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NASA to Announce Mars Mystery Solved

Yay :cool: we have gone a bit further and are enjoying all the things the Mars Rover hasn't found :D
So you are going to continuing whining about space exploration just because you don't like it. :rolleyes:

If you've no interest in the topic why keep posting? You've certainly already made your point very clear.
So you are going to continuing whining about space exploration just because you don't like it. :rolleyes:

If you've no interest in the topic why keep posting? You've certainly already made your point very clear.
Good discussion forum etiquette :)
Billions of people have never known what it's like to gaze upwards and know there's humans wandering around the surface of an extra-terrestial object. Given the connectivity of the world, I'm pretty sure there'll be plenty of interest in a manned mission to Mars.
Oh for sure. What I'm thinking is that the moon was a barrier broken that wasn't even remotely realistic only 20 years before. Hence the global sense of awe and wonder. I honestly thought growing up that we'd at least have a base on the moon by now.

A Mars mission will be awesome too, just not groundbreaking in the same way. Imo.
Populating a Mars Base Will Be Dangerously Unsexy

I think that there is a place for the "big picture " and the romantic heroic venturer.

Reality though will be really appalling for anyone who gets there. Gravitational differences will problematic for bones and heart.
Radiation will be extreme and it will be an extremely inhospitable environment.
People will not live for long. It's not like going to a new continent.

Personally, I would put more store in travelling to another earth- like planet.

Eta. Maybe Mars will be a stop off point in the future...on the way somewhere else.
Good discussion forum etiquette :)
You're being a pain in the arse, mate. Some of us are interested in space exploration, and while you're very much entitled to your entirely negative opinion, repeating the exact same point in a multitude of ways is just disruptive for the sake of it.
You'll have a very very very very long wait for that to happen.

But then that's why Mars missions are important.

I think we will be waiting a very very long time before anyone lives on Mars. So I agree. I'll certainly be long gone before anyone finds a new earth. Unless aliens land and take us there. :)
I think we will be waiting a very very long time before anyone lives on Mars. So I agree. I'll certainly be long gone before anyone finds a new earth. Unless aliens land and take us there. :)
I reckon we'll have humans on Mars within the next 10-15 years. About time too.
You're being a pain in the arse, mate. Some of us are interested in space exploration, and while you're very much entitled to your entirely negative opinion, repeating the exact same point in a multitude of ways is just disruptive for the sake of it.
I will leave it then. Just surprised at you given your morals and values. This planet is a mess and Mars exploration is a massive cost to us all. Would be nice if we got our own house in order before going to a radioactive (now) lifeless rock.
I will leave it then. Just surprised at you given your morals and values. This planet is a mess and Mars exploration is a massive cost to us all. Would be nice if we got our own house in order before going to a radioactive (now) lifeless rock.
It's a nonsensical argument. There is precisely zero chance of this world 'getting its own house in order,' so by your argument all space research would be halted forever.
It's a nonsensical argument. There is precisely zero chance of this world 'getting its own house in order,' so by your argument all space research would be halted forever.
You want me to leave this thread or not?

I recon we should shut down the particle accelerators as well, given that under capitalism they are mere vanity projects. Music, begone. Its wasteful and corrupt. International football too, under capitalism their are many aspects that we despise to it, so it must go also. Untill the Day we might as well as just not even wipe our arses, lest the makers of andrex grow fat on our hard earned labour
Some of you may not be old enough to remember this, but when Armstrong set foot on the Moon it felt like an achievement for everyone. For the whole world. It was a gloriously unifying moment, when people across the world looked to the Moon and gazed in wonder that humans were on the surface.

If we ever get to Mars, I dare say it will instil the same sense of wonder.
Do you think it felt like that for the Russians? It was a political act.
I recon we should shut down the particle accelerators as well, given that under capitalism they are mere vanity projects. Music, begone. Its wasteful and corrupt. International football too, under capitalism their are many aspects that we despise to it, so it must go also. Untill the Day we might as well as just not even wipe our arses, lest the makers of andrex grow fat on our hard earned labour
I'd sacrifice particle accelerators and recorded music to get rid of fucking football.
You want me to leave this thread or not?

If you're just going to post up pointless nonsense and repeat the same "I don't like it" point ad infinitum, I'd personally prefer it. And trying to take digs at my 'morals' is pretty low stuff.
If you're just going to post up pointless nonsense and repeat the same "I don't like it" point ad infinitum, I'd personally prefer it. And trying to take digs at my 'morals' is pretty low stuff.
It was not a 'dig' as you well know :facepalm:

Sorry for not agreeing with you
And what good will it be to have a human land on Mars? It will be a political statement. Dont think that the humans that land will survive long on an uninhabitable planet? Putting more robots there would be better. Their job of cultivating it and preparing it for humans in the far distant future would be worthy...cos let's face it Mars won't be habitable for a long time....even if they manage to grow plants and create an atmosphere that is mammal friendly.
Of course if they get there it will be a big hurrah moment... :D

As for the ordinary Russians and the moon landing. I'd say they were not bothered. They probably had enough to think of trying to get in the queue for a loaf of bread.
I recon we should shut down the particle accelerators as well, given that under capitalism they are mere vanity projects. Music, begone. Its wasteful and corrupt. International football too, under capitalism their are many aspects that we despise to it, so it must go also. Untill the Day we might as well as just not even wipe our arses, lest the makers of andrex grow fat on our hard earned labour

Anything that enhances current life on this planet is worth having.
If a trip to Mars does that then great. But I'd like someone to tell me what putting a human on Mars will do over and above a decent robot.
And what good will it be to have a human land on Mars? It will be a political statement. Dont think that the humans that land will survive long on an uninhabitable planet? Putting more robots there would be better. Their job of cultivating it and preparing it for humans in the far distant future would be worthy...cos let's face it Mars won't be habitable for a long time....even if they manage to grow plants and create an atmosphere that is mammal friendly.
Of course if they get there it will be a big hurrah moment... :D

As for the ordinary Russians and the moon landing. I'd say they were not bothered. They probably had enough to think of trying to get in the queue for a loaf of bread.

That is however you imposing your particular capitalist beliefs on other people. Despite the Cold War between the governments the people living in the US and the USSR seem to have been enthralled by our human exploration of the Moon. Cosmonauts are certainly some of the most respected off world explorers...
That is however you imposing your particular capitalist beliefs on other people. Despite the Cold War between the governments the people living in the US and the USSR seem to have been enthralled by our human exploration of the Moon. Cosmonauts are certainly some of the most respected off world explorers...

I don't doubt what you're saying.
But my point is that once they get there what's next?
They got to the moon...it's way closer yet they've not even put an outpost there to see how humans would get on living there for even 6 months.
But they're hell bent on humans heading off to Mars and staying there? To supposedly build a station? They won't survive. I'm merely saying that they are prepared to waste human life in order to "enthral" others.

What should be happening is that more robots are sent and that these robots would set about making the planet habitable...how ever long that takes. Then...send the humans to live there.
But they're hell bent on humans heading off to Mars and staying there? To supposedly build a station? They won't survive. I'm merely saying that they are prepared to waste human life in order to "enthral" others..
How the hell do you know that they won't survive? :confused:

But exploring the unknown is part of the human psyche: throughout history explorers have failed to survive their voyages of discovery but that didn't stop others following in their boots.
How the hell do you know that they won't survive? :confused:

But exploring the unknown is part of the human psyche: throughout history explorers have failed to survive their voyages of discovery but that didn't stop others following in their boots.

No magnetic field....so no protection.
No atmosphere .
Massive radiation bombarding the planet constantly.
Any one staying on Mars would need to excercise a hell of a lot just to maintain the most basic muscle function.

"To stand would take less leg muscle; to pump blood to the brain, less heart...and what about the politics? At the outset, the first settlers would doubtless be revered as brave pioneers. Would that attitude hold as the novelty wore off? Or might Mars settlers find themselves out of sight and out of mind; resented for their need of support? Isaac Asimov anticipated as much in The Martian Way."
Can humans live on Mars? You asked Google – here’s the answer | Ian Sample

There was a time about 4 years ago where I believed it was possible. If they survive the trip and the entry and landing....they would have to go in the knowledge and acceptance that they would not return. But unless there are massive technological advances and humans grow an exoskeleton and develop to the stage where they can put up with being in confined spaces for hundreds of days, only to move into more confined spaces with the same people on landing.. to accept that they won't see earth again. That's a massive ask.

The other thing is....wherever astronauts have gone they have been able to look towards home. To see earth large and relatively "close" by. They've been able to get home. It has been mentioned as one of the most powerful experiences they had. Earth would just be a tiny star...from Mars. It would compound the sense that there was no way back.

And the biggest question is why would we want to live on an inhospitable planet rather than fix our own?

Do you think an atmosphere can be seeded and grown in less than a few thousand years? Chris McKay estimates100,000 years for a terraforming approach to reach a breathable atmosphere,

I've no doubt some will go as first explorers. They'll go because of their explorer spirit. But I think the reality will be catastrophic psychologically and that their existence on Mars for however short or long will be extremely difficult, riddled with disease and pain and essentially pointless bar the notoriety of being first.

Sending machinery and robots is a far better option. Robots could building a space station and start the seeding process. There is no need for any human to go until the planet is more human friendly.

That's only my opinion. But it comes from being a signed up Mars One member for a few years...and yeah I was completely sold on the idea until it was clear that we don't have the tech yet to make it work. Maybe we will have it soon but why risk human lives when robots could do a lot more until such time as the planet can actually be lived on... I mean the kind of tech that ensures an earth like gravity indoors....and the ability to get home.
Look at Swindon. Someone had to go there and make that. You might very well ask why. But, you know it could just be fields now.

And what good are fields, unless you want to be outstanding in one.
Liquid water 'lake' revealed on Mars

Lake beds like those explored by Nasa's Curiosity rover show water was present on the surface of Mars in the past.

However, the planet's climate has since cooled due to its thin atmosphere, leaving most of its water locked up in ice.

The result is exciting because scientists have long searched for signs of present-day liquid water on Mars, but these have come up empty or yielded ambiguous findings. It will also interest those studying the possibilities for life beyond Earth - though it does not yet raise the stakes in the search for biology.

The discovery was made using Marsis, a radar instrument on board the European Space Agency's (Esa) Mars Express orbiter.

"In order to remain liquid in such cold conditions (the research team estimate between -10 and -30 Celsius where it meets the ice above), the water likely has a great many salts dissolved in it.

"It's plausible that the water may be an extremely cold, concentrated brine, which would be pretty challenging for life," explained Dr Claire Cousins, an astrobiologist"

Liquid water 'lake' revealed on Mars

Lake beds like those explored by Nasa's Curiosity rover show water was present on the surface of Mars in the past.
So what could be a smarter idea than learning as much as we can about Mars' history in case the same changes starts happening to us? And if it turns out that we could in for the same fate, learning how to live on other planets should be at the top of our survival list. For survival is the most basic of all human instincts.
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