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Morons Unite For The Freedom To Infect Each Other

My experience in that approach is that it just encourages it. If you talk complete and utter rubbish and no-one calls you out on it, I think it enforces the belief. All for respecting others opinions, but complete and utter horseshit needs calling
Well there's calling out and there's a pile on. They don't seem to have been given much chance to reply to the non pile on posts before the pile on
Might be worth just a bit more time/chance to respond/engagement
None of that means not calling out the utter rubbish
And you're the right person to have an opinion on the balance between the harm cause by the virus and any potential side effects? Ahead of the huge consensus of highly trained experts?

In regards to what he/she puts in their own body, yes. And I had my second jab last week, before you say anything.
In regards to what he/she puts in their own body, yes. And I had my second jab last week, before you say anything.
My post responded to this:
dtb said:
I don't believe people should be forced to have a covid vaccine so that they can travel.
I don't think it's right that people are being coerced into getting the vaccine.
There should be more scrutiny about the side effects of the vaccine.

To a the poster who posted the OP promoting the idea a million maskless people meeting is a good idea.
Is this movement growing? What will it do next ?

I've got a couple of mates who are really into this and it does seem to be a pretty widespread belief system.
Is this movement growing? What will it do next ?

I've got a couple of mates who are really into this and it does seem to be a pretty widespread belief system.

Alright, wonder if it's anyone I know!?

I think the more obvious public bits of this like demos will vanish as covid recedes, but the general tendency will stay and some of it will move onto other stuff, and I do think it's a genie that will not go back into a bottle now. More detailed than that fuck knows, I guess lots of things like this come and go in some ways and leave no real traces though?

I guess some of what makes it popular (aside from all the mistrust, cynicism, and fear it's grounded in) is that it's a very broad church; you can be anything from a full on plandemic/5G/Soros/vaccines-to-kill-us type, through to just someone that has suffered with the lockdown and thinks there were/are better ways of doing things, and they all seem happy to rub alongside each other. Another plus for them is also the lack of any future vision or solutions (for want of better terms) as it's easier to unite a load of people against some stuff, and with this there's no need for messy conversations about what they want instead, they just don't want this.
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Alright, wonder if it's anyone I know!?

I think the more obvious public bits of this like demos will vanish as covid recedes, but the general tendency will stay and some of it will move onto other stuff, and I do think it's a genie that will not go back into a bottle now. More detailed than that fuck knows, I guess lots of things like this come and go in some ways and leave no real traces though?

I guess some of what makes it popular (aside from all the mistrust, cynicism, and fear it's grounded in) is that it's a very broad church; you can be anything from a full on plandemic/5G/Soros/vaccines-to-kill-us type, through to just someone that has suffered with the lockdown and things there were better ways of doing things and they all seem happy to rub alongside each other. Another plus for them is also the lack of 'vision' (for want of a better term) as it's easy to unite a load of people against some stuff, and with this there's no need for messy conversations about what they want instead, they just don't want this.

so we need a clear and concise, non-condescending argument
Alright, wonder if it's anyone I know!?

I think the more obvious public bits of this like demos will vanish as covid recedes, but the general tendency will stay and some of it will move onto other stuff, and I do think it's a genie that will not go back into a bottle now. More detailed than that fuck knows, I guess lots of things like this come and go in some ways and leave no real traces though?

I guess some of what makes it popular (aside from all the mistrust, cynicism, and fear it's grounded in) is that it's a very broad church; you can be anything from a full on plandemic/5G/Soros/vaccines-to-kill-us type, through to just someone that has suffered with the lockdown and things there were better ways of doing things and they all seem happy to rub alongside each other. Another plus for them is also the lack of 'vision' (for want of a better term) as it's easy to unite a load of people against some stuff, and with this there's no need for messy conversations about what they want instead, they just don't want this.

which is pretty much what you have outlined for those of us that 'know'.

so how should we present the facts to the non-believers in a way they can digest it without feeling like they're being told?
Anyone know what's a sensible estimate of attendance at this shit show? The Sun have video showing thousands that they've labelled as hundreds, The Guardian say thousands, some knob head on Facebook who I called out for saying the media weren't reporting it has now changed to to 'well they aren't admitting it's was a million'.

I'm guessing a few thousand?
Anyone know what's a sensible estimate of attendance at this shit show? The Sun have video showing thousands that they've labelled as hundreds, The Guardian say thousands, some knob head on Facebook who I called out for saying the media weren't reporting it has now changed to to 'well they aren't admitting it's was a million'.

I'm guessing a few thousand?

Tens of thousands I think. Which given that it started with about fifty at Speakers Corner a year ago is an impressive growth dynamic.
Would perhaps have some merit if your first post on the thread wasn't simply to spam some protest without actually inviting any debate or to give your view.

Your next post was to point out the BBC didn't cover it - but generally they don't cover protests very much unless there is trouble. Look at how much press the recent Kill the Bill protests have had compared to earlier ones. It was also inaccurate as it was covered.

Your third post then came out with concerns about rights being restricted if you can't travel - this has long happened with various restrictions on travel to countries that have experienced nasty outbreaks of various diseases before. Some of the way people have been treated when entering the country is out of order.

You are free to get the vaccine or not. I don't agree with enforced vaccines and I don't think you will find many that do. I've had to be vaccinated before due to work for my own protection and that of those I work with. I never questioned it as it makes absolute sense for that to be the case in that situation.

I'm interested in what more scrutiny you would like into the affects of a vaccine. I think others have answered that too.

I'm not convinced that you're really here to make any significant points or debate. Just want to post posters and videos advertising the protests which most here are rightly against.

Sorry if I've added to the pile on, but sometimes if a number of people are calling you out maybe it's worth thinking about or forming some of type of counter argument.
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The whole vaccine and travel thing pisses me off by the way. It's fair enough if you need to travel home, for family or other situations. Crying about potentially not being able to visit a country if they request vaccines for your visit as a tourist is very fucking weak in my opinion and reeks of selfish behaviour.
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which is pretty much what you have outlined for those of us that 'know'.

so how should we present the facts to the non-believers in a way they can digest it without feeling like they're being told?
Carve them into a plank of wood and nail it to their forehead.
Tens of thousands I think. Which given that it started with about fifty at Speakers Corner a year ago is an impressive growth dynamic.

I am not convinced there's been much growth since it first properly took off last August, when ten of thousands turned out to hear the chuckle brothers, Piers Corbyn & David Icke, speak in Trafalgar Square. Numbers did largely drop off over the winter months, and have bounced back with the good weather.

Meanwhile, some of these loons have been claiming that the 'BBC News reported that 350 people attended the anti-lockdown protest in London on 29 May 2021', and sharing images of the crowd, together with this fake TV screenshot, I can't believe they can be so thick. :facepalm:


This caption is a crude fake that has been added afterwards. The original screenshot comes from a news report on 29 April 2020 about the birth of Boris Johnson’s youngest son.

The fake version is clearly not authentic, because the image of Ms Derbyshire is more than a year old. The text in the caption also uses the wrong typeface and has been centred on the screen, which is not the visual style of BBC News.

Ms Derbyshire has also said that the image is fake and that she wasn’t working on Saturday 29 May 2021.

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I am not convinced there's been much growth since it first properly took off last August, when ten of thousands turned out to heard the chuckle brothers, Piers Corbyn & David Icke, speak in Trafalgar Square. Numbers did largely drop off over the winter months, and have bounced back with the good weather.

Meanwhile, some of these loons have been claiming that the 'BBC News reported that 350 people attended the anti-lockdown protest in London on 29 May 2021', and sharing images of the crowd, together with this fake TV screenshot, I can't believe they can be so thick. :facepalm:

View attachment 271444

I'm going by footage and eye witness reports. I think it has grown . But even taken at the lowest it's sustained an attendance of tens of thousands despite a fair amount of repression.

I'm going by footage and eye witness reports. I think it has grown . But even taken at the lowest it's sustained an attendance of tens of thousands despite a fair amount of repression.
Link doesn't work.

I'm going by footage and eye witness reports. I think it has grown . But even taken at the lowest it's sustained an attendance of tens of thousands despite a fair amount of repression.
That's just the ones who can be arsed to go.

77 5g towers have been attacked. Not three or four. Seventy seven. That's those willing to go out and with a petro can, spray paint etc
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