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Orkney Islands, Scotland - chat, history, photos

it took a bit of hunting to track down the full series: BBC iPlayer - Britains Ancient Capital: Secrets of Orkney it's variously listed under history and nature. but mostly history/archaeology. turned my mental map of neolithic britain on its head :cool:
I didn't see it this time, but I watched it when it first aired. It was mostly very good. There was a little bit of polemical hyperbole in the presentation, but that's to be expected. And it was right to invert the map for us, so to speak.
yup, accepted timelines still to be overturned all over the shop. i suppose because the area i know best in neolithic terms (wessex-ish) has been so thoroughly investigated/disturbed over time it's less likely that surprise new evidence/dates are likely to emerge there.
It was a fascinating programme, and it is astounding that even when covering something from 4000+ years ago, it still has managed to become out of date almost immediately as more and more discoveries are made up there.
yup, accepted timelines still to be overturned all over the shop. i suppose because the area i know best in neolithic terms (wessex-ish) has been so thoroughly investigated/disturbed over time it's less likely that surprise new evidence/dates are likely to emerge there.
There could well be lots more to find in Wessex. I think so.

For most of the time I've followed the subject almost no digging was allowed unless it was rarely sanctioned rescue archaeology. Interpretation of most of the major sites relied on excavation reports from Victorian antiquarians cutting massive holes in barrows and henges looking for burials and treasure.

The argument that you can only dig a site once and to do so when more advanced methodology and scientific analysis might be just around the corner held sway for decades, probably for the best.

It's only in more recent years English Heritage have carried out research digs that have opened up sites like Stone Henge again. Non-intrusive methods such as underground radar and surveying techniques have also advanced hugely. Chance finds are going to happen too, there must be major sites we haven't even identified yet.
what i'm seeing of satellite imaging techniques looks v exciting atm :cool:
Have you seen this? Lots of stuff showing up all over the place :cool:

Archaeologists say recent dry weather has given them the best chance since 1976 to detect new sites from the air.
Marks in crop fields across central and southern Scotland have revealed new Iron Age structures in the Borders, and a temporary Roman camp near Peebles.
Warm weather reveals new archaeology sites
It was a fascinating programme, and it is astounding that even when covering something from 4000+ years ago, it still has managed to become out of date almost immediately as more and more discoveries are made up there.
ooh is it old? is there newer news?


near newgrange (ireland) NPR Choice page
But the thread was about Orkney's history. It made no mention of ireland :confused: :confused:

Anyway if it's important to you, start a new thread and I can move that post from here into it.
sorry, i wasn't serious. that discussion started in orkney but wandered off into related neolithic landscapes.
Why after spending so much time here, would you refer to this place as “the Orkneys” Roger eh? So rude! I bet he also says LoCK Ness with massive emphasis on the ck but manages Bach no bother.

Jesus Christ give me one misstep with a Scottish placename and I’m basically Dexter ;)

We're off to Orkney in June. Yippee!

It's booked and paid for, M-i-L is being taken care of, and now I'm figuring out what to do, in the 5 days we are there (exc arrival and departure). It's somewhere we've both wanted to visit for ages but only really for Skara Brae and the Ring of Brodgar and those are our only "must dos".

We will have a hire car, walking boots, waterproofs, and are self catering, 15 mins walk from Kirkwall centre.

I'm thinking

One day - north west mainland - Skara Brae, Ring of Brodgar, Twatt sign, (Orkney Brewery), Birsay
One day - south west mainland - Stromness, Waulkmill Bay, Scapa beach, (Scapa Distillery)
One day -south over the barriers, Italian Chapel, South Ronaldsay
One day - ferry up to Westray. Take the car or not? A boat ride sounds good at some point, but should we do a different trip?

That's four days.
Anything else we absolutely must do. I'm thinking maybe a day 5 return to the best bits.
Anyone been there recently? (Voley !)

Staying in Kirkwall, if anyone has food recommendations. Mrs mx is veggie and GF, which can be a challenge in most places. Best Curry House? Decent brekkie fry up? Reliable mini cab number?

I'm reckoning on booking evening meals before we go, and taking (supermarket bought) picnics when we are out and about as it, er, looks a bit "empty" away from Kirkwall.
Any off piste little places to eat, that aren't necessarily on Google Maps when we are out and about?

I'll probably buy a guide book, if anyone can recommend one.

Sorry to ramble. Thanks all.
Maes Howe and the stones of Stenness are near the Ring of Brodgar so you should do those too.

Maes Howe and the stones of Stenness are near the Ring of Brodgar so you should do those too.

Thanks, weepiper. I had stones of Stenness on another list, but can't believe I missed Maes Howe. I've certainly heard of it.
Sounds good to me that, mate. Deffo take the car to Westray - I've not been but it's big. You'd struggle to get round on foot I think. Hoy is ace as a day trip too but again, youll want to take your car on the ferry. I took these pics there:



Indian Garden in Kirkwall is a good takeaway.

Tell your OH to be wary of the chips in chippys - they cook em in beef dripping up there.

The brochs are ace. Birsay and Deerness are both good at low tide so you can get on the island bits.

Agree with weepiper about Maes Howe, it's ace with its bawdy Viking graffiti as well as its Neolithic stuff.

Mark Rowes Bradt Guide to Orkney is very good and he is very approachable on Twitter to chat to.

If you're staying near Kirkwall in the Summer, get down to Stenness / Brodgar for a sunset. The tourist buses will be nowhere to be seen, it's still light at 10pm-ish and it's absolutely magical.


Fucking brilliant place. I love Orkney.
Sounds good to me that, mate. Deffo take the car to Westray - I've not been but it's big. You'd struggle to get round on foot I think. Hoy is ace as a day trip too but again, youll want to take your car on the ferry. I took these pics there:

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Indian Garden in Kirkwall is a good takeaway.

Tell your OH to be wary of the chips in chippys - they cook em in beef dripping up there.

The brochs are ace. Birsay and Deerness are both good at low tide so you can get on the island bits.

Agree with weepiper about Maes Howe, it's ace with its bawdy Viking graffiti as well as its Neolithic stuff.

Mark Rowes Bradt Guide to Orkney is very good and he is very approachable on Twitter to chat to.

If you're staying near Kirkwall in the Summer, get down to Stenness / Brodgar for a sunset. The tourist buses will be nowhere to be seen, it's still light at 10pm-ish and it's absolutely magical.

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Fucking brilliant place. I love Orkney.
Cheers, Voley - clearly I knew you'd been recently, but that's really helpful.
Some more pics:

Eynhallow Sound:


Papa Westray:


Stones of Stenness:


South Ronaldsay:




Selkies, Rousay


Deerness (I think). There's a Viking church out here. Very cool place.


Bloody lovely, it was. We liked it so much we still keep an eye on houses for sale there and I wouldn't be at all surprised if we make the move one day.
Some more pics:

Eynhallow Sound:

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Papa Westray:

View attachment 368301

Stones of Stenness:

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South Ronaldsay:

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Selkies, Rousay

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Deerness (I think). There's a Viking church out here. Very cool place.

View attachment 368306

Bloody lovely, it was. We liked it so much we still keep an eye on houses for sale there and I wouldn't be at all surprised if we make the move one day.
I do want to see seals and puffins, but yes, thanks.
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