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Pakistani Lawyers Ransack Hospital


right after this urgent rest
Patients die as lawyers ransack Pakistan hospital

There are no words...

more than 200 lawyers wielding sticks stormed Lahore's Punjab Institute of Cardiology (PIC) at midday on Wednesday.

Hospital officials said the lawyers forced their way past security and split into groups, attacking various departments and wards.

Video footage shared on social media showed lawyers - in suits and ties - smashing medical equipment and windows, and beating up staff and officials including Punjab information minister Fayazul Hasan Chauhan who had arrived on the scene to try to restore calm.

These are lawyers, in suits, destroying a hospital? My tiny mind can’t quite comprehend it tbh.
What the fuck is wrong with people?

A huge population, 96% Muslim.
in the programme I linked there are people who devote their lives to blasphemers.
a chap was quoted as saying that he will know when he is a true Muslim when he loves the prophet more than he loves his wife and children.
It's great having something you truly believe in, isn't it. Gives you a sense of believing and purpose and
A huge population, 96% Muslim.
in the programme I linked there are people who devote their lives to blasphemers.
a chap was quoted as saying that he will know when he is a true Muslim when he loves the prophet more than he loves his wife and children.
It's great having something you truly believe in, isn't it. Gives you a sense of believing and purpose and
I don’t think this is a religious thing. I could be wrong but it looks like it started with a personal beef between a doctor and a lawyer that’s got properly out of hand.
Fucking mad bastards. I'd say I hope they all rot in jail for the next twenty years but these seem like the actions of a group who are very confident that won't happen.
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A huge population, 96% Muslim.
in the programme I linked there are people who devote their lives to blasphemers.
a chap was quoted as saying that he will know when he is a true Muslim when he loves the prophet more than he loves his wife and children.
It's great having something you truly believe in, isn't it. Gives you a sense of believing and purpose and
It doesn't seem to have been prompted by religion.

Also, I'm pretty sure I heard something very similar before somewhere.

Ah yes. Christian Bible, Luke 14:25-27:
Luke 14:25-27 King James Version (KJV)
25 And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them,

26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

you can blame those wacky scamps in the CIA for that thing for once:facepalm: CIA organised fake vaccination drive to get Osama bin Laden's family DNA

they also did this Pakistan sentences man to death for blasphemy on Facebook
completely irrelevant the poor sod is a Shia where the majority are Sunni :mad: so not even proper baby-eating atheists who everyone knows are the real terrorists
It doesn't seem to have been prompted by religion.

Also, I'm pretty sure I heard something very similar before somewhere.

Ah yes. Christian Bible, Luke 14:25-27:

There is a huge difference between being a Christian, and being a disciple.

Christ was not saying that you cannot be a believer and have a wife and children, He was saying you cannot be a disciple and have a wife and family.

Mohamed is dead some centuries, therefore discipleship is not possible. What the Muslim is is displaying is religious mania, a form of mental illness.
This is quite an unorthodox position you're taking for a Protestant (or are you not?) See, e.g.: Christians Are Disciples | Tabletalk and there's a shedload in the same vein if you search.

Well, that is one person's view. Feel free to agree with them or not.

In the quoted passage, it was clear what was being referred to. At that point of course there was really no functioning version of Christianity.

Edited to add:

There is little difference between that bloke's outlook and that of a Muslim fundamentalist, both somewhat unhinged.
Whatever that one guy might have said on a TV program, there doesn't seem to be that much difference between attitudes to the family in Islam and Christianity, there's similar stuff about respecting your parents etc. in both the Koran and the Bible. And Islam doesn't seem to have any weird requirements for imams etc. to take permanent vows of celibacy.
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