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Occupy Wall Street

^^^ Jesus fucking wept.

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
Looks like we're past the ignore stage and into the ridicule bit.
Seattle looks like it might kick off soon.. Police have told protesters to remove tents etc by 1pm (their time) or face arrests....

'Occupy Seattle' protesters arrested at Westlake Park

Speaking to reporters, McGinn said he supported aims of some of the protesters.

"The United States has experienced the greatest concentration of wealth since 1928," McGinn said. "And Seattle has a long tradition of tolerating the right to protest."

Mayor McGinn is a proper prick has been leading attacks on the street communities there for a while.... though he might get his on the 10th Oct, World Homeless Action Day
March has begun. Seen police horses being prepared. Police saying 'keep to the sidewalk'. Keep losing signal, heard screaming earlier before going dead. Sounds chaotic. Reports that arrests have been made and the police with nets are moving in.

Reportedly a stand-off, with police barricades. Protesters not going anywhere. Police with bull-horns trying to move people? Live stream about to go down, batteries low.
blogs are reporting arrests, horses, even kettling...

so now peaceful protest is opposed, this is what they wanted,
Police presence has noticeably increased "huge", with nets appearing. Some conflicting reports of a group marching to Wall Street? "Police not happy about it." Now sending a bus, which suggests arrests have been made?

Authorities appear to be trying the piss-off demonstrators routine, with kettling and not allowing anyone out, nor march, or maybe something else?

Report of "police moving".

Reports of 'some pushing by police and mace used'.

Moving back to the park.
btw, people may criticise the Guardian, I do, but many people particularly in the US have been able to access its reports on the new movement in the face of basically a media black out, at least untill this week...
I'm confused - is there another (bigger) demo toomorrow in wall street?

How big is tonights demo?
good video here, cops getting aggressive

I wonder who the suits are as well..


The suits will be the 'commissars' - senior officers who ensure the footsoldiers carry out their orders, as ordered by and who report back to their political masters.. It looks as though the police have been told to act with some restraint on this occasion. The number of cops saying 'I'm just doing my job' suggests some restraint here on camera at least? I didn't see one baton raised in that clip. But (from those who are actually broadcasting from inside a paddy wagon?) suggests the exact opposite has happened elsewhere? Yep, the baton wielding thuggery has begun I can see it now.
I'm confused - is there another (bigger) demo toomorrow in wall street?

How big is tonights demo?

I heard someone say 10,000 tonite? Difficult to assess for sure looking at the live feed? Reportedly 40,000 marched earlier in the day? People are split into groups it appears. These are early days yet and events can be very fluid. I would say they're at the 'phoney war' of propaganda stage. It's very likely that agent provocateurs will be amongst the crowds too, as there was here, in Canada and elsewhere.
I think more appropriate for the whole sofa load of them

( I feel better having posted this - thank you)

ETA: I look forward to seeing Fux News this time next year - they won't be laughing smugly then thats for sure.
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