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Patrick Finucane

My first thoughts were to condemn Finucane himself. I never mentioned his family. He was the one who dragged them into a war after all.

Same sentence, condemn the victim then his family..... You are a cunt. And yet you had to be dragged to condemn the state killing innocent men and women.......
Same sentence, condemn the victim then his family..... You are a cunt. And yet you had to be dragged to condemn the state killing innocent men and women.......

I didn't mention it earlier because I thought it was kind of obvious. I've been trying to drag someone into condemming the acts committed by the IRA but so far no luck it seems.
I didn't mention it earlier because I thought it was kind of obvious. I've been trying to drag someone into condemming the acts committed by the IRA but so far no luck it seems.

Well your comments are obvious, your internal thoughts not so much. Your first sentence makes clear what is obvious to you.....
My first thoughts were to condemn Finucane himself. I never mentioned his family. He was the one who dragged them into a war after all.
that's perhaps the stupidest post i've seen this year. and when you consider that that's in competition with dwyer, articul8, rmp3 and so on that's pretty stupid.

could this be next?
spookyfrank said:
charles manson? sharon tate should shoulder some of the responsibility for her death.
He is responsible because he was a solicitor?

Because he chose to defend terrorists.

Perhaps if he'd lived he'd have gone on to save many other IRA folks from jail, and they in turn might have gone on to murder lots of other folks who they wouldn't have been able to murder had they been in jail. Finucane's death may have saved a dozen lives for all we know.

Watching you lot overreact to anything outside of the acceptable opinions venn diagram you've all got in your heads is hilarious btw.
Because he chose to defend terrorists.

Perhaps if he'd lived he'd have gone on to save many other IRA folks from jail, and they in turn might have gone on to murder lots of other folks who they wouldn't have been able to murder had they been in jail. Finucane's death may have saved a dozen lives for all we know.

Watching you lot overreact to anything outside of the acceptable opinions venn diagram you've all got in your heads is hilarious btw.

No, the hilarity is entirely yours as a so-called anarchist reducing the state murder of a solicitor to the fault of the victim. Frankly what's inside your own personally struggling mind is far more worrying frankly....
War, what is it good for? Suspending the rule of law apparently.

Extend that logic to all other enemies of the state and you've probably just made yourself a justifiable target, well done.
The IRA did, and Finucane defended them when they did so.

This is the logic that leads to Guantanomo Bay and waterboarding. If that's your opinion your entitled to it. Not sure how you square that with your professed anarchism, but there we go.
We'll throw away our own rulebook at the drop of a hat when it suits, but please stop the violence and come back to this glorious system of rules and justice, you'll be treated fairly, honest.
and you base this on...

I think there's a rule somewhere that says, 'don't be a terrorist'.

There's another rule that says, 'don't simultaneously seek to undermine civil society with acts of violence and expect the trappings of civil society to protect you from reprisals' but as that rule is only written down in SpookyFrank's Big Book Of The Bleeding Obvious few people seem to have taken it on board.
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