School is all but useless if kids aren't being taught the right skills. Sure, it's somewhere to dump your kids while you go out to pay your taxes, but what use is teaching kids Shakespeare when we could be using that precious time to teach them important things, like how to survive in the real world.
Most of the shite that kids are being taught at school is beyond useless once they leave school, and if you're training kids to do jobs that can be done by a few lines of code, you're failing those kids.
People are looking at this arse about face. We shouldn't be trying to ban this technology, we should be embracing it and working out how the world will work with it.
The technology isn't going away, it's only going to become more prevalent, and every minute we spend fighting it is a minute spent allowing it to pass us by and leave us behind.
I remember many years ago I was trying to convince a friend to move his family's bricks and mortar business online, but he was determined not to. The business closed a few years later, until he moved to online sales.
If you don't embrace the technology it'll pass you by, and as nice as nostalgia might be, it doesn't pay the bills.