i had a score of 75th percentile, 527)
Why did you say that you don't get benefits earlier?
(this is butchers imaganing things, 528)
Yes. You did. There is all sort sorts of ways that you can lose this. You can't remember posting your right-wing shit
is the most honourable. But yes you did and you quoted it today yourself when you asked why i called you a liar
(butchers imaganing things again, 539)
you massive crybaby cunt (diskomerit again, 540)
that's not attacking your illness, it's attacking your thickness. you thick cunt
(diskomerit again, 545)
I don't think i have any doubts that you have the conditions that you have. The level of others giving a shit may
differ and i know for a fact that you're playing people for a mug on some and by your practiced defence. But i think
knobs like you need support so you don't go around with these fucking lies and thievery. And knobs like you need
support out of collective taxes. Despite what a pointless prick you are
. (butchers, 560)
I don't care what you do. I really do not care beyond that every death through this way is a victory for thatcher.
I don't care if you now use me as an excuse to go get some more cans or whatever, I don't care. I just want you to
get into your thatcherite skull is that you can do what you do because discokermit does what he does. You owe
him. You are nothing, you're fucking bin-bags without him
. (butchers 584)
Nasty little thatcher child
. (butchers 585)
No i won't. I'll never hear anything from you ever fucking again. I'm not taking the piss, i'm pointing out what a mug you are.I invite you to
go a bit further.
Do it.
(butchers 590)
(diskomerit 592)
Dish it thingy boy from wales drugs thing.
(butchers 602)
(dickmerit 671)
.... (butchers, 677)
I think you would because you're fucked in the head but have a practiced way of getting out of immediate situation
that deflects elsewhere. You are all bullshit. Even what you are going to say is bullshit
. (butchers, 682)
because of what was said. Meth is right wing - is this really a surprise?
(butchrs 687)
It's prejudiced you excuse making tory.
(butchers, takinpis out of my spellingnow aswell as mental health etc..689)
Yeah yeah yeah, pointless waster.
(butchers again, 691)
Prejudiced. Butch is a prejudiced wanker, not a prejudice wanker. That's been irritating me all evening (killer B,dyslexia diss.)
fuck the nations housing stock, eh?
thatchers child indeed
(dickmerit coz i live ina semi hat is owned by my partner from sale of previous house after her dad died, 697)
The one where you said that you don't get benefits after saying that you do get benefits before you said that you
don't get benefits. Look what she did to you - you're barely alive.
(butchers insulting and imagining things again,705)
he is a proven liar though.
(dickmerit, 707)
I reckon being a pissed up prick using a series of pathetic justifications more likely here?
(butchers, 708)
So when he posts right-wing nonsense what? Fuck him, fuck his arguments, pathetic little shit boy trousers. No. We
crush them and we move on.
(butchers thinking this mens anything and that he has any say in the world what-so-ever, and another abusive post..724)
You can't open a tin of beans without your mums help. You've got no muscle, stop this now
(butchers again, 730)
i'm on a death list and i can't stop laughing!
(dickmerit thinking im gonna kill him or something..too much meph?)
. (blagsta, being as empathic as he possibly can, 779)
There's no point expecting a rational response - he's not capable of giving one.
(blagsta, mental health diss and thats his job, i wouldant wanna be his client, 789)
Loads of drug forum users aren't fantasists right-wing knobheads.
(butchers 792)
Them laughing at you claiming to be above genius IQ isn't quite the same as what you're now claiming they said,you massive drama queen
(cit66 talking shite, 810)
(dickmerit, 816)