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My 21 year old son does not watch TV..

I barely watch telly these days. half an hour of the news in the morning and evening is about it.
I'm 37 and don't watch broadcast television. My wife is a YouTuber and Twitch streamer, and she's known for years that terrestrial TV is on its way out.
I actually watched TV by accident today for about 10 minutes. I do some Netflix (and prime because I got it free) and some you tube, but yeah looks like things are going to have to change. Got a TV licence renewal this week, and am wondering what do do with it. I am not watching the BBC and wouldn't pay £170 for a subscription every year.
Are we heading the way of the USA, hundreds of channels but nothing on? Everything on demand?
That reality has been with us for decades if you have cable or satellite, which most people who watch telly do. Short form streaming apparently is the future, according to your son's generation. Broadcast tv is on the way out and it will all be streaming services.
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Is this thread from 2005? Why would anyone watch tv ‘live’ now unless it was I don’t know sport. Weird. I’m not even remotely young .

Rolling news, live events (e.g. Eurovision, Oscars/Golden Globes etc), and fans of big shows like GoT having to watch the latest ep the moment it broadcasts.

And as you say, Sport. Probably the biggest reason most people still watch pay TV.

For me it's mostly news.
36 - Netflix, youtube. Sometimes Amazon Prime because I have an account for work reasons. I used to watch iPlayer a lot... Dip back in from time to time, but tbh it seems to be exactly the same stuff I watched 6 months ago. Or a 1.5hr documentary about sodding Spitfires.
Also don't forget a load of old people have no interest in the internet, or streaming alternatives. They're dyed in the wool linear telly watchers, and many of them will be around a while yet watching The Chase and Escape to the Country every day
Well I haven't been paying attention :)

Ever since we got cable in the heady days of 98 there was fuck all on the 40 odd channels.

The only saving grace these days is 24 hour nature of history TV channels but even they can be shit from my limited contact when I visit others.

36 - Netflix, youtube. Sometimes Amazon Prime because I have an account for work reasons. I used to watch iPlayer a lot... Dip back in from time to time, but tbh it seems to be exactly the same stuff I watched 6 months ago. Or a 1.5hr documentary about sodding Spitfires.

The beeb and channel 4 have a vast back catalogue so it's a shame they limit it so much.
41. I’ve got Netflix and Prime.
I do watch telly but very rarely live. I series link anything I regularly watch. If I do watch any live tv it’ll be the news or friends mostly. The exception being stuff like Strictly and Bake Off because otherwise someone will ruin the results.
The beeb and channel 4 have a vast back catalogue so it's a shame they limit it so much.

It's nuts that the BBC hasn't released a load of old archive over lockdown. Everybody has been stuck at home, and T.V. schedules have been severely disrupted. You might think it was the ideal opportunity to showcase the value of "public service broadcasting" by making the best material from the archives available online. Instead, there were crap panel shows over Zoom.
I watch live TV but just the news these days. However, I do watch iplayer, E4, Netflix and I'd describe that as watching TV. Because it's on a TV and a lot of it was once broadcast on TV - unlike YT which is a whole different beast 📺🤔
Haven't had a telly in over ten years, and don't miss it. Watch the ocassional news thing on youtube, don't use much streaming stuff otherwise - don't think I have the attention span.
We moved into this house over three years ago and never bothered sorting out a TV aerial because we never watch live TV only streaming etc.
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