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People who shoot photos with their lens hood on backwards

The hood is being stored on a camera being used.

The alternative is removing the hood completely whilst the hood is not being used but the camera is.

That's how hoods get lost. If its on the camera then you know where the hood is should you need it. If it's not on the camera it's in a drawer somewhere when you need it because you forgot it or didn't think you'd need it when you did.
Disclaimer: I've never owned a camera posh enough to even need a lens hood (so that will discount my views as far as Bungle is concerned, I am sure).

But I keep thinking - it takes a little effort to design a hood, manufacture a screw thread on it, etc., in such a way that it could be put on backwards. Sure, it's conceivable that it's just a happy accident, but it's equally conceivable, isn't it, that the hood/lens manufacturer might actually have designed things exactly so that it could be done that way?

Or would that just be ridiculously naive?
Some pros doing proper photography get their smartphones on the covers of prestigious international magazines. I've worked as a pro photographer, and I'd have no problem submitting a photo taken on a smartphone if I thought it was good enough.

But I've already done that anyway, and got paid. As photographers say, the best camera in the world is always the one you have on you.
Ok, have it your way. A phone can do everything a DSLR can do, sensor size makes no difference to image quality, and those of us that bought DSLRs wasted our money...especially those that bought Full Frame DSLRs. What fools, huh. We should have all bought smart phones.

I'll tell you what, go and ask Gavin Hoey if he wants to swap his 5D Mk II for a smart phone.

I'd have serious reservations about employing someone who claims to be a "pro photographer", yet doesn't understand the fundamental differences between a phone camera and a DSLR; and also one that is so disrespectful towards another extremely experienced photographer who probably knows a hell of a lot more about photography then they do.
I'd have serious reservations about employing someone who claims to be a "pro photographer", yet doesn't understand the fundamental differences between a phone camera and a DSLR; and also one that is so disrespectful towards another extremely experienced photographer who probably knows a hell of a lot more about photography then they do.
Have you been hiring many photographers recently, then?
Hang on is this seriously the debate thats going on, that phone cameras are a match for DSLR's in the modern day and age?

Proper photographers use a box brownie.
Proper photographers will get great photos, whatever the camera. :)


Here's a mobile phone pic shot by a pro.


And all mobiles are just so unusably shit in low light, aren't they? Oh, wait....
Hang on is this seriously the debate thats going on, that phone cameras are a match for DSLR's in the modern day and age?

You're missing the wilder claims being posted up by Bungle, I'm afraid.

But can a mobile take photos that are good enough for pro use? Oh yes. Most definitely, in the right conditions.
Proper photographers will get great photos, whatever the camera. :)


Here's a mobile phone pic shot by a pro.


And all mobiles are just so unusably shit in low light, aren't they? Oh, wait....
There you go again: posting a couple of pictures that prove nothin whatsoever. Show me two full size photos of exactly the same thing taken with a phone and with a DSLR, that've can zoom into 1:1 and then we'll talk.
You're missing the wilder claims being posted up by Bungle, I'm afraid.

But can a mobile take photos that are good enough for pro use? Oh yes. Most definitely, in the right conditions.
What "wider claims"? All
I've argued is that DSLRs are better than phones, and something you keep denying.
This low light, hand held shot taken on a Lumia phone is pretty damn good. Easily the equal of some of the dSLRs I've had in the past for web use.

Can you produce a such a quote please? Thanks!
You're unbelievable. It's what you've been arguing throughout this entire thread. And what you are still arguing with your pointless pictures.

I gave you a long list of how DSLRs have the advantage, but apparently that was "moving the goalposts", as if that statement made any sense what so ever.
Just to throw my tuppence in, someone whos good with a camera will get a good photo regardless of what they're taking a photo with. Some of the best photos Ive taken have been with an empty beer can with a hole in it.

But phone cameras will never be a replacement for a good quality camera, they just dont have the ability to reproduce the quality, and will never have the physical shape or size to give you any real control over shutter speed or apertures, as real control over them needs them in their physciality, and by the nature of a camera phone, being predominantly a phone before a camera, means that being pocket sized will always be important.

This isn't even an argument worth having, but in all honesty if i hired a photographer for a decent amount of money and they turned up with nothing but a phone, I'd be telling them to fuck off. That doesnt mean you can't take a great photo with a camera phone, its just that they dont suit a professional purpose.
Nope. It's everyone else.
Don't be silly. It's exactly what Ed is arguing. And apparently we're not allowed to inspect pictures properly. Hmm I wonder why that is...

The post above yours says everything I am arguing here.
I put the hood on backwards, but then put the lens on backwards, so actually the hood is pointing forwards. That's what all the pros do.

I use an Australian camera which i use upside-down (as thats the right way up in Australia) takes nice photos but its a pain using photoshop to flip them the right way up for UK consumers.
Proper photographers will get great photos, whatever the camera. :)

You still get so many camera snobs. This one website used to compliment me on some great shots. One day someone said wow the quality on that is great, what camera are you using?

Reply: Kodak EasyShare

The compliments stopped coming.

The stupid thing was that the Kodak EasyShare (at that time) had a dynamite lens. One being used in cameras considerably more expensive. They never trumpeted the fact and so people just think pah cheap tourist camera when really it was an exceptional value for money quality camera.
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