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Mundane pictures of the North

that's a grand building. hope someone does something with it before it crumbles beyond repair...

It's great, would take a huge investment to restore to it's former glory though but it could look stunning with the brickwork cleaned, new windows / fittings etc.
I fucking LOVE Marlboro House and Hilton House! But I seem to remember being told Marlboro House is not what it seems - it's actually an old warehouse building like all the others around there and the grey checkerboard stuff etc is just post war cladding.

You must be a proper weirdo if you like those two monstrosities! :p

If they are clad (which I agree is certainly possible given the building stock in the area), it was a huge mistake and those responsible must be punished. A nice brick warehouse is much nicer than something attacked with grey pebbledash. :)
I've always wanted to go down into those tunnels - they look amazing. I've bought a couple of books about underground Manchester, and there are quite a lot of them, some quite mysterious as there are no plans for them so no-one quite knows where they go as some of the tunnels are impassable now.

There are also entrances on New York Street (in the old telephone exchange), Salford, and Albert Square in some former public loos which have long gone now.

I've been in some of the tunnels. They open them to the public once or twice a year and it's free.

It's organized through British Waterways and so you'll get some canal nerd giving you a history lesson as well, which is quite interesting :)
I've been in some of the tunnels. They open them to the public once or twice a year and it's free.

It's organized through British Waterways and so you'll get some canal nerd giving you a history lesson as well, which is quite interesting :)

I'll have to keep an eye out for that. :)

(not mine)
Holy shit, I missed the clock on stilts thing. FBM is right, that is properly shite.

Wow! :eek:

It looks like it should be on an industrial estate where it would be fine as a practical basic building. But definitely not in a town centre!

Maybe they got the design from a prison - it looks like a watchtower.
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