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Occupy Wall Street

Er, that was a long planned anti-austerity demo. 200 000 didn't come out into the streets in solidarity with the arrested.
agreed but like egypt they have sent solidarity and will be and have been linking with the global #occupy movement.... lisbon is quite actve at the mo...
Importantly its on the front page of NY Times (2nd lead item online any how - pretty sure it would make the print front).
It is annoying that getting hundreds arrested over a sitdown is the price to pay for coverage, but nothing new of course.
Friend in NY said there was an article in NYT about random arrests (before this 700) including a NYT reporter which disappeared a couple of hours later. Any respect she had for NYT has been totally lost since this started.

Guess its too big to ignore now.
This is looking more and more exciting - and has the potential to go interenational in a big way. Exactly what needs to happen as politicians are still clinging on to 'business as usual' and are demonstrably incapable of doing anything more than 'tut tut' at the global wreakers and pirates of wall street and the square mile.

I was suprised that this didn't happen on the same scale at the time of the banking crash, but i guess now people are starting to cealrly see the full consequences of 30+ years of neo-liberalism.

The 99% against the 1% is a smart slogan.
Odd that she says she's met him, then her next message is one saying it was said on facebook (and the one on bloody facebook said he was planning to make his way there from elsewhere - doesn't bother checking the bloke out, or she would have found he was in the infantry 40 years ago, and i note she changes his status to 'army serviceman'). You'd have though that hari would have taught her a lesson. She's quite clearly in a cafe on the net not out in the middle of it or or something.

edit: in fact she's nailed as bullshitting as the facebook entry said he was heading down there with 15 of his mates. And even better, it clearly says that this is actually him just posting something from someone else, i.e not from Ward Reilly (the serviceman she uses in the very next message), Ward Reilly is actually heading to another another city entirely. I think the bullshitter got bullshitted. Too late.

I do think it highlights a potential problem here - the habitual and casual inflation of claims around this thing has set off my bullshit detector - whether that's justified or not, and i'm someone who does recognise the tactical use of hyperbole can be a good move in certain situations.

edit2: she says at the same time as these two messages that she's actually in the media centre. Odd that this marine and his 15 'buddies' are all in there too eh?
The marine story has been circulating for a while.. for the life of me I cant really understand why some people view this as a good thing, although there are are reports of ex-marines and offduty marines attending demos. I do not think that the Army on duty will be there to 'protect' the protesters... It makes no sense whatsoever and tbh highlights some of the naivety of some sections of the protesters. They can hardly be totally blamed when you consider most of the early reporting came from activists and news sources from outside the USA and the almost blatant censorship in US media... Social media has proven once again an effective media, though there are reports that youtube will be very soon censored... Contingency plans are in place naturally.
Its gonna be another lesson learned... I hope with no victims..
It's sort of peculiar that the voice of youth doesn't appear to make much use of them modern recording devices.
'The march basically stopped below us. We stopped. I could see people beginning to sit down because they were blockaded in. They saw they were blocked so they just sat down.I saw people come up over the, like climbing up, the side of the bridge, climbing up over the railing. I went over to help them. I looked down and there were just giant bridge-sized diagonal. beams crossing at an X. Not much for someone to climb on, There wasn't a shit ton to grab on to. They were putting themselves at considerable risk. There were people who looked college-aged and people who looked like somebody's parent climbing the Brooklyn Bridge....

People were even advising them to stop. They were climbing 30, 40, 50 feet up to get over this railing. It was pandemonium. '

Some frightening scenes on the Brooklyn Bridge as even pensioners attempted to climb down the side of it to avoid being arrested.

i wonder if UK Uncut Save the NHS London Bridge Protest will go the same way
700 peaceful protesters arrested. Shame, it may put people off from going to the OWS protests in the future. On the other hand, it may make people more pissed off and determined to fight this. (preferred option)

No supprise at the virtually complete media blackout in the US on this, and what ever is being said, is 110% bias toward workers of Wall Street and the goverment. (no!really? :D)
edit2: she says at the same time as these two messages that she's actually in the media centre. Odd that this marine and his 15 'buddies' are all in there too eh?
A couple of posts earlier she says...
Retreated to @mollycrabapple towers to write. Stay safe everyone still on the bridge.
Her mate there posted..
Portrait of Laurie Penny, while she filed her Occupy Wall Street article and drank whiskey in my living room
She scuttles off to someone's gaff instead of staying where the story is. What clown paid for this jolly.
There are too many threads on this. Someone needs to merge them because I think this is going to become a big story
Agreed... perhaps a #occupy USA thread #occupy Europe and a #occupy UK thread????
info is coming in thick n fast thankfully...
U reckon soldiers on active service are gonna just suddenly join the protesters and lay down their guns???
Now thats naive?

Some serving soldiers may join and support the protesters. I didn't mention anything about 'laying down their guns'. Although, in Vietnam some GI's did use them to smoke marijuana with.
Interesting comment here:
What needs to happen is for people to get the IDs of these thug officers and then ensure that they, and none of their family members will be served in shops, spoken to, their kids will have to be pulled out of school and they will be ostracised from their local community. Their illusion of power comes from their uniform. They need to know that they are public servants and can be rejected by the public when the social contract has been broken.
This is largely what happened in Romania in December 1989. The sucuratatie attempted a fatal crack down complete with snipers. Within days they were slaughtered. One informant in the northern region was hung by his tongue from a telegraph pole with steel wire! Meanwhile Dictator Nicolae and his hated witch/wife Helena were the recipients of a couple of clips of AK47 automatic fire in a prison yard at point blank range….. Having been caught in a road block as they tried to flee to a waiting plane at Bucharest airport

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