Orang Utan
Psychick Worrier Ov Geyoor
[/quote]Yeah, fuck off and wank yourself stupid over your ridiculously overpriced but actually no good stereo before you show yourself up as a know-fuck-aller AGAIN, you massive and hugely irrelevant twat.
No one gives a toss what you think is actually worthy of being called hip hop... or much else, y'dig?
You are like a sperm without a home.......
At least I can press a button properly, you thick cunt.
This doesn't count as you finally having a friend, ok?
Yeah, whatever, tough guy. You go back to listening to your Mojo-approved playlist, and wait for that PM. And wait. And wait....
Hip Hop as fuck.
If this bothers you, feel free to tweet the artist and tell him what you think, I'm sure he'll be really excited to hear from you...
Thanks. I'd never investigated the Wedding Present much until I recently downloaded the whole of the 1990 Festive Fifty (complete with Peel talking) and they had three or four tracks on it, which I liked a lot. "Seamonsters" and "Watusi" are now on the to-get list as well now.
M.I.A - "Kala"
No pm then? Didn't think so.
Pogues, all day