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Photography Thread 2022

My wife and I just moved back to California from the east coast, and had to drive across the country. We decided to make a stop at the Grand Canyon. I don't think any photo can do justice to the immensity of the place, but here's a few anyway. there's a gallery with some more pics here.

My wife and I just moved back to California from the east coast, and had to drive across the country. We decided to make a stop at the Grand Canyon. I don't think any photo can do justice to the immensity of the place, but here's a few anyway. there's a gallery with some more pics here.

Particularly like the last three.
Protest today by Russian, Belarussian and Ukrainian diaspora in Prague against Putin & Lukashenka:

"Stop the terror! Freedom to all political prisoners"
"Together against dictators"

"We are ice under the feet of the Major"
"Outlive them all!"
"Freedom to political prisoners"
"Freedom to Navalny!"

"Stop the terror! Freedom to all political prisoners."
"Together against dictators."

Leanid Sudalenka is a human rights activist imprisoned in Belarus

The letters are made from the names of political prisoners in Belarus

Cracking images! I was trying to work out what the wildlife was in the bush, until realising it was a toy donkey! :D
Yeah, I don't know why it was there, but I couldn't resist taking the picture. I imagine a weeping child bereft of his or her furry friend, and mummy and daady refusing to risk life and limb to rescue it. Either that, or a sacrifice to the Canyon God. :)
A few I've recently posted on my insta (need to finally finish my website). All shot on HP5, mix of 35mm and medium format





I've barely taken any photos this year, partly through lack of time and partly through lack of motivation, what with all the shit going on. January to March, I got through one roll of 35mm (Fomapan 400) and one roll of medium format (Fomapan 100). I am usually happy if I get four good photos from a roll of 36, or two or three from medium format. Anyway, these are some of my favourites from this year's two rolls:

Křižovnické náměstí from Charles Bridge:

I've been trying to get something like this shot from the Prague metronome for years; I'm not sure this is it, but it's close:

Tables and chairs at the Scout institute:

Letná, Prague. There are few things as joyful as a speeding dog:
I was out with my Ricoh GRIII




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