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People who shoot photos with their lens hood on backwards

Johnny and I were comparing our fixed lens point and shoot cameras. Mine is the Ricoh GR and while its biggest aperture is only f/2.8, its ability to take excellent pictures at high ISO numbers more than makes up for it. It has a CMOS C sensor the same size as a DSLR.
I thought that was me. It may have been more than one of us.

The GR has a frickin awesome sensor though. It takes all-around much more pleasing pictures than any other digital I have.
Mostly I carried them around in crappy bags in the rain at festivals or similar. Dropped them maybe.

Or it could be that my film camera fucked them up. I think the zoom on two have been bust since I played with them on it.
I was going to say I have been lucky with my lenses. But then I remembered:
1) I bought a Sigma 28-70mm f2.8 with focussing issues at var. apertures, I lost some money there.
2) Then I bought a Nikon 20mm f2.8 AF whose aperture blades stuck together, cost £60 to get it repaired.
Other than my 50mm f1.8 all my lenses are fucked. My f2.8 17-50 has water damage and the zoom is stuck at 17mm. I lost my kit lens and my 30-70 pentax-f is also fucked :(

On the body, the prism is full of crap/fluff and the sensor is covered in blobs.

Oh, and my 50-300 is stuck wide open at f 3.5.

I should probably take better care of my kit.
That ouldn't have happened if you'd used the lens hoods properly :hmm:

Like with so many other urban threads, so much time, effort and face could have been saved if people could just tweek their wording a little.
"I see your point but I sometimes find this/that/other" rather than "you're wrong and you're a grotesquely ugly freak!" :D
No! :mad:
And did you edit it with a fancy app? You sinner. ;)

I admit... I cropped it in Photoshop :(

It's hard to see but there's also a UV filter hiding under that rearward facing C*non hood and I had voice commands activated on the S4's camera :facepalm:

I'd better ask Ken Rockwell for some guidance :facepalm:
Greebo said:
You still need an eye for colour & contrast, composition, and what makes an interesting image. You also have to be there with your camera at the right moment.

I am still shocked that some wedding photographers, regularly at weddings I have attended, make huge money from doing nothing but getting the whole congregation into a haphazard group, too difficult to wrangle that amount of people so some people are cut off the end coz they are not listening to instructions, or are blocked by a taller person, all with a false smile saying cheese (or worse some other word that photographer thinks is cool/funny), looking stilted and awkward.
It's, to me unfathomable.
They still charge a fortune.

I personally know two people that do wedding photography to fund them being able to pursue it as an art elsewhere, that are amazing.
You would never know they were there til you see the photos after.
Natural, artistic, just brilliant.
Hocus Eye. said:
There are, I believe some new social groups that centre around putting lens hoods on the wrong way around. That sounds like fun.

Tories? UKIPs? Anarchists that mummy and daddy fund their whole alternative existence?
Watching the Buffy episode where she's trapped in a time loop and spike and clem etc are betting with kittens :D

Oops, wrong thread, but maybe you guys could learn something from Buffy the Vampire Slayer :D
I am still shocked that some wedding photographers, regularly at weddings I have attended, make huge money from doing nothing but getting the whole congregation into a haphazard group, too difficult to wrangle that amount of people so some people are cut off the end coz they are not listening to instructions, or are blocked by a taller person, all with a false smile saying cheese (or worse some other word that photographer thinks is cool/funny), looking stilted and awkward.
It's, to me unfathomable.
They still charge a fortune.

I personally know two people that do wedding photography to fund them being able to pursue it as an art elsewhere, that are amazing.
You would never know they were there til you see the photos after.
Natural, artistic, just brilliant.

I did wedding photography for about 12 months... never again! There wasn't enough money in it to make up for the stress. I have the utmost of respect for anyone who can pull it off but it wasn't for me. Not only are you worrying that a memory card might shit itself, you have the added worry of making sure your hood is the right way round, and making sure you haven't left any UV filters on your lenses, and FFS, don't let anyone see you chimping!... It's a tightrope spud. It's a fuckin' tightrope!
Dr_Herbz said:
I did wedding photography for about 12 months... never again! There wasn't enough money in it to make up for the stress. I have the utmost of respect for anyone who can pull it off but it wasn't for me. Not only are you worrying that a memory card might shit itself, you have the added worry of making sure your hood is the right way round, and making sure you haven't left any UV filters on your lenses, and FFS, don't let anyone see you chimping!... It's a tightrope spud. It's a fuckin' tightrope!


But seriously, the people I know that do it are quite a bit younger than me.
They realised they had a talent for photography without pursuing it as a career.
It has really taken over their lives.
Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays shooting, the rest of the time in a small room doing all the other stuff involved.
People get arsy thinking "it's only a few hours", which it is invariably more than but they forget all the editing and trawling through shit photos. Plus covering keeping up to date with good equipment.

I was going to post more but realised even though I have slept on the sofa, I'm still pissed and can't be arsed :D
I am still shocked that some wedding photographers, regularly at weddings I have attended, make huge money from doing nothing but getting the whole congregation into a haphazard group, too difficult to wrangle that amount of people so some people are cut off the end coz they are not listening to instructions, or are blocked by a taller person, all with a false smile saying cheese (or worse some other word that photographer thinks is cool/funny), looking stilted and awkward.
It's, to me unfathomable.
They still charge a fortune.

I personally know two people that do wedding photography to fund them being able to pursue it as an art elsewhere, that are amazing.
You would never know they were there til you see the photos after.
Natural, artistic, just brilliant.

The last few weddings I've been to have either had free-to-use disposable cameras provided by the bride and groom, or 'all our mates have cameras let's just pool pics at the end', or 'jims quite good with a camera we'll ask him to do it in exchange for cake'.

So I was quite shocked to discover that mates who are getting married in may are paying £1300 for a photographer!

... I shall of course be checking which way round his lens hood is.
So I was quite shocked to discover that mates who are getting married in may are paying £1300 for a photographer!

... I shall of course be checking which way round his lens hood is.

tsk tsk .. do you know it will be "his" lens hood?
... I shall of course be checking which way round his lens hood is.

That was the deciding factor in my throwing in of the towel. I sometimes forgot to turn the lens hood the correct way around after taking a few snap shots the previous day. I simply couldn't live with myself, charging for professional work when my lens hood was clearly in the direction of that of an amateur... It could have been as catastrophic as dividing by zero if I'd continued.
That was the deciding factor in my throwing in of the towel. I sometimes forgot to turn the lens hood the correct way around after taking a few snap shots the previous day. I simply couldn't live with myself, charging for professional work when my lens hood was clearly in the direction of that of an amateur... It could have been as catastrophic as dividing by zero if I'd continued.

Good thing you've moved up to camera phones. :thumbs:
Dr_Herbz said:
That was the deciding factor in my throwing in of the towel. I sometimes forgot to turn the lens hood the correct way around after taking a few snap shots the previous day. I simply couldn't live with myself, charging for professional work when my lens hood was clearly in the direction of that of an amateur... It could have been as catastrophic as dividing by zero if I'd continued.

I'm sure there are specific counsellors that deal with this kind of issue.
There is no shame in asking for help.
Good thing you've moved up to camera phones. :thumbs:

Isn't it! I'm hoping that some day I'll progress to Etch a Sketch and be as good as you :thumbs:

I'm sure there are specific counsellors that deal with this kind of issue.
There is no shame in asking for help.

I tried... but I missed my first appointment when I walked into the road and was hit by a car... Apparently, wearing my hoodie backwards wasn't a great idea. :facepalm:
My some of the 'logic' on this thread mobile phone cameras take better pictures because it is impossible to put the lens hood on backwards.

I can't believe we've made it this far without anyone pointing out that, regardless of the technical considerations, putting lens hoods on backwards just looks fucking cool.

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