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NASA to Announce Mars Mystery Solved

As for the 68 days ...

That came from MIT scientist students.

"The biggest problem, the students discovered, concerns that business of breathable air. One of the things that’s always made Earth such a niftily habitable place to live is that what animals exhale, plants inhale, and vice versa. Since the Martian astronauts and their crops would be living and respiring in the same enclosed habitats, a perfect closed loop should result in which we provide them all the carbon dioxide they need and they return the favor with oxygen.

"Only it doesn’t, the MIT students found. The problem begins with the lettuce and the wheat, both of which are considered essential crops. As lettuce matures, peaking about 30 days after planting, it pushes the 02 level past what’s known as .3 molar fractions, which, whatever it means, doesn’t sound terribly dangerous — except it’s also the point at which the threat of fire rises to unacceptable levels. That risk begins to tail off as the crop is harvested and eaten, but it explodes upward again, far past the .3 level, at 68 days when the far gassier wheat matures.

"A simple answer would be simply to vent a little of the excess O2 out, which actually could work, except the venting apparatus is not able to distinguish one gas from another. That means that nitrogen—which would, as on Earth, make up the majority of the astronauts’ atmosphere—would be lost too. That, in turn, would lower the internal pressure to unsurvivable levels—and that’s what gets your 68-day doomsday clock ticking.

"There is some question too about whether the hardware that Mars One is counting on would even be ready for prime time. The mission planners make much of the fact that a lot of what they’re planning to use on Mars has already been proven aboard the International Space Station (ISS), which is true enough. But that hardware is built to operate in microgravity—effectively zero g—while Mars’s gravity is nearly 40% of Earth’s. So a mechanical component that would weigh 10 lbs. on Earth can be designed with little concern about certain kinds of wear since it would weigh 0 lbs. in orbit. But on Mars it would be 4 lbs., and that can make all the difference.

“The introduction of a partial gravity environment,” the grad students write, “will inevitably lead to different [environmental] technologies.”

"For that and other reasons, technical breakdowns are a certainty. The need for replacement parts is factored into Mars One’s plans, but probably not in the way that they should be. According to the MIT team, over the course of 130 months, spare parts alone would gobble up 62% of the payload space on resupply missions, making it harder to get such essentials as seeds, clothes and medicine—to say nothing of other crew members—launched on schedule.

"Then too, there is the question of habitat crowding. It’s easy to keep people alive if you feed them, say, a single calorie-dense food product every day. But energy bars forever means quickly losing your marbles, which is why Mars One plans for a variety of crops—just not a big enough variety. “Given that the crop selection will significantly influence the wellbeing of the crew for the entirety of their lives after reaching Mars,” the authors write, “we opt for crop variety over minimizing growth area.”

"Then there is the question of cost—there’s not a space program in history whose initial price tag wasn’t badly lowballed—to say nothing of maintaining that biennial launch schedule, to say nothing of the cabin fever that could soon enough set the settlers at one another’s throats"


Ok. That's Mars One scuppered.
NASA has alternatives for o2 production but...to colonize even with a small number, there is going to be a need for food. So they will have the same issues when it comes to growing plants.

I still think there's no point sending a human there until the planet is somehow sustainably habitable.
Humans are at their best when they work together to solve problems that seem unsolveable. Getting to Mars would be a phenomenal achievement and something that would inspire a new generation to strive for the impossible. Or we could all watch Love Island or something.
Humans are at their best when they work together to solve problems that seem unsolveable. Getting to Mars would be a phenomenal achievement and something that would inspire a new generation to strive for the impossible. Or we could all watch Love Island or something.

I don't think the choice is quite that binary - getting together to solve problems that seem unsolveable is something that we have to do to maintain a usable planet, not to send somebody to Mars.

It's not like everybody is going to be involved in planning and carrying out a Mars mission - 99.99999% of people are going to be passively watching it exactly the same as they would with a season of Love Island. Lots of people are probably going to end up watching the launch and Love Island on a split screen.

Wasn't there some reality show plan to go to Mars anyway? "Mars Island" could be a winner...
I don't think the choice is quite that binary - getting together to solve problems that seem unsolveable is something that we have to do to maintain a usable planet, not to send somebody to Mars.

It's not like everybody is going to be involved in planning and carrying out a Mars mission - 99.99999% of people are going to be passively watching it exactly the same as they would with a season of Love Island. Lots of people are probably going to end up watching the launch and Love Island on a split screen.

Wasn't there some reality show plan to go to Mars anyway? "Mars Island" could be a winner...
I'd like to think that a successful Mars mission would prove more inspirational to future generations than a series of Love Island. But then I'm biased: I grew up in the NASA era of Moon exploration and it opened my eyes to all sorts of possibilities. It felt like it was an achievement for the whole planet, not just the USA.
I'd like to think that a successful Mars mission would prove more inspirational to future generations than a series of Love Island. But then I'm biased: I grew up in the NASA era of Moon exploration and it opened my eyes to all sorts of possibilities. It felt like it was an achievement for the whole planet, not just the USA.

Yeah, the man didn’t say “One giant leap for Merickaaa - fuck yeah!!!”
Humans are at their best when they work together to solve problems that seem unsolveable. Getting to Mars would be a phenomenal achievement and something that would inspire a new generation to strive for the impossible. Or we could all watch Love Island or something.

And they've been doing really well at that so far :hmm:
Humans are at their best when they work together to solve problems that seem unsolveable. Getting to Mars would be a phenomenal achievement and something that would inspire a new generation to strive for the impossible. Or we could all watch Love Island or something.

I reckon any Mars mission could probably do without the input of Love Island fans tbh.
I'll tell you what would really save this planet.
Instead if people funding trips to Mars...If they all worked together to clean up the planet we have.

Maybe they could send all the plastic that's clogging up the seas and waste that they keep shipping off to poorer countries to Mars.

The idea that humans can just wreck a planet and a select group (Yeah even if it's in the 10000's they'll be selected) just to fuck off to Mars to start again and probably fuck up there too...it's the worst type of human progress.

No ... the need to work together is long overdue here. Humans are selfish morons. Scientists told us decades ago what was happening to our planet and when humanity had the opportunity to change they left it too late.

I don't give a toss about Mars. Or any so-called explorer getting there. Humanity needs to grow up and take responsibility for the mess they've created of this planet and sort that out.
Human beings are amazing. The problem you seem to have is that we don't do what you want. That's good because you have no idea of our lovely positive potential. But we do xxx

Your sarcasm is pathetic and your kisses are meaningless.
Grow up.
Positivity is an attitude.
It won't save you from burning up in a fire.
And humans are amazing?
Get real.
Every life form is amazing...yet we are the ones who have single handedly fucked up our own planet.

Oh...and contribute intelligently to the discussion please ...not with little personal digs. This is a discussion...not a you vs me.
Your sarcasm is pathetic and your kisses are meaningless.
Grow up.
Positivity is an attitude.
It won't save you from burning up in a fire.
And humans are amazing?
Get real.
Every life form is amazing...yet we are the ones who have single handedly fucked up our own planet.

No Positivity is an energy just like negativity. You have chosen negative enery so fuck you.
No Positivity is an energy just like negativity. You have chosen negative enery so fuck you.

Lol... no.. I've chosen reality. I weigh things up. I look at the pluses and minuses.
It's not an energy. It's based on facts and reading a lot about science.

By the way..."Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared."

Life is not about jogging around feeling positive no matter what. Life is about meeting everything that happens to you with a sense that no matter how negative or positive it is you accept it as life.

Life is about being real.

I could sit here and agree that it would be fantastic to get a few humans to move to Mars... Trump would be first on my list. .. but I'd be fooling myself. Mars has very little to nothing to offer a human trying to live there. And it will take 100,000 years to make it habitable. So the best I can muster is to say, sure..send up plenty robots to do all the work. .. let them take the massive radiation hits. And when Mars is terraformed then let's all move there.
Lol... no.. I've chosen reality. I weigh things up. I look at the pluses and minuses.
It's not an energy. It's based on facts and reading a lot about science.

By the way..."Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared."

Life is not about jogging around feeling positive no matter what. Life is about meeting everything that happens to you with a sense that no matter how negative or positive it is you accept it as life.

Life is about being real.

I could sit here and agree that it would be fantastic to get a few humans to move to Mars... Trump would be first on my list. .. but I'd be fooling myself. Mars has very little to nothing to offer a human trying to live there. And it will take 100,000 years to make it habitable. So the best I can muster is to say, sure..send up plenty robots to do all the work. .. let them take the massive radiation hits. And when Mars is terraformed then let's all move there.

Don't patronise us because that just makes you look stupid given where you are.
I'll tell you what would really save this planet.
Instead if people funding trips to Mars...If they all worked together to clean up the planet we have.

Maybe they could send all the plastic that's clogging up the seas and waste that they keep shipping off to poorer countries to Mars.

The idea that humans can just wreck a planet and a select group (Yeah even if it's in the 10000's they'll be selected) just to fuck off to Mars to start again and probably fuck up there too...it's the worst type of human progress.

No ... the need to work together is long overdue here. Humans are selfish morons. Scientists told us decades ago what was happening to our planet and when humanity had the opportunity to change they left it too late.

I don't give a toss about Mars. Or any so-called explorer getting there. Humanity needs to grow up and take responsibility for the mess they've created of this planet and sort that out.
How much cleaning up of plastic have you done today?
You see you're clean to try and scupper anyone's dreams of travelling to Mars with made-up claims about what all doom-laden scientists are supposed to be saying, but I'm afraid don't believe you've spent the day at some beach collecting the plastic rubbish.
You see you're clean to try and scupper anyone's dreams of travelling to Mars with made-up claims about what all doom-laden scientists are supposed to be saying, but I'm afraid don't believe you've spent the day at some beach collecting the plastic rubbish.

Many times on a beach picking up rubbish.
Why are you personalizing this discussion editor?

My thoughts on people going to Mars have no influence on those with the wherewithal to do so if they wish. So why does a discussion bother anyone? That's all this is.. or...rather...that's all I thought it was?
Many times on a beach picking up rubbish.
Why are you personalizing this discussion editor?

My thoughts on people going to Mars have no influence on those with the wherewithal to do so if they wish. So why does a discussion bother anyone? That's all this is.. or...rather...that's all I thought it was?
Because you're trying to take the high moral ground and patronise me with nonsense like "life is about being real."

It's more "real" to plan a trip to Mars than it is to think a day will come when capitalism suddenly develops a heart and all the pollution on the planet is cleaned up forever.

This is a thread about the possibilities of a mission to Mars, nNot a thread to be lectured endlessly why it's supposedly a terrible idea because you don't personally agree with it. And your scientific misrepresentations haven't helped either.
Because you're trying to take the high moral ground and patronise me with nonsense like "life is about being real."

It's just more "real" to plan a trip to Mars than it is to think a day will come when capitalism suddenly develops a heart and all the pollution on the planet is cleaned up fprever.

I wasn't patronising to you.

I'll leave the discussion now
Because you're trying to take the high moral ground and patronise me with nonsense like "life is about being real."

It's more "real" to plan a trip to Mars than it is to think a day will come when capitalism suddenly develops a heart and all the pollution on the planet is cleaned up forever.

This is a thread about the possibilities of a mission to Mars, nNot a thread to be lectured endlessly why it's supposedly a terrible idea because you don't personally agree with it. And your scientific misrepresentations haven't helped either.
Come on Ed, no need to get so tetchy. I recognise this quickens your step but the stuff that say Badgers and Pippin is posting is on-topic broadly and not in any way aggressive. Simply because you disagree doesn't mean there's bad faith on the part of naysayers.
Come on Ed, no need to get so tetchy. I recognise this quickens your step but the stuff that say Badgers and Pippin is posting is on-topic broadly and not in any way aggressive. Simply because you disagree doesn't mean there's bad faith on the part of naysayers.
But it's been relentless. Every other post has been pouring cold water over any attempt to get a discussion going about future Mars missions, and when complete nonsense about 'the scientific community' all deciding that no one will last more than 68 days keeps getting repeated, it's fucking annoying. How many more times does the same point have to be made?
I think post #120 had a very "positive attachment.
I'm off
You don't have to leave, but you're not doing yourself any favours by repeating the same thing endlessly. You don't like it. You think humans could be doing something better. Yes, I get it.
Human beings are amazing. The problem you seem to have is that we don't do what you want. That's good because you have no idea of our lovely positive potential. But we do xxx

I think this is pretty horrible ..
Are you implying that I'm not human ? The "we" vs "you" as if I'm some sort of failed human...
Probably the nastiest thing directed at any one here in a long time.
You owe me an apology for that comment.
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