There are lots of very different issues being confused and aggregated in this thread. Let me just tease out some separate themes.
1. Is AI actually “useful” and is it going to transform the working world?
Nothing has changed on this score as a result of DeepSeek. DeepSeek does exactly what other LLMs do, just with more claimed efficiency. If you were a believer before, you still will be. If you were not, you still won’t be.
2. Has the AI “bubble” burst?
First, whether or not you think that the whole industry around AI is a “bubble” depends on question 1. And, like I say, nothing has changed regarding question 1. So the answer to this question is kind of ‘no’, because if there’s a bubble then the bubble still exists, and if there isn’t one then there’s no bubble to burst!
Looking in more detail, though, it depends which AI bubble you mean. Let’s disaggregate that…
2a. Has the “bubble” burst in the US tech software sector devoted to creating AI?
This is the sector that includes the likes of OpenAI, and it’s the bit that is now looking most shaky. Basically, there is a big field of players in the US that have spent billions creating their own proprietary LLMs and they’ve just been blindsided by a much cheaper Chinese competitor. A bit like the field of electric car manufacturing, really. They looked like the only game in town and they had valuations to match. Suddenly, they’ve got meaningful competition.
2b. Has the “bubble” burst in the US tech hardware sector devoted to creating AI?
Trickier to answer. This is your likes of Nvidia, the company that makes the computer chips that have been used by the software teams in 2a. They are both deeply affected and also completely unaffected by DeepSeek, depending on what you mean. If DeepSeek can work more efficiently then software teams don’t need to buy so many expensive chips, which is the thing that turbo-charged Nvidia’s growth in 2024. So that’s bad for Nvidia. On the other hand, there’s no reason to think that the software teams won’t end up throwing as much hardware as they can at the problem.
2c. Has the “bubble” burst in the US stock market?
In short, unlikely. If anything, the fact that AI just got cheaper is likely to help the non-tech part of the stock market. If you believe that the answer to question 1 is ‘yes’ then anyone who wants to use AI just got a big boost. That’s why the Dow actually went up yesterday and the NYSE was flat. Today, the European markets have risen.