you wont even bother to put one on the thread anyway
She did.
She posted several.
I thought they were outstanding, fwiw. Likewise, the online / youtube performance of one of them (which I mischievously googled).
I wouldn't post on here, even were I currently inclined to write poetry.
I powerfully dislike the idea of 'competition.' I powerfully dislike the fact that there's no way of posting on this thread without you either insisting that people prove they can do 'better' (or else their opinion is worthless); and a really strong feeling that it's - basically - a pissing contest.
Which doesn't sit right with me, at all, wrt poetry. And its function. And its role in being expressive, and heard; and that being enough, instead of it being a 'competition' over who's best, and who's shit. Which... just... feels completely wrong. Or massively uncomfortable. IMO.
Like Soj said,
First though, I don't believe in negative crit, just constructive. The very fact that you have used the word 'negative' is an indicator of your potential reaction tbh. If you'd like an honest constructive crit of any of your work, pm it to me and I'll do one for you.
And fair play for that.
I think you know that you find it hard to... balance... this kinda thing, wrt attention, criticism, and praise.
And, tbh, I think that's why this - for me - feels like you're after a bit of a pissing competition. Or, at least, if it's a competition, you definitely want to win.
As Soj continued,
Open mic nights are exactly all about getting more practise. When I did my first one I trembled and shook and barely got through the first poem. But all open micers KNOW that that is how it feels, and that everyone shits themselves when they first get up, so the atmosphere in those places is incredibly supportive and friendly. I suggested open mic because the first thing that springs to mind about your stuff is that it is very much more stage than page.
IMO that sounds like a really outstanding idea, Meth.
More stage than page; a good place to receive genuine, supportive, friendly critiques; and a good way to develop.
People who can't hear criticism, or who can't take it on board - from
everybody and anybody regardless of whether or not they're 'better' than you - ain't gonna improve. Full stop.
If you're after 'negative' criticism, that's what you'll always hear; that isn't what it always is.