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Occupy Wall Street

an unlikely sympathiser has emerged. billionaire George Soros

congratulations btw to the NYPD for singlehandedly preventing what were dwingling and frankly underwhelming protests from fading out to nothing.

That's not unlikely at all. He's well known for funding populist movements such as MoveOn.org. He's the progressive flip-side of the Koch brothers.
The multi-millionaire buisness magnet Russell Simmons was present at these protests, providing water and leading chants. How odd.
Well the bastard sent me SFA when I sent him what I thought was a particularly well thought out and heartrending begging letter !
He's funded a couple of projects which I've been involved in. Which, given the 3 billion USD or so which he rakes in each year, he should do. I'd rather see the system which keeps him and his ilk afloat go to the wall, though.

I wonder if I should send in a proposal? A few of us could collaborate :)
A coalition of labour and community groups have announced that they will be joining the Wall Street protesters in the coming weeks.

".....recent anti-labor actions like Scott Walker’s inWisconsin”really shocked the unions and moved them into militant action,” and the inflammatory video of a NYPD deputy inspector pepper-spraying several protesters on Saturday also generated union sympathy.

It's difficult to fully keep hold of my usual pessimism in the face of all of this.

It all feels very exciting. One of those moments where it could either just peter out into nothing as so many of these things do, or it could really do something ... what exactly I have no idea ... but this certainly is exciting.
yup, can see where you're coming from
it is sometimes exciting and uplifting watching the live stream and seeing what people are saying and discussing but also the nagging pessimistic worry/expectation that it will peter out and the enthusiasm will drain away/be beaten out of them
im doubting its petering out.. the main emphasis may appear to be Wall Street, but there are events occuring in at least 50 US cities... and a heap of global cities too....

list of 59 cities

If you use facebook use 'occupy' in the search box or on twitter #occupywallstreet

From a friend in NY who was arrested:
I am a much older Vietnam draft dodger who left my internment at 3;:00 am with my cell mates, All of us with our heads held high. When the key man said to me, "Come back now." I said. "You bet your sweet ass I will. I am not done with NYPD."
yes those bits are encouraging and watching everyone remain calm on the bridge when being arrested the other day was great
i really really really hope that it doesn't peter out
just worry is all
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