The Circle, a Netflix original movie, with funding from various "national movie funding vehicles"
- A decent cast - Tom Hanks, Emma Watson, John Boyega, Karen Gillan, Bill Paxton, Patton Oswalt
- Based on a Dave Eggers story, with Eggers having a hand in the screenplay
- It's about tech, yeah? And all the bad shit that could happen, yeah?
- It is fuck-awful in every conceivable way
Great review.
I enjoyed the very first episode but it was Parents that made me sit up and pay attention - it's easily one of the smartest sitcom episodes I've ever seen. I loved the episode about Indian actors and characters on TV too.I felt the same, it's worth watching through but I didn't feel like it got better, I also really didn't like that episode, it made very little sense to me. I really like series one - I didn't realise those were his actual parents! I love the scenes where they are showing their old life and the sacrifcies they made to get to the USA and how the kids now take it all for granted, it's really nicely done.
I loved the book.The Circle, a Netflix original movie, with funding from various "national movie funding vehicles"
- A decent cast - Tom Hanks, Emma Watson, John Boyega, Karen Gillan, Bill Paxton, Patton Oswalt
- Based on a Dave Eggers story, with Eggers having a hand in the screenplay
- It's about tech, yeah? And all the bad shit that could happen, yeah?
- It is fuck-awful in every conceivable way
Just watched it, really enjoyed it. Also watched Betting on Zero about Herbalife and pyramid selling.Just watched The Big Short. How long until it happens again, is the question... Hadn't even heard about this film before, but it popped up on my recommendations list recently. Yeah, I recommend it too.
related:The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution. So much in there that I had no idea about. Absolutely brilliant.
Back again.Killjoys seems to have been removed?
I must have missed S3 on Channel 5 (unless they lost the rights to it). Anyways, watched the first two eps- very good indeed!Gotham S3 now on Netflix. Not watched any yet but I will.
At the suggestion of my siblings, I watched more of TNG. I finished the first episode, which did improve a little. Then the 2nd and 3rd. Both were terrible. The 2nd was a poor retread of the classic Naked Time episode and the 3rd episode was far worse even than the Mudd episodes of TOS in terms of sexism and dreadful set up. If I didn't know it was from the 80s I'd put it in the 50s, for attitudes, storyline values, and general clunkiness. Truly stinking drivel.series 1 of TNG is ropey. The rule is if riker doesn't have a beard, its not a good episode. See also: Wesley's screen time. Any more than a few lines and the episodes fucked.
the tasha yar kidnap one? I looked it up :At the suggestion of my siblings, I watched more of TNG. I finished the first episode, which did improve a little. Then the 2nd and 3rd. Both were terrible. The 2nd was a poor retread of the classic Naked Time episode and the 3rd episode was far worse even than the Mudd episodes of TOS in terms of sexism and dreadful set up. If I didn't know it was from the 80s I'd put it in the 50s, for attitudes, storyline values, and general clunkiness. Truly stinking drivel.
Well, the only way is up, then, I suppose!the tasha yar kidnap one? I looked it up :
'The episode was received negatively by reviewers after the series ending, including being described by one as "quite possibly the worst piece of Star Trek ever made'
Ooh. Gonna watch this tonight just for the Weller soundtrack.The ‘British Rocky’ written and starring Johnny Harris, Jawbone, is now on UK Netflix
Jawbone (film) - Wikipedia
Mrs la Rouge is out at her singing group, so I've watched the next two.the tasha yar kidnap one? I looked it up :
'The episode was received negatively by reviewers after the series ending, including being described by one as "quite possibly the worst piece of Star Trek ever made'