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New York photos and general chat

Some autumnal Central Park pics.




You need to get some water wings petee

eh, i'm going to deny it. key paragraph:

This enormous heft is pushing down on a jumble of different materials found in New York City’s ground. While many of the largest buildings are placed upon solid bedrock, such as schist, there is a mixture of other sands and clays that have been build over

1: grammar alert
2: as this bit acknowledges but the rest of the article tries to obscure, the territory of NYC has lots of different types of ground and the skyscrapers were put where the ground can sustain them. manhattan is what it is becuase it's composed of a partcularly hard rock that's been stable for millions of years (though there are little geological faults :oops:). in the last decade tall construction has started across the east river in long island city becuase the same rock formation stretches thither under the river. but the rest of the city is quite low-built; most of the city is small apt buildings and one-family homes and in places the houses are on stilts (jamaica bay).

but if anyone want to set me up with a houseboat i'll gladly accept it.

Was that smoke from Canadian wildfires?

e2a: i thought to myself, if it's this bad here it must be worse in, say, new england, but it isn't. the smoke appears to be coming straight across central NYS into NYC.
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this kind of thing happens rather too often. i have a one-step-removed story.

i'm a cat person, but the ex was a dog person, and when her goldie died we had to get another dog. okay i understand, but i have to pick it. that way she gets her dog and i can't complain (this was my idea btw). i like corgis, they're kyoot. we find miraculously a corgi breeder who wants to place the runt of her litter in a happy home, as the runt's sibs are bullying her.

we go to NJ, we meet her, spend the morning there, she seems really nice, and she kept in touch afterwards, facilitated all the vet documents etc. that dog was a healthy specimen, a cardigan. this is not her, but very similar.


and this was that breeder's brother:

the parents got a $1M payout, which suggests that the company knew it was guilty as fck.
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Wow - look at that house on the rock on the right!
Do you think it was abandoned, fence is falling down?

my guess - and it's a guess - is that it was occupied. i've seen other pictures (photographs even) of clapboard houses in manhattan, even from the 20th century, that look dilapidated but were homes.
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