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Mundane pictures of the North

And again

That reminds of the old town hall in Oldham - been boarded up like that for years, right in the middle of the town. A shame to see such nice buildings left to rot.

Innit. Lambert Street chapel has been derelict as long as I can remember. It's in a fairly salubrious part of Hull too: why no-one has tried to demolish it and build flats on the site I've no idea.



The burned bits around the windows of this old cinema are from the incendiaries that destroyed it - ironically during a showing of The Great Dictator - in 1941. It's the last secular unredeveloped bomb site in Britain, and no-one can agree on what to do with it. A local group want to buy it and the pub next door - which has been shut for ten years - and turn them into a little visitor centre and memorial garden for those who died in the Hull blitz. The property developer that owns the site wants to demolish the lot for flats, and is asking way more than it's worth to let go of it...
I like idea of a memorial garden - they are unusual in Britain, and Hull did get hammered in the Blitz.

There is quite a nicely done memorial metal 'tree' in Piccadilly Gardens here that is for civilian casualties. It has the names of those known to have died engraved all around the trunk. :)
I like idea of a memorial garden - they are unusual in Britain, and Hull did get hammered in the Blitz.

There is quite a nicely done memorial metal 'tree' in Piccadilly Gardens here that is for civilian casualties. It has the names of those known to have died engraved all around the trunk. :)

Yes, I think it's a great idea: use the pub as a little museum, and turn the cinema - which is just an empty shell - into a garden. With a nice wrought iron gate across the front to stop Beverley Road's drunks and ne'er-do-wells using it as a doss-house/open-air brothel/convenient spot for a piss on the way home from the pub!
The middle one is suspiciously nice. Not sure if those are allowed here! :p :D

Perhaps I should have taken the photo from the middle of the road, 'cos the contrast between the two sides of Alfred Gelder Street always amuses me. There's the back of the Guildhall, which is a magnificent building in the wrong place, on one side, and on the other a parade of horrible post-war concrete office blocks.
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