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Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe - Boris Johnson's death sentence

Much like 'economic competence', surely this sort of thing is in territory the tories have always prided themselves on having a (false) reputation for being great at. They are killing the myths that get them into power!
This is surely the point that even people who previously thought Boris as foreign secretary was all just a jolly good laugh must get that it is a fucking disaster at the level of personal tragedy.

Johnson's appointment has never been a joke, not even a bad one. It was always an insult, to the British people and frankly everyone else in the world.
the cunts are hanging her out to dry to try and save johnson. Wouldn't be surprised if we see some articles leaked to the press about how she wasn't actually on holiday but involved with things she shouldn't have - plus maybe a bit of character assassination.
the cunts are hanging her out to dry to try and save johnson. Wouldn't be surprised if we see some articles leaked to the press about how she wasn't actually on holiday but involved with things she shouldn't have - plus maybe a bit of character assassination.

Nah. Too crude and would spectacularly fail. They're blaming the staff and throwing chaff instead.
Back to brexit tmw.
Fuck all of them. Poor woman.

Medical concern for Briton held in Iran

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, the British-Iranian woman being held in Iran, has seen a specialist after finding lumps in her breasts, her husband has said.

Richard Ratcliffe also expressed concern that his wife appeared to be "on the verge of a nervous breakdown".

Cabinet ministers Boris Johnson and Michael Gove have been accused of bungling the UK's handling of the case.

Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe's family have issued a statement about her condition, saying she had been "complaining of sharp stabbing pains in her breasts" for more than a year.

They said she had been given a mammogram by the prison's gynaecologist, which gave an inconclusive result.

After insisting on seeing an outside specialist, the family said Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe was then taken to hospital for an ultrasound on Saturday.

They said although the doctor thought the lumps were likely to be benign, he did note her family having a history of breast cancer.
Granting NZR diplomatic status as a way of getting her back - as floated by Number 10 today - would obviate the need for Johnson to do anything further, and make it easier to get shot of him. And Gove, in a perfect world.
Johnson's appointment has never been a joke, not even a bad one. It was always an insult, to the British people and frankly everyone else in the world.

You say that, but to initially become an MP Someone must have voted for him :confused::mad:
There is no accounting for taste
He was gifted a safe Tory seat, which had it's majority halved in the two years between the 2015 and 2017 elections.

Don't think that's true. He stood for selection in Uxbridge against other candidates and won. No-one in the Tory leadership at the time would have been inclined to gift him anything, even if they could - and Tory constituency parties are difficult to suborn.
Granting NZR diplomatic status as a way of getting her back - as floated by Number 10 today - would obviate the need for Johnson to do anything further, and make it easier to get shot of him. And Gove, in a perfect world.
There's no way this ruse could work, surely? I'd have thought diplomatic status has to be awarded before you enter a country.
Otherwise you'd have countries granting their jailed citizens retroactive diplomatic status all over the shop.
face saving all round? Iran gets to say 'see, spy all along, and those british wankers admitted it (to the home crowd). Here, we expel her and another of your diplomats for good measure. The days when you could act to undermine iran are long over, american lapog!'
Otherwise you'd have countries granting their jailed citizens retroactive diplomatic status all over the shop.

Grace Mugabe got away with it. She nutted someone in a South African nightclub (well, or something like that) and was given retroactive diplomatic protection.
Granting NZR diplomatic status as a way of getting her back - as floated by Number 10 today - would obviate the need for Johnson to do anything further, and make it easier to get shot of him. And Gove, in a perfect world.

:eek::mad:'Floated' WTF You either do it or you don't mention it, cos it looks spooky as fuck.
:eek::mad:'Floated' WTF You either do it or you don't mention it, cos it looks spooky as fuck.

Turns out the Guardian got it wrong and conflated diplomatic protection with diplomatic status. What they are talking about here is a formal escalation of negotiations, really.

The Guardian liveblogger's retraction was explicit and contrite in exactly the way that Johnson's wasn't.
Not going to happen bludz. You cannot just award bona fide diplomatic status & any associated protections to randoms, its not cricket & would set a terrible precedent. Also, in the case of diplomatic immunity, it gets very complicated - you need to get the approval of the country to waive their immunity status to allow one of their diplomats to be done. this is a rather rare occurrence. Giving her diplomatic status retrospectively ( unfeasible and virtually unheard of ) is not going to happen - and even if it did, it would require the Iranians to agree to apply for permission to us to drop our diplomatic waiver for her. We would look like twats and there is no selling point to Iran whatsoever. the impact for perfidious albion would be global if this was considered.

Johnson - get on plane, go to your Iranian opposite, hang your head in shame, plead for mercy, lose some face.
:eek::mad:'Floated' WTF You either do it or you don't mention it, cos it looks spooky as fuck.
Also, is this how we're running the country now? The PM checked with Laura Kunsberg, who thought it was a good idea, Robert Peston wasn't so sure so it was up to Andrew Neil whether it happened...
Johnson Admits His ‘Mistake’ Over British Woman Jailed in Iran

Finally a retraction and public apology. roflz

“I do apologise, I do apologise and of course I retract any suggestion that she was there in a professional capacity,” Johnson told Parliament in response to an urgent question by his Labour counterpart, Emily Thornberry.
This is the second time this month Johnson has sought to justify his handling of the case to in Parliament. "It was my mistake," he told lawmakers on Monday, after previously suggesting his comments had simply been misinterpreted"
Also, is this how we're running the country now? The PM checked with Laura Kunsberg, who thought it was a good idea, Robert Peston wasn't so sure so it was up to Andrew Neil whether it happened...

Pretty much. Think of some stupid idea, tell the press, wait for twitter to explain exactly why the idea is stupid. It's cheaper and possibly quicker than hiring competent staff and running everything by them.
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