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Pizza toppings suggestions

Make your own passata? Seems a bit OTT to me. Just bung a load of minced garlic in with some olive oil, fry for a minute, chuck as much ready-made passata in as needed and let simmer for half an hour, done.
Isn't it just, basically, baked tomatoes, and so forth?

It's sounded like a piece of piss when I've bounced off recipes.
<snip>REckon we should make our own passata too.
Doesn't take much doing - drain a tin of tomatoes and wand blend with up to half the juice. Add herbs & crushed/finely chopped garlic to taste.
We'll be making enough for 3 oven-sized pizzas :D


This is not passata. This is blended tomato. :mad:
Close enough for what it's for :p

For the real thing, I'd need to put the moulilegumes together. Or face the delights of washing up a clogged up sieve. Most of the time just can't be bothered.
I like to slice up tomatoes and onions really thinly, coat them in olive oil with a healthy dollop of pesto and oregano mixed in, then lay all of that on the tomato base, and put on loads of capers and olives and anchovies. If that's all on a proper thin and crispy base, I'd not even bother with any cheese.
Obviously, you could leave out the anchovies if you're going veggie on it. In which case some mozzarella would be a good addition. If you can get vegetarian mozzarella, which I don't know.

For me, a meaty pizza has to have salami and pepperoni on it. Not too fussed about ham or chicken or mince or any other sort of meat.
(Har! I wrote "mice" for mince first :D )
I like to slice up tomatoes and onions really thinly, coat them in olive oil with a healthy dollop of pesto and oregano mixed in, then lay all of that on the tomato base, and put on loads of capers and olives and anchovies. If that's all on a proper thin and crispy base, I'd not even bother with any cheese.
Obviously, you could leave out the anchovies if you're going veggie on it. In which case some mozzarella would be a good addition. If you can get vegetarian mozzarella, which I don't know.

For me, a meaty pizza has to have salami and pepperoni on it. Not too fussed about ham or chicken or mince or any other sort of meat.
(Har! I wrote "mice" for mince first :D )

You might like a pissaladiere then.
You might like a pissaladiere then.

I have heard of that word adn knew it was some sort of savoury tarty thing, but never been interested enough to look into what was in them.
Your post has made me have a Google and I can safely say that I most certainly would. Might actually give one a go this weekend. I see Queen Delia's got a recipe and she's never let me down yet
Cheers, TruXta.
i'm generally of the opinion that you should have a limited number of toppings (three, four at most - not counting tomato sauce or cheese) and that these should be applied to the base fairly sparsely. also, cook any veg you use before assembly.

i would consider:

parma ham, garlic mushrooms, olives
anchovies, capers, olives
chargrilled pepper, caramelised onions with balsamic vinegar, olives.

maybe have different varieties of olives on each pizza. olives are essential though.
also, cook any veg you use before assembly.

Nah. Some you might, like mushrooms or spinach for example, or potatoes if you're doing a weird one. But onions, garlic, toms, olives, capers, peppers, sweetcorn* or pineapple*? Not necessary at all IME.

* These warrant capital punishment.
Olives are less essential than pepperoni. If you are a veggie then mushrooms are more essential than olives.
Nah. Some you might, like mushrooms or spinach for example, or potatoes if you're doing a weird one. But onions, garlic, toms, olives, capers, peppers, sweetcorn* or pineapple*? Not necessary at all IME.
just saying what works for me. olives & capers don't count as veg anyway.
Actually jalapenos is a great topping. I've come to the conclusion that sweetcorn anywhere, in any shape, should be nuked. Pineapple, fresh, is lovely on it's own or as juice, but can stay the fuck away from pizza.
For Tom sauce finely dice 3cloves garlic and one onion. Sweat. Add tins chopped toms ground pepper,bay leaf. pinch of salt & sugar. Simmer and stir for 45mins. Makes shit loads which ends up kept in fridge for spaghetti bol etc
My favourite toppings are some kind of spicy sausage (chorizo usually) olives and chilli.
If you are a veggie then mushrooms are more essential than olives.

Wrong I'm afraid

The only veg I'd precook (other than the garlic in the passata) would be aubergine, spinach or asparagus. Spinach is really the only one I use often though
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