Summat you won't read in your super soaraway Social Worker....
mattkidd12 said:Most workers also didn't see East Germany as a workers' paradise, like you.
mattkidd12 said:Oh I didn't. Didn't really fancy it to be honest. You know...with the Stasi and all that. I also didn't see East Germans running to defend the 'workers state' from the nasty westerners in 1990ish. Not sure why though - after all, socialism had been achieved, hadn't it? I want real socialism, not socialism where the workers are exploited and have no right to organise in their own defence.
you do know that ern is actually paul daniels in disguise, don't you?
mattkidd12 said:I also didn't see East Germans running to defend the 'workers state' from the nasty westerners in 1990ish.
ernestolynch said:So what? I'd ffycin ban Fascist/Tory/Trot/Liberal parties in the morning.
Stalinist dreams.
sevenstars said:I seem to remember all other political parties where banned under the old regime.
districtline said:so whats your point in this case? the people who's actually lived under both regimes are voting for the PDS, the 'reformed' version of the SED. interesting"
districtline said:ern's point is worth being stressed, the BRD did ban the communist party. what's the difference?
They are voting against market 'reforms', but not for a return to a one party stalinist dictatorship, which isn't the platform of the PDS. Even they distance themselves from the old regime.
If you mean that neither state was worth workers support then yes, there is no difference
mattkidd12 said:Oh I didn't. Didn't really fancy it to be honest. You know...with the Stasi and all that. I also didn't see East Germans running to defend the 'workers state' from the nasty westerners in 1990ish. Not sure why though - after all, socialism had been achieved, hadn't it? I want real socialism, not socialism where the workers are exploited and have no right to organise in their own defence.
mattkidd12 said:Marx said that socialism would be achieved through the "self-emancipation of the working classes". Yet although the GDR was formed top-down, by the world's superpowers, it was still socialist. Marx was obviously wrong then. Socialism can be achieved through imposing it on people from above.
mattkidd12 said:Oh I didn't. Didn't really fancy it to be honest. You know...with the Stasi and all that.
mattkidd12 said:Urm...seeing that the wall is NOT there anymore - that's one way to prove it. And also...many people killed in the fights between communists and westerners when they pulled the wall down? Don't think so.